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单词 Sweetness
1. What he said dripped with false sweetness.
2. The sweetness of her manners made everyone like her.
3. She's all sweetness and light when Paul's around.
4. He who has tasted the sweetness of solitude and tranquility becomes free from fear and free from sin.
5. The sweetness of sharing a dream made for two is one life's greatest treasures. Wishing you both much happiness and a wonderful life.
6. Florida oranges have a natural sweetness.
7. Life is not all sweetness and light.
8. The air was filled with the sweetness of mimosa.
9. He was attracted to her sweetness and innocence.
10. She smiled with saccharine sweetness.
11. I was entranced by the sweetness of her voice.
12. It's not all sweetness and light being an actor.
13. I used to be all sweetness and light on the outside, but inside I would be boiling with rage.
14. I can't complain-he's been all sweetness and light with me.
15. People think she's all sweetness and light, but she's actually got an awful temper.
16. The sharpness of the lemons contrasts with the sweetness of the honey.
17. It has not all been sweetness and light between him and the Prime Minister.
18. She's all sweetness and light provided you're doing what she wants.
19. She's all sweetness and light as long as you're doing what she wants.
20. Her vulnerability, her small-town sweetness are in temporary remission.
21. It's a well-balanced wine with a hint of sweetness.
22. In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
23. No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.
24. This is a full - bodied wine with just a hint of sweetness.
25. They'd had a big argument yesterday, but by this morning it was all sweetness and light again.
26. If you have tasted the bitterness of gall , you know better the sweetness of honey.
27. The saltiness of the cheese is balanced by the sweetness of the red peppers.
28. The sunburnt grass breathed a harvest breath of dry sweetness and content.
29. Their quarrel seems to be over . Everything's all sweetness and light at the moment.
30. A squeeze of lemon takes the edge off the sweetness.
1. What he said dripped with false sweetness.
2. The sweetness of her manners made everyone like her.
3. She's all sweetness and light when Paul's around.
4. This is a full - bodied wine with just a hint of sweetness.
5. She smiled with saccharine sweetness.
6. If you have tasted the bitterness of gall , you know better the sweetness of honey.
7. The sunburnt grass breathed a harvest breath of dry sweetness and content.
31. Note: In this recipe, balsamic vinegar will add sweetness.
32. At the time all is sweetness and light.
33. The negotiations were not all sweetness and light.
34. It was thickly covered with milk chocolate, which increased the sickly sweetness of the ice-cream to a nauseous intensity.
35. Finally, the sweetness of the moment dulled the pain of knowing I had just placed my most cherished customer in jeopardy.
36. A touch of Cognac gives it depth and a hint of sweetness.
37. Dave Whatsit introducing all the records, voice like malted chocolate choking you with sweetness.
38. Her sweetness, her candor, her joie de vivre and fresh beauty-why had he been so long in appreciating it?
39. Neither does it lose its sweetness by becoming diluted with rain water.
40. What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. John Steinbeck 
41. Fully developed people take on the qualities of a plum: juicy, robust, brimming with sweetness to share.
42. Its cherry and strawberry flavors give the impression of sweetness without a lick of residual sugar.
43. Treves visited him daily, and remarked on the sweetness of his nature and his intelligence.
44. Lately, designers are getting more power, perhaps sacrificing a bit of that sweetness, out of single-ended designs.
45. Her hair was screwed into a ballerina chignon and her wooden lips set in a smile of excessive sweetness.
46. The piquant sweetness of rhubarb stalks, cooked and raw, have always been popular abroad.
47. In this new place there was an orgasmic sweetness in the thought of dying.
48. Inpart the sweetness in his illustrative work grows out of his delight in the physical nature of things.
49. Infants show pleasure as sweetness is increased and displeasure with slightly salty, acidic,( ) or bitter liquids.
50. Sweetness and plight Slavery on sugar plantations is a thing of the past.
51. Wine acidity, he explains, is swallowed up by the natural sweetness of the shallots.
52. I'd got fed up with her everlasting sweetness and shown her up in class the day before.
53. No place is ugly to those who understand the virtues and sweetness of everything that God has made. George Sand 
54. If additional sweetness is desired, substitute a syrup made from 3 cups sugar and 1 quart water for the liquid.
55. The Cointreau adds some sweetness, but the cranberry juice is tart as well so the overall effect is a tart drink.
56. You know, it isn't all sweetness and light here, not by any manner of means.
57. This delicious braised duck dish is nicely balanced by the slight sweetness and tartness of the fruit.
58. Edna was captivated by what she termed a cosmic sweetness.
59. They evoke romantic images of humming orchard hives and summer sweetness, presided over by veiled eccentrics steeped in arcane lore.
60. Mixed into different types of doughs it adds sweetness, color, and scent.
61. Its cranberry tartness is balanced with just a hint of sweetness.
62. Gardeners will find in it such flavorful varieties as the Brandywine tomato, with its balance of sweetness and acidity.
63. Frothy, frivolous stuff with enough sweetness to give Christmas pud a run for its money.
64. In Philip Burton's version, from then on, all was sweetness.
65. Poor man, shut out, as they all were except her, from that glimpse of heaven's dazzling sweetness.
66. Mrs Archer grumbled to Janey, the only witness of her slight lapses from perfect sweetness.
67. Uncle Michael was prone to a certain degree of sweetness, at least with me, and could be coaxed into compliance.
68. Additives are out, except for orange squash to improve body, colour and sweetness.
69. It is big on thrills and headily grapey with a lush sweetness.
70. Sara, watching, and listening to him, felt her heart expand with sweetness.
71. It is famous for its succulent melons suffused with fragrance and sweetness.
72. Star fruit is high in vitamin C(), and sweetness varies with the variety.
73. For a certain period Mr Sammler lad resisted such physical impressions-being wooed almost comically by momentary and fortuitous sweetness.
74. Why did life always seem to be saltwater life for Kiki, never life with a sweetness?
75. She can bake wonderful cakes full of wildflowers, but she never quite finds the sweetness she craves.
76. Lachlan travelled widely that spring, trying to escape Marion's poisoned sweetness.
77. This is a style of wheat beer that I especially enjoy, with its teasing counterpoint of tartness and chocolate-malt sweetness.
78. I have always thought it was the Ofsted view of education as a mechanical process that eliminated sweetness and light.
79. The sharpness of the vinegar contrasted with the sweetness of the nuts.
80. Davis, a fastidious master, brought out all its natural sweetness without ever suggesting the saccharine or slipping into the over-sentimental.
81. The spiciness of the sausage played well against the sweetness of the creamy sauce that accompanied the mushrooms.
82. The relationship is not all sweetness and light.
83. The endearing sweetness of her manners so charmed Bertram.
84. Heyward began savouring the sweetness to come.
85. a smile of great sweetness.
86. He had the most entrancing generosity and sweetness.
87. Cindy told him with pseudo sweetness.
88. In the serious and tense atmosphere of power struggle, the appearance of Dong Kwon brings a breath of lightheartedness and sweetness!
89. A lover of Christ should be one who is attracted by His love and drawn by Him in His sweetness to pursue after Him for full satisfaction.
90. A contented spirit , Mr. Richard , is the sweetness of existence.
91. He was surprised by this absence of reproaches. He stood there all bewildered, the glass globe held arrested in mid-air. He did not understand this quiet sweetness.
92. The seductive savoriness and sweetness of chocolate will enchant you with an experience of style and bliss.
93. Romanic movies always mean sweetness, while sad ones will remind you how beautiful your life now is.
94. Fruit-flavored yogurts that may be labeled low-fat are often high in sugar, because they get their sweetness from HFCS and concentrated fruit syrups.
95. The yellow Jessamine bloomed late and covered the fences and filled the clearing with its sweetness.
96. Keep boiling and add in slab sugar until dissolved. Taste the sweetness. This sweet soup can be served with coconut milk and evaporated milk. Serve hot or cold.
97. Hereupon a rose-bush thus addressed it: "Miserable pride on account of borrowed sweetness!"
98. My response, which filled three double-sided pages, was an extravagant paean to her calm beauty, the sweetness of her eyes, the perfection of her figure, etc.
99. T he sweetness of the strawberries is perfectly balanced by the tartness of the rhubarb.
100. Celebrator Beer News described the ale as having a "complex and well-developed taste profile" with "fruity flavor characteristics and just a touch of lemony sweetness.
101. The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness, under another name.
102. The polycentric world into which we are moving will not be all sweetness and light.
103. Tasting term used to indicate an absence of detectable sweetness.
104. The terror had at long intervals given place to a feeling of an almost ineffable sweetness.
105. Ursus Roter is the only red vodka drink with an unique blend of pure Ursus Vodka and the subtle sweetness of sloe berries.
106. Because he got rid of his ignorant and uncouth sweetness, he is no longer a boy.
107. Roses for eternal love. Lilies for sweetness. Baby's breath. Why so blue?
108. Light pink roses: admiration, sympathy, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy,(http://) friendship and sweetness.
109. In the experiment, the bitter substances were encapsuled to give a palatable balsam pear health drink with pleasant sweetness and sourness, which was believed to be accepted by most consumers.
110. And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered himself for us, an oblation and a sacrifice to God for an odour of sweetness.
111. I did not discover that Hamlet had his self-possession from no schooling but from indifference and passion conquering sweetness, and that less heroic minds can but hope it from old age.
112. People who have lots of papillae have been dubbed supertasters for their ability to really perceive, say, the bitterness in arugula or the subtle sweetness of a pea.
113. The light and refreshing style of this wine is balanced perfectly with a hint of sweetness. The delicate fruity character represents the finest of the Native Florida Muscadine grapes.
114. The first rush of effervescent sweetness paired with the dark balsamic spiciness is quite memorable.
115. This wine is bold and rich, featuring mouth-filling flavours of peachy fruit sweetness, intermingling with toasty vanillin oak.
116. The candle power that is in two people world sways in, in endless sweetness, the individual character adornment of bridal chamber makes Yi person namby-pamby and clinking.
117. There are but five flavors in life - sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness and saltiness. For those who have lived in Yantian for generations, the primary flavor is saltiness.
118. Remarkably, the florigen gene also boosted the sugar and sweetness of individual fruits.
119. Finally authors used it as a material to synthesize the superior sweetness perillartine by the oximation reaction.
120. So it is very important for constructing an artificial sweet taste chemoreceptor and a method of physical chemistry representation for sensory sweetness.
121. Hot and spicy but also has the sweetness and sourness of Tom Yam, with butterfly-shaped pasta in it, the ingredient which makes this dish special and unique.
122. Kung pao chicken although not authentic in my opinion tasted delicious with an unusual touch of hoisin sauce that added a slight sweetness.
123. I'm sure the freshness and sweetness of my fruits are unsurpassed.
124. A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit.
125. Oligosaccharides own many virtues, such as sweetness like sugar, improving intestinal health like fibre, and lower price than common sugar alcohol and dietary fibre etc.
126. The wise in heart will be called understanding, And sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness.
127. He declared that the ideal of culture was sweetness and light.
128. Suppose ice cream buyers are how much they value sweetness and creaminess as two product attributes.
129. From the highest degree of passionate love, to the lowest degree of good-will, they make the sweetness of life.
130. The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him.
131. This is about empowering sweetness and love and leaving the discordant and destructive dance behind.
132. Most artificial sweeteners - saccharin aspartame and sucralose, for example - offer the sweetness of sugar without the calories.
133. Deep cassis and briary blackberry on the nose lead to round, ripe sweetness upon entry into the mouth.
134. It is difficult to find a balance among the aroma of rose, slight sweetness of dried lichee, and the sour flavor in the millet wine.
135. He and she met in a world like fairy tales. Reality and dream, sweetness and cruelness, experience and imagination mingling together, yet life is always out of our control .
136. Teixeria has already determined that the sweetness of thaumatin is related to the specific charges across a large surface area over which thaumatin can bind to the principle human taste receptor.
137. This little eidolon , coming down from thousands of years ago, has the innocence and loveliness of children, the gentleness and sweetness of women, and the plainness and depth of men.
137. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
138. The sweetness of baby's breath is the result of a healthy balance of oral bacteria.
139. White pepper and black cherry nose, medium bodied guava, melon like fruit sweetness with strong chalky tannins and a long gamey finish.
140. Thine sweetness turned into pieces of warm wind and been mixed in the blue air.
141. A delicious , full - bodied and rich dessert wine , with an excellent balance between sweetness and acidity.
142. By her sweetness Ivy managed to survive the drawn - out brutality.
143. The man suddenly dropped his threatening tone and became all sweetness and light.
144. Sweetness increases palatability – sugar, molasses, etc. can be used as natural flavor enhancers.
145. Indulge in the sexy sweetness of this ultra - luxe body lotion.
146. She and he cohabiting for three years, he gave her sex, have no allure, especially for him machine-made romp and mismanagement sweetness character also feel drab abnormalities.
147. Perillartine is a fine sweetener and antiseptic that possess high sweetness, low caloricity and safety. It is widely applied in cakes, beverage, tobacco, toothpaste, medicine, etc.
148. It offers pineapple and honeydew melon aroma, feels like the sweetness of honey.
149. May all the days belong to you like a flower which overflown with sweetness, tenderness and happiness.
150. Sweetness is the dominant sensation in tasting the wine. There is a high residual sugar content because the grape sugar is not completely converted to alcohol.
151. Scratch Beginnings is certainly worth a read, especially if you want a little saccharine sweetness.
152. A soft, full-bodied wine with flavors of honeydew melon, pear and apricot, finished with the sweetness of honey.
153. The Kefir yogurt products had excellent texture, smooth taste, moderate sweetness and acidities, dense alcohol and ester aroma, and short solidify time.
154. Element of sweetness of the abuse in children food and saccharin natrium phenomenon are serious.
155. Neotame (NTM) is a novel nonnutritive high-intensity sweetener. Its sweetness is 8000 times that of sucrose. It is a derivative of aspartame (APM). NTM has clean sweet taste and a good flavor profile.
156. In liaoning hebei shandong etc diurnal variation of small area is significantly better than any other varieties cultivated sweetness.
157. Varietal fruit palate layered with complex black berry flavors, chocolate, and spices with lingering oak sweetness.
158. Marks Playhouse, in the East Village, and specialized in mawkish narratives whose sweetness was intended to soften, if not disguise, the ideology at the company's core.
159. Beautiful underwear makes a person gutty and romantic feel absolutely,() have the sincere feeling of good sweetness to the life.
160. I am scarcely infatuated with the sweetness of my native air.
161. Abundant and distinctive flavours of fresh strawberries and ripe cherries without the cloying sweetness of an average rose wine.
162. When he learned who I was he became all sweetness and light.
163. This Riesling is clean and fruity, with the crisp Mosel acidity balancing a slight touch of sweetness.
164. Abundant and distinctive flavors of fresh strawberries and ripe cherries without the cloying sweetness of an average rose wine .
165. A hint of sweetness enhances the fruit intensity but is perfectly in balance with refreshing zingy acid on a lively finish.
166. Royalty had lost its grace and sweetness; its pomps became a reproach.
167. Long - distance romance over the Web is not all sweetness and light.
168. Because amative time is short, had not arrived aesthetic exhaustion period already entered marriage, marriage succeed add enjoys the sweetness of love, spend smoothly adjust period.
169. We would predict that existing brands would be similar and clusters around the middle of the scale in both sweetness and creaminess.
170. The rest of the Mass was sung, in Mozart's characteristic composition of majesty alternating with sweetness: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus ... Osanna in excelsis ... Agnus Dei.
171. Small brother of the famous French "Sauterne", the sweetness of this white wine should not mask the complexity of its aftertaste.
172. Suppose ice cream buyers are asked how much they value sweetness and creaminess as two product's attributes.
173. Teriyaki, the pork rib with Teriyakiand fried with onions to increase the sweetness of the dish.
174. On the palate it has flavours of rich orange marmalade that intermingle in a luscious honeyed sweetness which is counterbalanced by a fresh, crisp acidity and culminates in a zesty citrus finish.
175. When La Binoche – as she is known in France – was young, her pretty sweetness earned her the nickname of La Brioche.
176. From the highest degree of passionate love, to the lowest degree of goodwill, they make sweetness of life.




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