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单词 bold
释义  Related topics: Colours, Newspapers, printing, publishingbold /bəʊld $ boʊld/ ●●○ adjective  1  person/action 人/行为BRAVE not afraid of taking risks and making difficult decisions 果敢的,敢于冒险的,大胆的 In a surprisingly bold move, he is threatening court action against the company. 他出人意料地做出一个大胆举动,威胁要起诉这家公司。 My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman. 我姑妈芙洛是一个大胆果断的人。 He had the ability to take bold imaginative decisions. 他能够作出富有创见的大胆决定。► see thesaurus at brave2  manner/appearance 举止/外貌CONFIDENT so confident or determined that you sometimes offend people 唐突的,冒失的,鲁莽的 You should be feeling confident and bold when you meet your bank manager. 你会见银行经理的时候要大胆自信。 She marched into his office as bold as brass (=very confident and not showing enough respect). 她放肆地直闯进他的办公室。3  colours/shapes 颜色/形状CCCF very strong or bright so that you notice them 醒目的,显眼的,轮廓清晰的 bold geometric shapes 清晰的几何图形 Stripes are bold, bright, and fun to wear. 条纹衫醒目明亮,穿起来很好玩。 bold colours 鲜艳夺目的色彩4  lines/writing 线条/书写CLEAR/EASY TO SEE written or drawn in a very clear way 粗线条的;粗大醒目的 an envelope addressed to her in a bold black hand 用又粗又黑的字写给她的一个信封 The graphics are bold and colourful. 图表很醒目,色彩很丰富。 The print should be bold and easy to read. 字应该印得粗大醒目,容易看清。5  TCNprinted letters 印刷字体 printed in letters that are darker and thicker than ordinary printed letters 粗体的,黑体的 All the headings are in bold type. 所有标题都采用黑体字。 →5 see picture at 见图 font6  make/be so bold (as to do something) formalDO something/TAKE ACTION to do something that other people feel is rude or not acceptable 无礼地(做某事);好意思(做某事) I see you have been so bold as to ask for food at this hour. 我看这个时候你还好意思来要东西吃。7  if I may be so bold ASK A QUESTION British English spoken formal used when asking someone a question, to show that you are slightly annoyed with them 恕我冒昧地问〔表示对某人略有不悦〕 Tell me, if I may be so bold as to ask, precisely what you are talking about. 请恕我冒昧地问一句,你到底在说什么? —boldly adverb —boldness noun [uncountable]n COLLOCATIONSnounsa bold moveThe newspapers described her resignation as a bold move.a bold stepThe following year he made a bold step to expand his business.a bold attemptIt was a bold attempt to win back public confidence.a bold statement/assertion/claimIn a surprisingly bold statement, the couple said they had no intention of marrying.a bold decisionDeciding to emigrate is a bold decision for anyone to make.a bold initiativeInvestors have become used to the company’s bold initiatives.a bold experimentMaking a film from the book was a bold experiment, and it worked.Examples from the Corpusbold• And we ought, in fairness, to wonder who else in similar circumstances would have proved so much bolder?• He was one of the boldest and most innovative composers of his day.• What we need is a strong leader, someone who is bold enough to make tough decisions.• Roller blinds offer a good deal of scope through colour and fabric combinations, from floral patterns to bold geometric prints.• bold illustrations• a bold leader• They are looking for bold leadership.• As innocent as that sounded, it was a bold move.• Autumnal eyes are bold, obvious, slightly overdone, in deep, dark colors.• Protests over the scale, and the proposed design, combined with financial realities to quash a very bold plan.• The speech began with a bold statement about racism.• wallpaper with bold stripes• It would not be considered bold today.bold move• As innocent as that sounded, it was a bold move.• That first trip was a bold move.• In a particularly bold move, I decided to shave less often.• That would be a bold move indeed.• Two years later, in 1994, he made perhaps the boldest move of his life.• It is a bold move, since it throws into reverse one of Clinton's central election pledges.• Lee wasted no time entering Maryland, the men being in high spirits as the bold move was made.Origin bold Old English bealdbold adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  decisions not afraid Corpus taking of risks difficult and making




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