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单词 Connective
1) Vitamin C helps maintain healthy connective tissue.
2) Don't overuse a causal connective like 'because'.
3) The surgeon cut through connective tissue to expose the bone.
4) I was tired between synapses and in the connective tissue of organs.
5) None had connective tissue disease then or in the follow up period.
6) Macrophage: a large scavenger cell present in connective tissue and in many major organs and tissues.
7) Alongside the sorts of connective listed above, other kinds of link can also be useful.
8) Most patients affected have been young women with connective tissue disorders who receive aspirin regularly in high dosage.
9) But there will be a connective thread through it all.
10) Disentangling all the connective strands and lines of causality is a task beyond our scope.
11) Fat cells developing in areolar connective tissue.
12) A connective word,[http:///connective.html] especially a conjunction or conjunctive adverb.
13) In adults, fibroblasts in connective tissue rarely undergo division.
14) The subepithelial connective tissue penetrated the pineal body forming interlobular septum, and separated the pineal body to parenchymal lobules.
15) Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right.
16) Tissue fluid from the capillaries and connective tissue of the Haversian canal can seep through these spaces and channels, bringing nutrients to the stellate osteocytes residing there.
17) Mesodermal-type bones, muscles, connective tissue, fulfilling the patient, physical type than the ectodermal thin people get sick more delicate.
18) Meanwhile, studies published in the Western Journal of Medicine found no evidence linking implants with connective tissue diseases.
19) Many cancers rely on collagenase to break down collagen in connective tissues.
20) A portion of the tail of the pancreas was then quickly excised, trimmed of adipose and connective tissue and used immediately.
21) At these points there are also constrictions in the blood vessels and nerves, and weaknesses in the connective tissues.
22) Young children may well appreciate this before they have sorted out the relation between connective, mode, and temporal order.
23) In particular, homogeneity of description-type and direct conjunction through the connective and produce the most favourable environments for plural production.
24) Heart tissue has a complex architecture that includes blood vessels and connective tissue, as well as muscle cells.
25) The tunica adventitia was serous membrane , but in the mesosalpinx, it was connective tissue.
26) Histologically, the ligamentous attachment of the nerve roots within the foramina consists of adipose and connective tissue.
27) Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder that affects all connective tissue.
28) A theatrical scene requires an obstacle unless it is a pure connective or expository situation.
29) Using external proton beam induced X-ray emission (PIXE) technique, theelemental concentrations in the structures of connective tissue corelated to acupointswere determined.
30) Hepatic histopathological examination showed proliferation of bile duct and fibrous connective tissue, obvious increase of hepatic cell oncosis and liver cell cord derangement in BDL group.
1) Vitamin C helps maintain healthy connective tissue.
2) The surgeon cut through connective tissue to expose the bone.
31) The dermis contains sensory nerves and Blood vessels within connective tissue.
32) Glucosamine Chondroitin Extra Strength provides important building blocks for healthy joints and connective tissues.
33) ResultsBy HE staining, the subepithelial connective tissues and vessels in the pterygium were more prominent than normal conjunctival tissues.
34) The loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels located in the subepithelial layer, and most m...
35) Some argyrophil cells were observed in the connective tissue of lamina propria near epithelium or gland.
36) Given that lens cells have no blood supply, no connective or nervous tissue, and no organelles, can they even be considered alive?
37) It is a malignant connective (soft) tissue tumor whose neoplastic cells present osteoblastic differentiation and form tumoral bone.
38) A degenerating cyst is usually collapsed and surrounded by inflammatory exudate and fibrous connective tissue.
39) Utilizing the variation of autofluorescence and second harmonic generation signal, we can also visualize the interaction between squamous cells and connective tissue in vivo.
40) Result: The neurohypophysis is composed of unmyelinated nerve fibers, pituicytes and connective tissue abound in blood capillaries.
40) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
41) New Songdo City exists as a prototype model of new city expansion and development, designed to be self-sustaining neighborhoods with connective links to surrounding urban centers.
42) The causes may be due to childbirth, connective tissue disease, increased intra - abdominal pressure or iatrogenic causes.
43) Loose ( areolar ) connective tissue - ( in blue ) - surrounding the epithelium of tubules.
44) I have the abscess urethra, rectum and bladder perineal or around by connective tissue inflammation, clearance.
45) Hepatic stellate cells (HSteC) are intralobular connective tissue cells presenting myofibroblast-like or lipocyte phenotypes .
46) Loose irregular connective tissue (also called areolar tissue) as seen underlying and supporting epithelium in an ordinary section.
47) Morphoea is a connective tissue disorder characterised by hardening and thickening of the skin due to an increased collagen deposition.
48) Histologically, the tumor was composed of a myxoid connective tissue with strands of odontogenic epithelium and differentiated tissue such as enamel and dentin.
49) Given an inner point in the connective area, by means of a reference line, the next connective line segment can be found quickly and correctly.
50) They did not do it cavalierly , and they did not do it frivolously, and they believe they had a connective logic, and a tissue to get them to their judgments.
51) This fitness equipment makes improvements in co - ordination and balance and connective tissue.
52) The dermis is composed of the connective tissue that supports the epidermis.
53) The detected faults include stuck-at faults on connective lines, bridge faults on line groups, control memory (CM) cell stuck-at faults, CM adjacent cell coupling faults and CM multiple access faults.
54) The periodontal ligament is a connective tissue located between the cementum of teeth and the alveolar bone of the mandibula.
55) The thin connective tissue capsule around a silicone breast implant is shown here.
56) As a logical connective sign between understanding and perception, does it have its own content?
57) All cells have secretory and absorptive functions besides 4ibblasts and granular cells in connective tissue, there are myofibril, collagenous fibril and unmyelinated fibers.
58) Conclusions: Paravertebral injection with adriamycin could induce degeneration and necrosis of DRG cell, which was finally replaced by connective tissue.
59) For today the influence of ozone therapy on the pathology of connective tissue is terra incognita.
60) Scar formation was avoided, and disfiguring pigmentation in the paravenous connective tissue was hardly ever observed.
61) Methods 20 specimens of antiseptic knee joint were dissected. Synovial membrane of knee joint cavity and deep infrapatellar bursa, and the related connective tissue were observed and analyzed.
62) It is shown that choosing LM317 to be the manostat, the PIN diodes to be the photodetector, and the I-V transformation to be the connective mode, the designing index can be fulfilled.
63) Bilateral tibia and the second metatarsus were moved out and rejected all connective tissue.
64) It is also encased in membranes of connective tissue called the meninges.
65) Instrument can decide resistor of loop of ground connection of connective of this ground connection automatically.
66) Connective tissues of liver hepar are not developed, so the edge of the hepatic lobule is not distinctive.
67) The rings on every layer were meshed by the horizontal scanning line algorithm to make some even connective rectangular meshes.
68) This mucin stain of the wall of the aorta demonstrates cystic medial necrosis, typical for Marfan's syndrome and causes the connective tissue weakness that explains the aortic dissection.
69) In high energy shock wave group 2, mature lamellar bone occurred, there were plenty of proliferation of connective tissues and glass-like changes.
70) Pathologically, the pulmonary lesions seen in patients with silicosis are centrilobular, peribronchiolar nodules consisting of layers of laminated connective tissue.
70) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
71) The two are similar, but present differences in letter case, use of connective; e.g. hypen or underscore, and the type and number of possible extra tags (subtags).
72) Various types of connective tissue include the epimysium, the perimysium, and the endomysium.
73) The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater.
74) Free nerve endings may be seen in the subepidermal connective tissue and muscular tissue, especially prominent near small blood vessels.
75) Conclusion: The evolution from dense connective tissue of perichondrial outmost layer to mature cartilaginous tissue showed a continuous evolving histokinetic pro-cess.
76) It may be a transitional form between dense regular connective tissue and bone.
77) Examples of the latter include the connective tissue disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
78) The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop.
79) The extension of the sclera could accordingly be due to incorrect enzymatic control with increasing softening of connective tissue cement and ground substance (Gatzino, 1956).
80) White fat is partitioned by septa of loose connective tissue into clusters of adipose cells.
81) The stroma of all lymphatic organs is made up of reticular connective tissue.
82) Over the other surface of the heart lies another layer of connective tissue, the epicardium.
83) Necrobiosis lipoidica (NL) is a dermal connective tissue-involved disease characterized by scleroderma-like patches in the pretibial area.
84) To this we've added vitamin C and methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), which is required from the body to maintain healthy connective tissues and joint function.
85) Pores connect the protonephridial lumen to the intercellular space of connective tissue (parenchyma) and are located at the junction of a flame cell and a proximal canal cell.
86) In every case they involve a connective reference, and hence through their means are formed synthetic judgments apriori, that is, primary and underivative connections of opposites.
87) Results The cross sectional images of the first Chinese visible human fairly could display the osseous tissue, connective tissue, nerve and vessels.
88) Connective tissue is softened and tenderized by cooking slowly in moisture.
89) TLR4 was also expressed in periodontal connective tissues, and the TLR4-positive cells was overall in connective tissue subjacent to epithelium.
90) In tonsil tissue, there are lymphadenosis, more folliculus lymphaticus and connective tissue . 3.
91) A stain highlights the collagenous connective tissue of pulmonary fibrosis in blue.
92) Results The pineal capsule was composed of a layer flattened epithelial cells and a subepithelial connective tissue.
93) Mesoderm --- The middle germ layer in the early embryo; the source of cells that go on to make bones, muscles, connective tissue, heart, hematopoietic system, kidney, and other organs.
94) Another barrier to water-soluble drugs is the glial connective tissue cells (astrocytes), which form an astrocytic sheath close to the basement membrane of the capillary endothelium.
95) Osteogenesis imperfecta(OMIM 166200)is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by bone fragility and abnormalities of connective tissue.
96) The argyrophil cells in the cecum mainly distribute in the connective tissue.
97) Compared to free gingival graft, subepithelial connective tissue graft or guided tissue regeneration, the indication of semilunar coronally positioned flap in root coverage is more limited.
98) Collagen and elastin provide the strength and resiliency of connective tissues such as skin and ligaments.
99) The normal diploic space is replaced by fibrous connective tissue with numerous large vascular channels.
100) Although gouty arthritis is a common metabolic disorder, and the gouty tophi may be deposited in the joints and juxtaarticular connective tissue, its affliction of the axial spine is relatively rare./connective.html
101) Results: During the mouse ovarian cycle somatostatin cells were found in the lamina propria of the endometrium and around the uterine glands and in the connective tissue among the myometrium.
102) Connective tissue nevi are uncommon hamartomas that may be acquired or may manifest an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance.
103) There are three types of syntheses in desiring machine: Connective synthesis, disjunctive synthesis, and conjunctive synthesis.
104) To study effects of ketotifen on mucosal mast cells(MMC) and connective tissue mast cells(CTMC)in stress induced rat gastric mucosal damage.
105) The wall of the sausage-shaped testis is composed of connective tissue and germinal epithelium inside.
106) Results The neurohypophysis was composed of unmyelinated nerve fibres, pituicytes and connective tissue abound in blood capillaries.
107) Marfan's Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue in the body.
108) The results show that, there are typical Golgi apparatus in spermatogonium, they are located near the nuclear membrane, and the saccules are connected by connective tubules.
109) A relatively inactive , immobile macrophage found in normal connective tissue.
110) Collagens are a group of proteins in the dermis, the connective tissue layer of the skin, and are responsible for the strength of skin.
111) This trichrome stain demonstrates the collapse of the liver parenchyma with viral hepatitis. The blue-staining areas are the connective tissue of many portal tracts that have collapsed together.
112) A trichrome stain highlights the collagenous connective tissue of pulmonary fibrosis in blue.
113) At present, the research of function of inference is mainly consisted of connective inference and elaborative inference.
114) Connective tissues, joint fluid, and cartilage contain two - component polysaccharides, including heparin.
115) The lymphocyte-mediated inflammatory process affects the extraocular muscles, periorbital fat and connective tissues.
116) The arachnoid is composed of connective tissue devoid of blood vessels.
117) Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints, or other connective tissue and lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system.
118) Results Hanges were observed in blood vessels, connective tissue, muscular and interstitial tissue and rectal mucosa of incarcerated hemorrhoid with infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells.
119) ResultsThe blood vessels and capillaries in monkey pineal body existed only in the connective tissue of capsule and interlobular septum, those did not in the pineal parenchymal lobules.
120) Interestingly, for females this cavity begins to fill in with age. The pulp is composed of a highly vascular tissue (blood vessels and nerves), which is amongst unspecialized connective tissue.
121) Examples may include servers, disk storage devices, tape storage devices, and connective devices associated with these items.
122) Its smaller acini , the lack of Qu tubular, and normal morphology with complete loss, irregular stromal infiltration to collagen connective tissue layer no longer exists.
123) By using the method of vector Lyapunov function , the partial connective stability of large-scale systems with functionally dependent factor is discussed.
124) This bridge suffers the destruction of connective rainstorm, and it is dangerous.
125) It also visibly reduces scar tissue and repairs and regenerates connective tissue.
126) Results The primary diseases were connective tissue diseases, bullous dermatoses, and severe drug eruption, and the predominant causes of death were severe infection and multiple organ failure.
127) There are lymphatic tissue cords,(http:///connective.html) connective tissue cords and intercord lymph sinus and lymphatic nodules also in the loose areas.
128) This dissertation also studies the complementary distribution of the connective He and the connective Yu, in the number of paratactic parts, especial construction, and the phonetic requirements, etc.
129) The evolution of 'wen-ti-shi' as a textual connective belongs to synchronous grammaticalizational phenomena.
130) Leydig cell distributes in the connective tissue of the Seminiferous and its weight is only 2 percent of the whole testis, but it synthesizes 95 percent of the whole testosterone in human body.
131) Chondroitin Sulfate stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid (a component of synovial fluid) which is the lubricant for joints as well as a major component of connective tissue in the skin.
132) The histopathological patterns consisted basically of reticular degeneration of the epidermis, inflammatory infiltration of the corium and proliferation of the connective tissue.
133) Haemocytopoiesis occurred in connective tissues adjacent to the site of gametogenesis with basement membrane as a boundary between them.
134) Osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited disorder of connective tissue, which affects the skeleton, ligament, skin, sclera, and dentin.
135) The alpaca's hair fiber squamae arranged porous, and there were many hair follicles, which were severed two clusters by the connective tissue.




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