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单词 afterwards
释义  af·ter·wards /ˈɑːftəwədz $ ˈæftərwərdz/ ●●● S2 W3 adverb (also afterward)  AFTERafter an event or time that has already been mentioned 随后,以后,后来 Charles arrived shortly afterwards. 过了不多久,查尔斯来了。days/weeks etc afterwards The experience haunted me for years afterwards. 此后多年,这经历一直困扰着我。 She died not long afterwards. 不久以后她去世了。 Afterwards, I was asked to write a book. 后来,有人要我写一本书。► see thesaurus at afterExamples from the Corpusafterwards• His wife fell ill in June and died soon afterwards.• The operation was rather painful, but I felt a lot better afterwards.• But it was all too late, and Wakeling quit soon afterwards.• I remember the blood on the grass when I came out afterwards.• In contrast, Ellis showed great form until the dismissal which he said afterwards amazed him.• A couple of years afterwards I bumped into her in a supermarket.• For a while my wife and I were helpless with laughter, but trying to clean up afterwards taught us a lesson!• Other members of their families were upstairs dancing, and afterwards they all walked home in a group.• Immediately afterwards they had a grand Field Day.not long afterwards• He had girl friends from the age of twelve and was rumoured to drink beer not long afterwards.• The barrage of public anger was intense, Mr Whitney returned to the backbenches not long afterwards.• Sure enough, not long afterwards she heard the first faint sounds of pursuit.• And the day, not long afterwards, when she'd first heard some one call her father·ter·wards adverbChineseSyllable  time Corpus been after or an already event mentioned has that




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