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单词 bull terrier
释义  Related topics: Animals, Petsˌbull ˈterrier noun [countable]  HBADHPa strong short-haired dog 斗牛㹴(一种体格结实的短毛犬) → pit bull terrierExamples from the Corpusbull terrier• Where once a Chanel handbag or bull terrier would have done, the fashionable woman now holds a smiling child.• High Road has tackled all kinds of issues from pit bull terrier fighting to cot death in order to illuminate character.• Their Staffordshire bull terrier Bodger was destroyed after the attack in their home at Lee-on-Solent, Portsmouth.• Fruity Fred the bull terrier took a fancy to the leggy lovely and thought he'd try his luck.• The bull terrier at once left off lapping water from its baking dish and went and put its head on her knee.• It was a portrait of the white bull terrier, executed with incredible precision.ˌbull ˈterrier nounChineseSyllable  a dog short-haired Corpus strong




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