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单词 Borne
1. The burden on likes is cheerfully borne
2. She was borne up to the ambulance.
3. He was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft.
4. Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.It's all for myself to live better.
5. His version of events just isn't borne out by the facts.
6. The infantry have taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.
7. acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best's all for myself to live better.
8. She had borne him six sons.
9. There is another point to be borne in mind.
10. The canoe was borne along by the current.
11. When they reached there,the ship had borne off.
12. Their research project haven't borne fruit.
13. She has borne him six sons.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. Jim has borne arms for nearly three years.
15. The demonstrators were borne back by the police.
16. This theory is not borne out by the facts.
17. He's borne me a grudge ever since that day.
18. Her behaviour speaks of suffering bravely borne.
19. She's borne him six children.
20. The serious condition was borne in on them.
21. The ransom must proportion the losses we have borne.
22. The boat has borne away.
23. The prisoner's story was borne out by his wife.
24. He was borne away with joy when his lost ring was given back to him.
25. The branches of the pear tree were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
26. The hero was borne aloft on the shoulders of the crowd.
27. It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable.
28. Suddenly it was borne in on him that he was becoming too old to start a new career.
29. He's borne a grudge against me ever since that day.
30. The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence.
1. She was borne up to the ambulance.
2. He was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft.
3. His version of events just isn't borne out by the facts.
4. The infantry have taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.
5. There is another point to be borne in mind.
6. Jim has borne arms for nearly three years.
7. The prisoner's story was borne out by his wife.
8. The branches of the pear tree were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
9. The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence.
10. He was borne up by a strong sense of responsibility.
31. Slowly it was borne in on the farmers that they had been surrounded.
32. He was borne up by a strong sense of responsibility.
33. The branches were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
34. They found out nothing more save that she had borne a child.
35. Engineers calculated the stresses borne by each of the bridge supports.
36. She had borne six children by the time she was thirty.
37. The sound of the ice-cream van was borne into the office on the wind.
38. Recent studies have borne out claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.
39. The sound of music was borne along on the wind.
40. The pear tree they planted has never borne fruit .
41. Some of the blame for the miscarriage of justice must be borne by the solicitors.
42. This dictum is borne out again and again.
43. But now, my worst fears have been borne out.
44. The south has borne the brunt of the recession.
45. These are borne on short stalks.
46. No additional costs were borne by Sedgefield District Council.
47. He has borne his illness with great courage.
48. They are borne on long, green stalks.
49. They are borne on long, wiry stems.
50. The following points should be borne in mind: 1.
51. This team has borne a lot of pent-up emotions.
52. This feature should clearly be borne in mind whilst selecting a shortlist.
53. This figure lies on the high side of our initial estimate but two factors must be borne in mind.
54. Indeed, the irony of some one with the surname Quin introducing a debate on the north-east should be borne in mind.
55. It also has a reputation for uncleanliness that is borne out by the biological facts.
56. It is clear that it could be borne only if society itself were expanding in wealth and numbers.
57. The small russet cones of red spruce are borne only near the tip of the crown.
58. Borne forward in a haze of peaceful pleasure, we were above and beyond everyone and everything.
59. In another fundamental respect, Marx's general view is also well borne out.
60. From January 1990, the entire cost of a negligence action will be borne by the National Health Service.
61. A day didn't pass now during which it failed to occur to her that she had borne two congenital liars.
62. That nurture is more important than nature seems to be borne out by a study published in Nature in 1989.
63. Having borne ten chil-dren, the two youngest of whom probably still lived at home, she was then in her mid-fifties.
64. It must be borne in mind that more copper equates to more adhesive holding the copper foil on to the glass fibre panel.
65. The tactic is mined with dangers and difficulties and can not be successfully carried out unless these are constantly borne in mind.
66. So Demeter nursed Demophoon, the son that Metaneira had borne to wise Celeus.
67. This dulled incentive to enhance productivity is a cost of integration that must be borne in mind when amalgamation is contemplated.
68. Only 1.6 percent. of the expenditure was borne by community charge payers.
69. Under that system, the Eurocheque is free of charge to its payee, the costs being borne by the drawer.
70. The genetic influence is borne out by the characteristic temperaments of various breeds.
71. In assessing their contribution it should be borne in mind that many parish roads were improved while many turnpikes were neglected.
72. We shall not understand Anselm's last years unless his fundamentally unpolitical attitude to his duties is borne in mind.
73. Costs and expenses Article 12 of the Convention specifies that costs and other expenses must be borne by the interested parties.
74. Until recently(http://), many union contracts shielded members from worrying about medical bills because most of the costs were borne by employers.
75. However, it should also be borne in mind that many other contracts have similar legislation governing exclusion and similar clauses.
76. Nor did he point out that before carrying the sugar beet, the trailer had borne a much more fruity cargo.
77. Durham deliver PRE-SEASON thoughts on the prospects of newcomers Durham making the grade were borne out in the early weeks.
78. If the promising results of animal experiments are borne out, this technology could be used to cure diabetes.
79. It would also have meant higher administrative costs which would have had to have been borne by charge payers.
80. These considerations should be borne in mind, as they can determine the ultimate destiny of our music.
81. The punctured door was carried from its hinges and borne into the room.
82. These opinions will then be borne in mind when it comes to planning future health and social care policies.
83. The owners' subjective opinions are borne out by objective facts.
84. But as was stated above, it must always be borne in mind that these models are ideal types.
85. It is women who have traditionally borne the daily burden of caring for ill parents, children, relatives and friends.
86. Mr Murphy's findings are borne out by new evidence of a decline in the use of legal aid.
87. It must be borne in mind that there is a crucial distinction between crisis management and crisis resolution.
88. I keep thinking I know them, these that are wheeled on trolleys or borne on stretchers.
89. The most difficult volatiles to dislodge will be those borne in compounds such as carbonates and hydroxy silicates.
90. This is borne out by the 1991 figures which tell us that out of eight fatalities, half involved the tractor.
91. So far, women have borne the brunt of the responsibility for birth control.
92. First, it is possible that the volatiles were borne on the small bodies from which the planets accreted.
93. This has been borne out to an extent by recent research into teacher stress.
94. But at Stradey, at the rematch of last season's Cup finalists, Mr Wag's dictum was borne out again.
95. When Megara had borne him three sons he went mad.
96. In reading the material which follows an important point should be borne in mind.
97. Then I thought that maybe I was at fault, that I had borne a grudge too long.
98. If twins are borne, both with a disability, then the sum insured will be divided equally between them.
99. A successor to Thoughts after Lambeth would have borne a more sombre message.
100. He is borne away by obedient parents, like an Emperor on a shopping trolley.
101. It needs to be borne in mind that the computer program will be protected by copyright law regardless of the patent situation.
102. This impression is borne out on close acquaintance, there being little variation in contour on the wide top.
103. The next leaves are floating ones borne on long stalks.
103. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104. It has been a hard battle and you have borne the brunt of it.
105. It is entirely possible that our backwater of a planet is literally the only one that has ever borne life.
106. The cost would be borne by Grunte Accessories, but that was neither here nor there.
107. For example, the small flowers borne by laurel bushes look like little black crosses, and therefore remarkably like cross-stitch.
108. Like a rabbit borne aloft by a hawk, Semele hung gasping in his grip.
109. It did not seem to matter that she had borne him a son.
110. Given the quality of much tap water in recent years this point should be borne in mind when considering keeping this fish.
111. They were borne down by desperate men who wanted only to kill before they were killed.
112. Costs are borne in employing lawyers and other specialists to ensure that trades are within the law.
113. These admissions are borne out by the way their firms have so avidly bought technology in international marketplaces.
114. Across much of the developing world, economic expansion has borne a large and growing middle class.
115. That was borne out by the census that was taken in April, in rather warmer weather.
116. These grow in a rosette borne on a thick, cylindrical, horizontal rootstock.
117. Suddenly, borne across the bridge on the muddy tide, came a rickety wooden construction like a toolshed.
118. A study of the emergence of the welfare state highlights the increased demands and responsibilities borne by government.
119. The relative insignificance of malfunctioning signals is borne out by statistics from the Federal Railroad Administration.
120. This clearly implies that the full environmental costs of mining operations should be borne by the operator.
121. In developing the Kantian insight along Rawlsian lines, several points must be borne in mind.
122. This analysis of the differentiation of legal systems is also borne out if we take a comparative perspective.
123. While Britain has borne the brunt of the economic crisis, Northern Ireland has been cushioned from the worst effects.
124. Distributional factors should always be borne in mind when considering the effects of changes in aggregate variables.
125. She had borne it all alone, not knowing it wasn't true.
126. The distinction is borne out by the Report's own reference to the disclosure of information, and prior consultation on redundancy.
127. Your travel expenses, and those of your spouse and children if appropriate, should normally be borne by your employer.
128. The possibility of progression to modules requiring higher levels of competence should also be borne in mind when designing programmes.
129. This potential weakness has to be borne in mind when macroeconomic models are used as a basis for policy prescription.
130. The guardians undertook to supply medicines and the necessary appliances - the cost of which had been borne by his predecessors.
131. Like logarithms and Milton it was just another burden to be borne.
132. Any suggestion that this level of care is diminishing is not borne out in the findings of numerous studies.
133. This should be borne in mind while reading the following descriptions so that the medium does not become confused with the aims.
134. Lately he had taken an interest in a younger woman who had borne an illegitimate child and been abandoned by her lover.
135. This relationship should be borne in mind when we examine monetary policy in the next two chapters.
136. Most of them had shingled awnings borne on prominent brackets projecting over their simple wooden platforms.
137. These figures, moreover, have been borne out for most of the post-war era.
138. I've borne your unwelcome intrusion for long enough. Good morning.
139. A further adjustment is required for direct costs associated with a fatality that are not borne by the family of the victim.
140. The main burden borne by the peasantry remained that of the State and the landed nobility.
141. Their costs, in lost chargeable hours, are borne by their firms rather than by registered auditors as a body.
142. It should also be borne in mind that ancient marble statues were painted.
143. This is a cost borne by businesses and consumers which dampens enterprise and reduces profitability.
144. Lie No. 2 holds that we are a cruelly taxed people, borne down under a crushing burden.
145. I had done just what she described: married her beloved father and borne his children.
146. It has application to all areas of the curriculum, and must be borne in mind by curriculum designers.
147. Over the stream let vapors are borne, waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.
148. The indigenous community has borne the brunt of the costs of regeneration but has enjoyed few of its rewards.
149. Description: The leaves are long, lanceolate, light to bright green, borne on short leaf-stalks.
150. Film is something that has been edited and this should always be borne in mind when using it.
151. The Earth - borne Directorate has been destroyed.
152. A small pennon borne on a lance .
153. This has been borne out by the Hungarian incident.
154. Criminals responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes.
155. Objective To prepare purified tick - borne encephalitis vaccine.
156. Customs duty, inspection charge at unloading port, discharging charge to be borne by buyer.
157. Losses caused intentionally or negligently by the lessee shall be borne by the lessee.
158. All events have borne out the correctness of this appraisal.
159. Losses caused as a result thereof shall be borne by the violator.
160. A water borne 2K polyurethane coatings for woodenware has been developed based on water borne polyurethane dispersion and various isocyanates crosslinkers.
161. Liabilities for liquidation borne to the guarantor of the restructure enterprise or other joint debtor will not be affected by the restructure plan.
162. The huge bird seemed to hang in the air, borne by the wind currents, soaring with scarcely a beat of its huge[sentence dictionary], powerful wings.
163. The cost of which is borne by an identified sponsor.
164. The arbitration fee shall be Borne by the losing party.
165. And so what better way to celebrate the birth of a new year, than borne on the back of the old fellow himself?May you all have clear sailing in the new year and all the year to come.
166. August brings the sheaves of corn harvest home is borne.
167. Usually four sterigmata, each bearing one basidiospore , are borne on each basidium.
168. The title of Royal Highness is borne by the Duke of Edinburgh.
169. The underlying cause is environmental through air borne toxins as well as toxins in the water supply or food supply.
170. "How can it be borne?" The picturesque and fairylike Shuanghsi River mouth will become a graveyard where 4th Nuclear Power Plant discharges the high-temperature wastewater.
171. Far - infrared spectroscopy with high resolution will soon be possible from both aircraft and balloon - borne telescopes.
172. The Space - borne Antenna is a new type of foldable structure which appears in recent years.
173. The design and realization of chip type aircraft - borne sound - warning device are introduced.
174. Together , these technologies rapidly detect and eradicate food - borne pathogens.
175. Disruptions borne of desperation are cropping up in food - deficit areas.
176. The expense of children ought to be borne wholly by the community.
177. The expenses for arbitration shall be borne by the claimant ( respondent ).




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