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单词 affirmative
释义  af·fir·ma·tive1 /əˈfɜːmətɪv $ -ɜːr-/ adjective formal  YESan affirmative answer or action means ‘yes’ or shows agreement 肯定的;同意的 OPP negative an affirmative nod 点头表示同意 —affirmatively adverbExamples from the Corpusaffirmative• The others deal with affirmative action and access to information.• He also agreed to adopt policies on affirmative action and ethics.• Above all, affirmative action assuages white guilt.• Indeed, equal opportunity policies, and strategies of affirmative action, can be built into selective assessments.• As in the United States, affirmative action has been challenged in the courts.• Hearings to consider a Proposed constitutional amendment outlawing affirmative action were scheduled.• Until now, however, the court has not reconsidered the workplace rules on affirmative action.• While trainers try to distinguish between the two, skeptics often view diversity as just warmed-over affirmative action.affirmative2 noun  answer/reply in the affirmative formal to say ‘yes’ 肯定地回答/答复 → answer/reply in the negative at negative2(2)Examples from the Corpusaffirmative• The question posed at the end of the first paragraph can be answered with a strong affirmative.• If the affirmative was the case in all three, don't feel ashamed.• The Court answers this question in the·fir·ma·tive1 adjectiveaffirmative2 nounChineseSyllable  or action Corpus ‘yes’ an shows answer or means affirmative




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