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单词 Colors
1. The country is gay with all colors of bunting.
2. A prism decomposes sunlight into various colors.
3. Do you think these two colors will blend together?
4. You can use any two colors — for example, red and yellow.
5. Life is a palette, you put colors on it. Let your past make you better, not bitter.
6. The colors of your coat, hat and muffler shall harmonize.
7. Ted was very particular about the colors he used.
8. Solid colors are more slimming than patterns.
9. There are various colors to choose from.
10. Don't wash whites and colors together.
11. His coat was woven from wool of many colors.
12. The colors in the room harmonized.
13. Troops raised the country's colors in a special ceremony.
14. Warm colors were all the cry last year.
15. Once he achieved power he showed his true colors.
16. The colors are perfectly tuned to each other.
17. The restaurant's yuppified interior was done in colors like teal and mauve.
18. The colors aren't fast, so be careful when you wash this shirt.
19. I just curled up when I saw the colors he had chosen.
20. Carolyn always wore bright colors like red.
21. He was playing a cop in Colors.
22. The ladies were dressed in improbable combinations of colors.
23. Students with their faces grease-painted in school colors.
24. The fleece tops for children come in fashionable colors.
25. Our brick courtyard shimmered with colors.
26. Mary's got it all so nice-you remember how artistic she always was with colors.
27. So far McAllister seemed to have passed all the tests with flying colors.
28. One end is blue, one end is red( ), and the colors merge in the middle.
29. You'll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.
30. With your hair and your beautiful skin, you'd look good in red and other bright colors.
1. The country is gay with all colors of bunting.
2. A prism decomposes sunlight into various colors.
3. Do you think these two colors will blend together?
4. You can use any two colors — for example, red and yellow.
5. The colors of your coat, hat and muffler shall harmonize.
6. His coat was woven from wool of many colors.
7. The colors are perfectly tuned to each other.
8. One end is blue, one end is red, and the colors merge in the middle.
9. I just curled up when I saw the colors he had chosen.
31. Cool colors recede, increasing the sense of depth.
32. Choose room colors to please yourself, not your friends.
33. I see those lightning flashes again, colors striking.
34. To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors.
35. Many of the houses were painted bright colors.
36. Think cyber in black, white, silver and crayon colors.
37. Solid colors would be more flattering than stripes.
38. Petal colors include every tint between white and pink.
39. The male bird is a veritable rainbow of colors.
40. The flag's colors are red, gold, and blue.
41. Some callers immediately show their true colors.
42. The room was painted in light, restrained colors.
43. Choose bright colors, but make sure they don't clash.
44. Our ice cream contains no artificial colors or flavors.
45. Does he react well to bright lights and colors?
46. The pulpit was decked with the national colors.
47. Warhol often varied the colors slightly from one print to the next.
48. Susan, who had to endure a traumatic eye operation, seemed at first unable to learn colors and numbers.
49. The system offers users the ability to introduce both innovative designs and vibrant colors into plain, gray cement.
50. Too many children are entering kindergarten without basic skills of knowing colors, letters and numbers.
51. Each helmet, in any of five colors, costs $ 29. 99, including shipping and handling.
52. The colors we responded to when we were children, we reportedly still respond to.
53. Rich colors, luscious textures,(http:///colors.html) and inventive layering are giving women more options in hosiery than in past seasons.
54. He soon began painting the structures with fluorescent colors and displaying them with backlight.
55. Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint. Pablo Picasso 
56. Analogous colors are those that lie next to one another on the wheel.
57. Not boring white or dark blue broadcloth, but in an explosion of colors and fabrics, from stretch denim to corduroy.
58. Two colors of light that, when mixed together, make white light are called complementary colors.
59. It was a complex job: there were three colors of brick and over fifty different shapes.
60. Every settlement on the line of march was festooned with the national colors.
61. I walked out the door and everything had different colors to it.
62. The reef fishes display an almost endless variety of colors and patterns.
63. Undoubtedly it colors my deepest feelings about him, feelings I was developing months before lie was even born.
64. This one, when you hold it up to the sun, you see rainbow colors in it.
65. They rejected the sexual stereotype of blue for a boy and pink for a girl, and dressed their baby in other colors instead.
66. Most are bizarre and interesting, but they often lack the hardiness and exotic colors of the coral fishes.
67. Apple also said that selected Power Mac and Performa models are hampered by system freezes and sudden changes in colors.
68. Tell General Bragg I will see that these colors are in the right place.
69. This complementary pair of colors is easily accessible in cyclamen, poinsettias and berrying plants.
70. A redneck to his roots, Johnson none the less embraced equality between colors and classes as his ticket to historical heaven.
71. Many minerals show a characteristic color on freshly broken surfaces; others show characteristic colors on weathered or altered surfaces.
72. It is a random arrangement of all the colors imaginable, with continually different color combinations at every glance.
73. You could fan them out, and a rainbow of colors appeared.
74. Neutral colors in their cubicles would soothe them, while sharp, vibrant colors would energize them in the public areas.
75. Acclaimed designer Carleton Varney has introduced bright new colors and a sense of airy spaciousness while retaining a healthy respect for tradition.
76. No mention was made in the article or in the captions of artificial colors being used.
77. This woman, the campesina, had painted it in bright colors.
78. In my view Reagan had come through with flying colors.
79. With the exception of the flag with the swastika, I do not remember colors other than gray.
80. Though Ryan draws her colors from the full color spectrum, the individual hues are subdued.
81. The child is asked to predict what colors the two blocks will be.
82. Describe the fountain, the apple tree, and the ferryboat with sounds and colors that your child will remember.
83. It's a good thing that when God created the rainbow he didn't consult a decorator or he would still be picking colors. Sam Levenson 
84. And a certain kind of heroism, a tone of valiant despair,( ) colors the choreography.
85. We human beings don’t realize how great God is. He has given us an extraordinary brain and a sensitive loving heart. He has blessed us with two lips to talk and express our feelings, two eyes which see a world of colors and beauty, two feet which walk on the road of life, two hands to work for us, a nose which smells the beauty of fragrance, and two ears to hear the words of love. As I found with my ear, no one knows how much power they have in their each and every organ until they lose one. Malala Yousafzai 
86. I see her again, very straight, dressed in light colors, not at all showy.
87. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the colors.
88. She prefers bright colors in floral patterns or wide stripes.
89. The woman was laughing, glass lay in shards across the puddles of the bar and changed colors.
90. Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Terry Pratchett 
91. Glass in gorgeous colors, and glass in workaday sheets of homely pale-green plate glass.
92. On a platform about thirty women were ablaze in primary colors and precious metals.
93. Next to each color listed on the board, list the colors the students report seeing on their blotters.
94. Even in his bluest period, Picasso blended enough colors to make various shades seem like an entire palette.
95. Just more oversized trousers, bold colors and the overstuffed parkas that are rapidly becoming fashion classics.
96. They paint witches and goblins in black and in primary colors.
97. She had a stick painted with bands of bright colors, from which hung a gong.
98. There were several colors of pencils, even a slide rule, at which she was frowning.
99. Colors of the hybrids now on the market include shades of red and pink in addition to white.
100. Rich golds and elegant silvers are the colors for this season.
101. Even Andy Hertzfeld, who was reputed to bleed the rainbow colors of the Apple logo, left the company.
102. We drove past guys in gang colors, shouting obscenities, throwing bottles, hanging out.
103. In the garden, warm colors move toward the eye, visually shortening distances.
104. The brilliant colors inside the stained-glass globe are intensified by hundreds of small lights.
105. If he likes to paint, he chooses intense colors all the time.
106. The spectral classes established by asteroid observers are based on the colors and total reflectivity of their targets.
107. These samples were used by the architects to make up their minds about the colors and types to use.
108. But the colors, too, never blend, and retain their individual identity.
109. Colors of the rainbow sparkled in the spray, the ground was less pitted and dusty.
110. Just as warm and cool colors visually manipulate the size of a garden, they set the mood as well.
111. Look at the colors in the fog swirling about the bridge.
112. The designer and the White House are mum about colors and particulars.
113. Midway between sun and stagnant water he blazed in his glorious colors of putrefaction dark green, dark blue, black.
114. Our colors run together, and it is a constant struggle to keep a neat palette with each hue in its place.
115. Can you look again, and try to capture all the colors of that sky?
116. Jennifer would be on the sofa painting her toenails different colors to see which one she liked best.
117. Encourage the children to note the colors and textures of the fabrics.
118. In his slow, workmanlike way he takes a pink crayon and colors a nose on every bunny.
119. We cycled through the hills, which were ablaze with fall colors.
120. In their bright colors, they looked like an exotic group of forest creatures grazing their natural habitat.
121. I'm afraid the colors ran when I washed your shirt.
122. Instead, one has to have a collection of gluons whose colors add up to white.
123. Selected colors and shopped around for the best insurance rates.
124. Britten paints the sea in colors as robust as the authentic sets and costumes are gray and stony sepulchral.
125. He saw a medical doctor three days before he died of a heart attack and passed the checkup with flying colors.
126. What a terrific idea, sure to help more folks find delight in the lives, colors and habits of birds.
127. Autumnal eyes are bold, obvious, slightly overdone, in deep, dark colors.
128. The young are particularly vivid, their colors and patterns changing systematically with growth to the more subdued beauty of the adult.
129. The apartment had been furnished in rich, deep colors and gorgeous fabrics.
130. The images burned him, exploded in flashy colors like burning rockets.
131. Bleak heights are carpeted in radiant colors; every crack and crevice of a frowning crag blossoms.
132. I wanted all those wonderful colors to collide in ways that could blow your voice box right off.
133. You start either from scratch or by modifying an existing module, changing colors, shapes and movement.
134. How did the colors red and green become associated with Christmas?
135. Both tap the opinions of fashion and interior designers and make predictions several years before the colors hit the market.
136. Most colors are still around, but perhaps not in the combinations that were overdone in the recent past.
137. The colors clash, the furniture is ugly, and nobody is happy about this.
138. The amazonian flow of colors, signals, urgent messages that had been besieging their brains since birth evaporated.
139. So we have crossed a 219 minimum of four boundaries between opposite colors.
140. Looks real black and white now-very clear-but back then everything came at you in these bright colors.
141. High-tech in fabrics and zippers, they can look polished and preppy in Ivy League colors, or slouchy and casual.
142. Barney Orlansky was purple and gold from head to toe -- hat, shirt and high-top shoes in Lakers colors.
143. People drove out to see it, a patch of bright colors in the snow,() and dropped in to see him.
144. But food manufacturers are paying close attention to the colors, textures and flavors that appeal to children and teen-agers.
145. Joop sent his boys out in Tyroleaninspired hats, many in flashy bright colors and some in animal skins.
146. Explanation White light is made up of all the colors you can see in a rainbow.
147. The starch product comes in various shapes, colors and sizes.
148. On the opposite wall, photographer Christopher Burkett plumbs the brilliant unnatural colors of the natural world.
149. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are the only mammals decorated with bright colors such as blue and pink.
150. He cleaned up as best he could and stared blankly at his reflection, noting the flamboyant colors and the swelling.
151. Also the whole machine passed many rigorous tests with flying colors.
152. In 1990, when Crayola announced its decision to retire eight colors, fans saw red.
153. Graphic animal prints usually work better with strong colors than pastels.
154. Colors and the politics of location In 1992 Benetton launched Colors.
155. Among the lessons: Know your colors, shapes and nursery rhymes.
156. His hair was dyed in at least three different colors.
157. The colors would soon disperse, merging with others and moving on or fading as the night appeared.
158. Planted last fall, the garden is a mosaic of colors.
159. Louisa gradually learned to attach colors and images to each element in a story.
160. It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you watch them on a screen. Anthony Burgess 
161. White light consists of light waves of all different wavelengths, or colors.
162. The artist portrayed images of daily life in his native town of Ocotlan with vivid colors, surrealism and magical realism.
163. We arrived on Flag Day, and this proud community put its colors on display.
164. This perhaps explains the strident colors which characterize his paintings as certainly it suggests the source of their extreme verisimilitude.
165. A spectrograph uses optical elements called gratings or prisms to separate the light gathered by a telescope into its component colors.
166. I saw young men with disheveled hair and shirts of all colors and hairy-legged youths wearing shorts.
167. He decided to give the various systems code names based on the colors of the spectrum.
168. Half the new police squad cars have the colors reversed.
169. Ultimate Challenge Golf is easy to install, but requires a computer monitor capable of rendering 64, 000 colors.
170. He imagined the colors fluctuating chaotically in a random, psychedelic paisley.
171. I have trouble knowing what colors look good against each other.
172. The fire soon consumed the logs, and the rebels planted their colors there.
173. The roof was to be of copper, and that decision automatically fixed one of the colors.
173. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
174. The shadow of the hat brim colors her forehead lavender.
175. It is clear that Castroism, in its particular quirks and colors, can not survive the death of its founder.
176. It is a subcontinent of many religions, many languages, many ethnic groups, and many skin colors.
177. I admired the warm, rich colors of her Persian rugs.
178. These are nothing but elitist attempts at separating classes and colors and keeping the poor where the wealthy have put them.
179. In recent days, I have spoken to women of various classes, colors and ages, and we all agree.
180. Our church welcomes people of various races, colors, and creeds.
181. Parents teach a child to name colors by reinforcing correct responses.
182. For those accustomed to the blandness of iceberg, mesclun is a riot of colors, textures, shapes and flavors.
183. Red and green are complementary colors.
184. Wear dark colors such as navy blue.
185. The defect of these cloths is clash of colors.
186. Yellow and blue are complementary colors.
187. L is for the leaves that they are green and grow on trees. Sometimes they turn colors and fall to the ground with ease.
188. Eyes are medium size, set well apart, brown or hazel color in darker dogs, lighter hazel to yellow in lighter dogs, though darker colors are always desired.
189. The Jimenez men carved the creations while the women painted them with bright colors and patterns.
190. Anthocyanins are responsible for the red, purple, and blue colors of many fruits. They are water-solubility. Blood orange is the only breed of orange which contain anthocyanins.
191. We're still printing the bright red or orange spot colors, but using them in place of standard colors.
192. Some news websites also mix in more colors in other places, such as in the navigation.
193. On chronology and packaging products should emphasize color saturation attractive to, certain colors of and shade.
194. The agar foods for sale at this food shop are of striking But not vulgar colors.
195. The sky morphs into comical orange and pink colors and on a clear night, the sun looks like a tasty ripe nectarine.
196. CRT and CRT displays, with high - resolution, large - screen, thin, rich colors, bright features.
197. Therefore we will benefit of most of the geometric mathematical concepts to deal with our colors, such as norms, scalar product, projection, rotation or distance.
198. It is a sort of monotonous and passionate repetition of the themes already orchestrated by the world: the body, inexhaustible image on the pediment of temples, forms or colors, number or grief.
199. These panels are wooden of three colors that are tracing the vertical zigzag pattern.
200. We know that, after a colour filters, color - keyed version has its basic colors and contrast color.
201. Study the reference well before you start. Choose your basic colors ahead of time.
202. Enjoy east-central Ohio's spectacular fall colors by walking, biking, hiking, or camping at one of the 17 Columbus-area Metro Parks.
203. You go to the local laundromat to do your wash.In the spinning barrel full of sudsy water you load clothes of all colors: a bright red tee-shirt, blue jeans,(http:///colors.html) a green bandanna.
204. They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions, which include Satanism, and symbols and yellow-orange-black colors.
205. However, the manteau can be regarded as the distinctive costumes for all people of the YiNationality, which are mostly made of fur , delaine, hemp and straw and whose colors are mainly cyan and blue.
206. Coming through in flying colors, Hindu devotees celebrate Holi, the festival of color, dance, and crowds, at the Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan, about 87 miles from New Delhi, on March 18.
207. Each room is distinctively decorated with light, bright colors and floral prints.
208. Methods:Stimulus pairs with identical(match condition)or different(conflict condition)colors were randomly presented to subjects.
209. Hand-to-mouth buying. Computer screen itself can only have three kinds of small light spots in different colors.
210. Fauvism went one step further in using simplified designs in combination with an "orgy of pure colors" as it was characterized by their critics.
211. One of them must be primary and the other a secondary color. (4) Red and green are complementary colors.
212. FUNCTIONS: LED light flash seven colors , calendar, music alarm, snooze temperature, timer.
213. As stipulated in the contract, a minor discrepancy in colors is permissible.
214. Trichromatic staining is the staining of tissue samples differentially in three colors.
215. Indicates that a bitmap's colors are mapped to an indexed palette.
215. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
216. Being able to chant fruits and review vocabularies of colors.
217. Mice, like most mammals, normally view the world in colors limited to yellows, blues and grays , similar to what people with red-green color blindness see.
218. Everybody will work their tail off to do the job with flying colors.
219. The Belarusian nobles usually had their fabrics imported and chose the colors of red, blue or green.
220. It's fall, that time when the colors change form green to red to gold -- and that's just the gunk in your swimming pool.
221. Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) has been more and more applied in electric products, such as VCD, DVD etc. It is with wider visual field, vivid display effect, rapidly reaction speed and more colors.
222. Acrylic coating blended with various fibers and filler sand with brilliant colors are used as coating material for tennis court and playgrounds .
223. The openwork doily design in colors of the season is the perfect way to present candies, cookies and more!
224. Alder has no problems with sap , mineral streaks, dark colors or staining.
225. So I changed the colors here to show that these are 2 p orbitals with an opposite phase or an opposite sign.
226. Some of the geta worn by little girls are painted in many colors.




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