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单词 Eliot
1. George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.
2. Eliot appreciated Pound's caustic wit.
3. Eliot campaigned for the preservation of London's churches.
4. Eliot wrote plays as well as poetry.
5. At one time, George Eliot lived here.
6. As T.S. Eliot puts it ...
7. He wrote to Eliot about a "big book" that was germinating in his mind.
8. George Eliot was a pen - name; her real name was Mary Ann Evans.
9. We could look at some modern poets, like Eliot and Hughes.
10. She cites both T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf in her article.
11. As a young man, Eliot had studied art in Paris.
12. Denholm Eliot put in a cameo appearance as a butler.
13. But I owe its initial success to Eliot.
14. Eliot wrote a caustic letter back.
15. Eliot was stretched the length of his iron bedstead.
16. Eliot was unable to renounce the world he knew.
17. Have you ever heard of the poet T.S. Eliot?
18. Eliot did not beat about the bush.
19. Eliot had to drive home in the blizzard.
20. Eliot is here making use of the most modern anthropologically based classical scholarship in order to construct his own primitive play.
21. In late 1919 Eliot resolved to begin a long poem.
22. Eliot looked sly and deceitful, as though he wasn't telling us the whole truth.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. I had heard the name Eliot, but had read absolutely nothing of his.
24. In this dilemma, Eliot was less than helpful to his apologists.
25. Eliot concurred; but he still felt that sometimes it was necessary to write a fairly sharp rejoinder.
26. Royce's seminars had acquainted Eliot with the second law of thermodynamics if he had not known it before.
27. The sheer amplitude of the novel invites comparisons with Tolstoy and George Eliot.
28. One day, in an elated mood, we thought we would give Eliot a surprise.
29. He did not, in any case, have a high opinion of Santayana - an animus which Santayana reciprocated towards Eliot.
30. The Rock opens with the seasonal fertility cycle which had horrified the trapped Eliot of the earlier poetry and the dramatic fragments.
1. Eliot appreciated Pound's caustic wit.
2. Eliot campaigned for the preservation of London's churches.
3. George Eliot was a pen - name; her real name was Mary Ann Evans.
31. This is hardly surprising, since its gestation period comprised the years in which Eliot was working on the Notes.
32. Then, from discussing modern urban life, Eliot makes a remarkable leap.
33. Eliot at once sent him a cablegram, saying that he was one to whom all contemporary poets owed a debt.
34. In the few years that followed, Eliot adopted various strategies to keep his poetry flowing.
35. Eliot, who lent the circle considerable prestige, found himself in congenial assorted, and in some cases strange, company.
36. In fact, intervention of another kind took place on 27 January 1947, with the sudden death of Vivien Eliot.
37. Eliot was asked to give the first Yeats memorial lecture in Dublin in 1940.
38. But in another respect they take issue directly with Richards, following the guidance of Eliot.
39. Rosenfeld and Saul Bellow used to collaborate in translating Eliot into Yiddish.
40. Having appeared to saddle Eliot with reading Sorel's book, I was reluctant to impose further tasks on him.
41. There was every reason, apart from the unexpectedness of the news, why this should have given Eliot the greatest distress.
42. And I never knew he took my advice about Eliot so seriously.
43. Propaganda could be effective - this was what Eliot was getting at - only by ceasing to be mere propaganda.
44. To bring about this sense of community, Eliot includes historical and contemporary Londoners of various social classes.
45. George Eliot shows real concern for religious and moral themes.
46. I decided to call round with it and have a word with Eliot if he was there.
47. Eliot, who might have defended himself, let Shildon's bitterness go unremarked.
48. The play could now be tentatively scheduled for the Edinburgh Festival of 1953, one year later than Eliot had originally planned.
49. He spoke often of Eliot, trying from time to time to poke gentle fun at him.
50. In November 1921 Eliot expressed a dread of London, longing for sea or mountains.
51. Eliot led a strangely unsettled life, drifting from place to place and job to job.
52. He had attacked Eliot for worshipping culture, which I considered about as false an imputation as could be imagined.
53. Eliot could not it first hear it either and bending down with a friendly expression, asked her to repeat the name.
54. Much of this agony Eliot imported from his own sufferings, though, as usual, these are transmuted through his reading.
55. Eliot deliberately presents his South Sea life in crude terms.
56. We wanted very much to ask Eliot round before departure, especially as we had now moved to a bigger flat.
57. Johnson passes to White, White passes to Eliot, and Eliot scores!
58. Eliot has it perhaps worse than I have - poor devil.
59. To explain it, Eliot gave the analogy of a catalyst in a chemical reaction.
60. Yet, as much as reversion to primitivism, so settling back into childhood enjoyment and innocence was undesirable to Eliot.
61. This freedom enables Eliot to find the proper niche for art, science, poetry and metaphysics as meaningful, liberating endeavors.
62. Accordingly, I wrote to Eliot asking whether he would agree to lend us his assistance and his authority in this way.
63. We noticed with what great deference he treated Eliot, though they were obviously on close and confidential terms.
64. George Eliot twice had her head shaved so that her bumps could be read more accurately.
65. There was a hush-hush meeting with Eliot and I was to keep out of the way.
66. Even Eliot Ness would have had his hands full with this baby-faced crew.
67. Eliot has been careful to avoid any sort of sentimental religiosity, and this strengthens greatly the play's climax.
68. Often Dawson's ideas are remarkably similar to those of Eliot.
69. These responses mark an important distinction in the later appreciation of Eliot.
70. Although she grumbles that T.S. Eliot does so much, she is all game for it herself.
71. Eliot was a lonely man, and Hayward was the only single person he knew with whom he could share a flat.
72. I therefore asked Eliot if I might quote his name as a reference.
73. In this respect, at least, John Eliot Gardiner's recording on Archiv far outshines the present one.
74. Eliot stressed that there should be no maintaining of different attitudes for cathedral drama and for West End theatre.
75. And about this Eliot is again uncharacteristically emphatic, as well as eloquent.
76. Marian Evans wrote under the name of George Eliot.
77. Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888—1965) was born at St.
78. Chapter III focuses on the theme of Religion of Humanity embodied by Dorothea and the Garth family as George Eliot"s response to the estranging universe."
79. T. S. Eliot is acknowledged as a famous twentieth century master of modernism.
80. Its substance is similar to that of Waste Land of Eliot.
81. George Eliot described her first reading of Rousseau as an electric shock.
82. In moderate Maine Eliot Cutler, an independent who had worked for the Carter administration, only narrowly lost to the Republican candidate.
82. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
83. I rate Zola and George Eliot more highly than he does.
84. After Lewes'death in 1878 , Eliot wrote nothing further , dying just two years later, in i 880.
85. Play as Eliot Ness in this frantic mobile shooter and bring Al Capone to justice.
86. Dr Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning.
87. And how found you that godly man, the Apostle Eliot?
88. Eliot Deacon: I requirement to undergo your height. For your coffin.
89. My one sufficient object was to greet that pious friend of mine, the Apostle Eliot, and rejoice with him over the many precious souls he hath won from heathendom!
90. However, George Eliot has attainted brilliant achievements in literature and endowed her with splendid artistic treasures.
91. I'm reading a novel The Mill on the Floss, written by the famous novelist, George Eliot.
92. but nevertheless hiding behind frequently male names like Currer Bell, Acton Bell, George Eliot, and so on, and not really entering into questions of the place of women in society.
93. Who cannot recognize a Tennessee Williams play or a novel by John Updike or Ernest Hemingway or a poem by Robert Frost or W. H. Auden or T. S. Eliot?
94. How much do you about the works of George Eliot?
95. Their set of George Eliot was foxed and buckled by the rain.
96. George Fox was later found to be New York governor Eliot Spitzer and Dupre was a prostitute.
97. Eliot took boxing lessons from an ex-pugilist in a toughish gym in Boston's South End.
98. Mr Johnson said writers such as George Eliot and Alexander Pope were " untouchable" in a curriculum shake-up.
99. That is a course that I like to teach, too; usually I teach Plato to T.S. Eliot or Plato to I.A. Richards or some other important figure in the early twentieth century.
100. Jerome Robbins, George Balanchine, Agnes de Mille, Alvin Alley, Eliot Feld, and Martha Graham are among the best known choreographers.
101. So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot, author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life. He's a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska.
102. Therefore in my opinion, self - abandonment and sympathy are just what George Eliot strongly advocates in Middlemarch.
103. Dickens, Eliot, Gaskell: despite their interest in social change, regionalism, community, the position of women, these great English novelists have nothing in common with Lawrence at all.
104. The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe the sight the gentry ( George Eliot ).
105. How much do you know about the works of George Eliot?
106. S · Eliot is one of the most influential poet literary critic in the 20 th century.
107. After Eliot and Richards the general tone of criticism changed dramatically from rhapsodic appreciation and dry historicism to the technical critique of specific works of art.
108. Today, however -- a century after her death -- George Eliot is popular again.
109. W. B. Yeats (1865-1939), the winner of Nobel Prize for literature in the year of 1923, was honored by T. S. Eliot as "the greatest poet of our age—certainly the greatest in this language" of English.
110. The Poetical Theory of Jiuye School and T. S. Eliot:From Theoretical Construction to Practical Criticism.
111. She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts. "George Eliot".
112. Burnside has achieved wide critical acclaim[http://], winning the Whitbread Poetry Award in 2000 for The Asylum Dance which was also shortlisted for the Forward and T. S. Eliot prizes.
113. He wrote in a highly individual, sometimes obscure, way that was in sharp contrast to the compressed intellectual style of T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden and other contemporary poets.
114. I should be most happy, on the understanding that Mr. Eliot will be present, too.
115. T · S · Eliot is one of the most influential poet literary critic in the 20 th century.
116. Washington University in Saint Louis was named Eliot Seminary when it opened in 1853.
117. Rockefeller's grave, and a monument to lawman Eliot Ness, whose ashes were scattered in Wade Pond.
118. T.S. Eliot, who was in many ways associated with the New Criticism, one of its intellectual forebears, nevertheless took a somewhat dim view of it and called it "lemon squeezer criticism."
119. Every new device on the market is, to return to Eliot, "Filled with fancies and empty of meaning / Tumid apathy with no concentration".
120. "How we did adore and envy them, the idols of our college years—Hemingway and Faulkner, Frost and Eliot, Mary McCarthy and Flannery O'Connor and Eudora Welty!" wrote John Updike.
121. I shall be most happy on the understanding that Mr. Eliot will be present, too.
122. Eliot ( 1888 - 1965 ), marked the consummate artistry of Anglo - American modernist poetry.
123. But the owners at the time refused to spin MySpace off before Eliot Spitzer, then New York's attorney general, began investigating Intermix, and the site was sold to News Corp.
124. I wanted to be independent of universities, as William Carlos Williams was, or Wallace Stevens or Eliot.
125. Rainer Maria Rilke and Yeats , Eliot 1, known as the three great modern European poets.
126. The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentryGeorge Eliot.
127. She reads primarily "to keep up," as she puts it, much prefers Rudyard Kipling to T.S. Eliot, rarely dines out or sees a play.
128. Communications answered that T. S. Eliot was not a new code or the colours of the day.




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