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单词 Neutron
1. Neutron bombs release lethal radiation instead of exploding with a lot of heat and wind.
2. One of these techniques is neutron activation analysis.
3. Another such state is a neutron star.
4. First, then, what about neutron decay?
5. Even more persuasive are small angle neutron scattering studies.
6. They were therefore called neutron stars.
7. A neutron decays into a proton, electron and neutrino.
8. The neutron production rate appeared to rise after about an hour of electrolysis and then dropped dramatically after eight hours.
9. However, the discovery of the neutron and of nuclear forces disappointed those hopes.
10. The neutron observations may help cast new light on solar flares and solar activity.
11. The proton has positive electrical charge, the neutron has none.
12. Then they saw Jones' underground laboratory, the neutron spectrometer and its data, which were much more extensive than theirs.
13. Despite such small size, a neutron star can contain as much mass as 500, 000 Earthsized planets.
14. In this context, a neutron star is effectively a single atomic nucleus.
15. He has his forensic pathology run-down, his neutron activation analysis.
16. Chupp adds that the existence of strong neutron fluxes may also require re-evaluation of some previously observed solar events.
17. The use of neutron activation analysis is best explained by the following case study.
18. In atomic physics they are represented as Proton, Neutron, Electron, the three elements of all structure throughout nature.
19. The nucleus of a deuterium atom contains a proton and a neutron.
20. It is highly relevant to ask what values have been measured for neutron star masses; do they fall in with expectation?
21. This dish has a Valencian shape but the crowded design is Malagan; neutron activation analysis shows it to be Valencian.
22. In the standard formation model, millisecond pulsars are formed when a neutron star accretes matter from an evolving companion.
23. This new weak current had also to be electrically charged because in beta decay the neutral neutron turns into a positive proton.
24. A stable isotope of potassium, 9K, is converted to 39Ar by neutron bombardment of the sample to be dated.
25. It is also too large a mass to be a neutron star.
26. A proton contains two up quarks and one down quark; a neutron contains two down and one up.
27. This is about a factor of 3 smaller than current best estimates of the neutron star radius.
28. He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. The neutrino is produced in the beta decay of nuclei, when a neutron converts into a proton, and an electron.
30. To determine these it is necessary to use a slower method such as atomic absorption spectroscopy or neutron activation.
31. When two deuterons fuse together at low energy, the neutron is liberated with an energy of 2.45 MeV.
32. This is where neutron activation analysis enables us to source them with certainty.
33. In another analytical method, neutron activation, an atomic reactor is used to bombard the mineral with fast-moving neutrons.
34. Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry and neutron activation analysis may be required for quantitative determination at such low levels.
35. There were several subsequent contacts, with Pons seeking written information about the Brigham Young University neutron spectrometer.
36. Quarried blocks of marble and finished sculptures have been analysed by neutron activation and the results have been very encouraging.
37. Does a neutron star represent the ultimate in compression?
38. Boron neutron capture therapy; Liposome; Cellular targeting; Cellular retention.
39. Proton and neutron form a charge doublet.
40. Neutron is neutral and slightly heavier than the proton.
41. Neutron flux distributions in the reactor core are measured.
42. Do you know who invented the neutron bomb?
43. We have a Neutron weapon detonation.
44. They also studied the spectral lines from hot iron atoms that whirl around in a disk just beyond the neutron stars' surfaces at speeds reaching 40 percent light speed.
45. A nearly limitless primary energy source is the fusion of deuterium or heavy hydrogen (one proton and one neutron), which is found in the water of the earth.
46. Structure of a pulsar — a rotating magnetic neutron star.
47. EASY-99 consists of a wide range of codes, data and documentation all aimed at satisfying the objective of calculating the response of materials irradiated in a neutron flux.
48. Pulsars, neutron stars and quark stars are then created based on their mass.
49. The method determinates trace level of impurity moisture in several systems of cover gas water Argon using dewpoint meters in China experimental fast neutron reactor which is being constructed.
50. An INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis) method was used to determine the abundance of rare-earth elements in 58 Late Palaeozoic coals and related rocks in North China.
51. The neutron flux densities at various positions in neutron beam equipment are measured by SSNTD method.
52. Rare earth alloys have many desirable chemistry and magnetism behaviors, unusual optical and seizing thermal neutron properties, which provide...
53. Firstly, the 3 D neutron diffusion equation is converted into three coupled 1 D equations through a transverse averaging procedure as with normal advanced nodal methods.
54. The formation process of the electron current in a neutron tube is discussed.
55. Conceptual design of the hydrogen system of cold neutron source (CNS) in China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) was proposed, and feasibility test was carried out.
56. But there's an answer: Add a neutron to the single proton in the heart of every hydrogen atom and you have deuterium, also known as "heavy hydrogen."
57. The neutron streak image tube also can be used to determine the temperature of the plasma of the implosion of DT-filled targets by measuring the Doppler broadening.
58. And, if the conditions are right, they will combine, fuse and form darmstadtium plus neutron.sentence dictionary
59. Or it can have a collision that can create a fission neutron which then is tracked as well as the start of a fission which may be in a quite different place.
60. For reactors loaded with fuel assemblies of different burnup, the evaluation model can te used to calculate core physical parameters such as core neutron multiplication factor, burnup increment, etc.
61. Let us calculate first how much energy is released when a free neutron decays.
62. Based on the development of digital neutron imaging system, the restoration algorithm was presented to remedy the geometric unsharpness of digital neutron radiation images.
63. In this paper, a kind of non-parameter model is constructed with the unit step response of the nuclear reactor neutron dynamic system.
64. An imaging system is the key assemble of neutron radiography facility.
65. When electric currents (electrons) are passed through positively-charged gasses (protons and neutron nucleuses) inside bulbs.
66. Using the difference between neutron and proton number in atomic nucleus, the "Element's Periodic Law of Three".
67. Various measuring results of model machine of array neutron logging in the model are introduced simultaneously.
68. Reservoir monitoring tool ( RMT ) is a new pulsed neutron spectrometry logging tool.
69. On the Internet alone, more than 100 articles about the principle and structure of the neutron bomb have been found.
70. The result of initiation time is consistent with experiment. Emission rate of delayed neutron attained from calculation can well explain the probability distribution of initiation time.
71. Now the typical means to measure residual stress are polariscope, X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, ultrasonic and so on.
72. The precision of this method depends mainly on the counts of the fossil fission tracks and the error of the thermal neutron fluence.
73. An anion exchange preconcentration - neutron activation analysis procedure is developed to determine ( iridium ) in seawater.
74. Vertically focused monochromator technique is an effective tool of increasing neutron intensity at sample position.
75. The neutron energy deposition in media is more important in practical applications of nuclear engineering and technology.
76. This paper describes the origins of natural neutron flux on the air-ground interface.
77. The researchers used what's called an ion microscope to compare the amount of normal hydrogen in the moon rocks to the amount of the hydrogen isotope deuterium, which carries an extra neutron.
78. By using C8051F040 SCM to control the neutron tube′s filament voltage, the target voltage and the pulse of the anode, the downhole tool can work at an ideal state.
79. The static method is used to measure the thickness of steel plate by means of slow neutron beam.
80. In the other code, the Nodal Green's Function Method was used to solve space-time dependent neutron diffusion equation.
81. Object: Firstly, we prepared PVA/PEO hydrogel materials and studied their Applications on neutron radiation protection in this issue.
82. The math - model of predicting the residual nuclear radiation for neutron bomb nuclear explosion is studied.
83. A kinetics nodal method for the solution of transient two-group multi- dimensional neutron diffusion equation is described.
84. It is a neutron star and it is located in the Crab Nebula.
85. Neutron is an elementary particle that exists inside the atomic nucleus.
86. A coarse mesh method, in which the theory of nodal Green's function method is adopted, is applied to get the adjoint neutron flux,[] after a transformation of adjoint flux equations has been made.
87. Neutron stars are the second exhibit in the gallery of stellar corpses.
88. The dirt and debris become contaminated with the radioisotopes generated by the explosion or activated by neutron radiation and fall to earth as fallout.
89. Methods: We tested the clone forming rate of the OS-732 cell line after irradiated by fast neutron,[] photon and the mixed beam(fast neutron plus photon).
90. Moderating character of simple substances, compounds and mixtures consisted of the optimized elements analyzed. three kinds of moderating materials were optimized for epithermal neutron beam.
91. Rapid thermal process (RTP) was used in the intrinsic gettering (IG) process of fast neutron irradiated CZSi.
92. Based on the neutron energy, the value of weighting factor was given.
93. Neutron lifetime is the time in which the thermal neutron density falls to half.
94. This paper introduces a small-sized neutron radiography facility using sealed tube neutron generator as source, and finds the optimized values for concerned parameters.
95. Neutron activation or chemical analysis for uranium are used as a follow - up.
96. Adding additives or materials containing crystal water, boracic acid, boron salt and lithium salt would improve the ability of shielding neutron radiation.
97. A solid bubble - damage neutron detector has been developed based on freon liquid drop - lete suspended in polylamide.
98. The Monte Carlo calculating software packet was developed for wall epithermal neutron time-spectrometry logging on the basis of MCNP.
99. So the impact of fuel assemblies burn-up on core fission neutron source parameters shall be considered in the neutron transportation calculation.
100. This paper systematically accomplishes the numerical simulation of dual-spaced wall contact Compensated Neutron Logging and gamma ray energy spectrum logging.
101. The neutron absorbed dose rate distributions for tumour and natural histiocyte are calculated respectively based on this software and the results are analyzed.
102. Each pulsar or neutron star is the fast - rotating, dead heart of a once - massive star.
103. A new method data processing used in pulse fast thermal neutron analysis technology is introduced.
104. A new type of neutron detector which can avoid counting loss and carry out real-time measurement for pulsed neutron field will be introduced in the paper.
105. The measured value of integrated thermal neutron flux was compared with the calculated value.
106. If the neutron star were near the centre of the galaxy, for example, and surrounded by an abundance of dark matter, then it would continue to accrete dark matter.
107. The neutron is a heavy particle, as atomic particles go. It weighs about as much as a proton and about 2000 times as much as the electron.
108. Boron - Neutron decay logging includes boric acid injection technology and logging operations.
109. NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation.
110. A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom.
111. The natural neutron flux measurement method can be used to predict the instantaneous change of atmosphere condition, and to determining the water content of soil and rocks and to predict earthquake.
112. Moreover, because of their intense density, neutron stars exert strong gravitational force on their binary companion.
113. Boron neutron capture therapy(BNCT), a new cure for cancer, appeared in 60 's, which consists of polytechniques and manifold subjects.
114. The study of the influence of neutron scattering by the surrounding medium and fragment detector on fission neutron spectrum measurement with time-of-flight (TOP) method has been carried out.
115. In this paper, the neutron hardening ability of hardened X7805RH is studied and the neutron radiation damage threshold of hardened X7805RH with different loads is estimated.
116. Pulsed neutron logging is one of the effective means for oil saturation evaluation in current casing wells.
117. A neutron striking a uranium 235 atom, releasing some gammas and some neutrons, creating two fission fragments which themselves have a distribution of occurrence.
118. Through shooting fast neutron and measuring spectral gamma-ray produced by neutron activation reaction,[] oil-bearing saturability of strata outside boring casing can be determined.
119. Pulsed neutron logging is one of the effective means for saturation evaluation in current casing wells.
120. The high yield neutron tube used in neutron radiation imaging has been researched, For high yield and complicated structure, the beam quality and ion optics system is required as good as possible.
121. The origins of natural neutron flux on the air-ground interface are described in this paper.
122. The chemical compositions of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite matrix and a dark rim are analysed with instrumental neutron activation method.
123. The dark star in Nova Muscae 1991 is a black hole rather than a neutron star.
124. In this paper, the methods of calculating neutron flux distribution in two- dimensional light water fuel assembly are discussed.
125. The time - resolved neutron flux density measurement system on HT - 7 Tokamak is presented in the paper.
126. While the evolution of the macro world is highly related to the nuclear reaction of micro world, can neuron theory also successfully predict that there exists no "organism consists wholly of neutron"?
127. The calibration ratio of CNLT5420 compensate neutron logging tool is the key parameter to determine the validity of porosity value.
128. Scientists use virus neutron as cannonball to bombard the cell genetic nuclide, observing whether or not it can go through the cell reaction while producing some untapped artificial radionuclide.
129. Production or neutron balance and this is a neutron balance equation.
130. Hence a series of measurements were made both in air and in water phantom in attempting to estimate the dose level outside the primary beam of 14 Mev neutron from a D-T neutron generator.
131. Now when you look at uranium cross section as a function of energy and that's this neutron energy from EVs to MEV levels.
132. A proton or a neutron has about the same mass as a hydrogen atom.
133. The onset of superfluidity in materials on Earth occurs at extremely low temperatures near absolute zero, but in neutron stars, it can occur at temperatures near a billion degrees Celsius.
134. Objective: Neutron radiation can cause severe damages to the intestine which is hard to recover.
135. Now, two teams of physicists say they have more direct evidence for superfluidity in the heart of a neutron star.
136. Activation detection is used to measure the neutron yield from a DPF neutron source with narrow pulse width and high neutron flux.
137. This paper introduces a design of digital neutron flux monitoring system for 10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor and its performances.
138. There are four principal neutron interactions that affect formation evaluation: elastic neutron scattering, inelastic neutron scattering, fast-neutron reactions and neutron capture.
139. Analysis of the activated background spectrum shows that natural copper is an ideal shielding material in fast neutron nuclear reactions.
140. It is very important that spectrum measurement of D - D and D - T fusion neutron in large Tokamak.
141. A xenon poison method is proposed for measurement of thermal neutron flux density.
142. Now, two teams say they have direct evidence of such bizarre "superfluidity" in a neutron star, and other researchers seem convinced.
143. The fluorescent converter used for fast neutron radiography was developed by using the home-made wavelength-shifting fibers(WSF).
144. Nuclear logging is a preferable formation evaluation technology in current reservoir dynamic monitoring. Multiprobe, pulse neutron multi-combination logging is in the development trend.
145. If a core continues collapsing beyond the neutron star stage, it may become a black hole.
146. China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) is the first fast neutron reactor in China. The technology system of independent design was introduced. Now it is constructioning.
147. Now first of all we're gonna talk about the fundamentals of the neutron capture and what happens in the neutron capture of a uranium 235 atom.
148. The principle and methods of thermal neutron radiography are described briefly in this paper.
148. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
149. It is found that the neutron skin and the neutron distribution diffusion can explam the influence of the neutron excess degree of freedom on the proximity scaling.
150. The new PVA/PEO hydrogels containing metal ions provide simple and effective shielding materials for high LET neutron radiation.
151. A proton positive charge and electron a negative charge but a neutron has neither.
152. It is shown that as increasing the isospin asymmetry, the proton mean free path decreases while the neutron one increases.
153. Fast neutron radiography system is mainly composed by a scintillation fiber array and a scientific grade optical CCD.
154. A neutron has no appreciable electromagnetic interaction with nuclei or with electrons.
155. For the same shape, the neutron flux increases then turn to decrease with decreasing the area of the target.
156. LWD neutron logging takes an important part in logging - while - drilling ( LWD ).
157. In the design and application of neutron guides, it is very important to simulate neutrons transmission by Monte-Carlo method.
158. The fast neutron spherical critical assemblies are analyzed by means of the Monte-Carlo method with multi-group section data.
159. Nuclear fission a process whereby a uranium nucleus absorbs a neutron, is not.
160. Influence of guide position, length, cross section and critical angle multiplier on neutron intensity, divergence, spectrum and uniformity at the exit of guide was investigated.
161. A low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) is a celestial system in which a relatively normal star is being eaten alive by a nearby stellar corpse, either a neutron star or a black hole.
162. As a non-destructive testing technique, fast neutron radiography has many unique advantages comparing with X-ray and thermal neutron radiography.
163. The principle, scaling method and maintainance of neutron moisture gauge are introduced in detecting charge(coke) moisture content.
164. Horizontal radiation ducts in research reactors are used to reduce the high energy neutron flux from near the core.
165. Gas from the dwarf flows into a hot spiraling disk around the neutron star.
166. A lustrous gray strong metallic element resembling titanium; it is used in nuclear reactors as a neutron absorber; it occurs in baddeleyite but is obtained chiefly from zircon.
167. The presence of boron or a boron compound in neutron shields has certain advantages.
168. Though the maximum masses and corresponding radii are similar, bare strange quark stars and normal neutron stars could be distinguished in the regime of low masses.
169. Neutron shielding factors of the foil are calculated for each group in intermediate energy range with detail consideration of cadmium filter and scattering by the foil itself.
170. A design is given about fast and high detection efficiency fission chamber for prompt neutron decay constant measurements.
171. How to control the downhole tool′s neutron tube from the surface is a complex problem in the pulse neutron oxygen activation logging tool, which measures through a single core cable.
172. The large nuclear temperature evaluation would violate conservation of energy, and may lead a negative neutron KERMA factor.
173. Source spacing is one of the key parameters of neutron logging tool, by which permeability precision, sensitivity, resolution of the logging tool are determined to a large extent.
174. Objective To introduce an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) method for the determination of overall boron in rats glioma cells for boron neutron capture therapy(BNCT).
175. The boron neutron capture therapy has a promising role in cancer treatment since it can achieve selectivity at the cellular level.
176. Also epithermal neutron activation analysis and cyclic activation analysis had be developed on Shenzhen MNSR.
177. It is not allowed to neglect the resonance self-shielding effect in hybrid blanket and fast reactor neutron designs.
178. Every fusion reaction devours exactly one tritium ion and produces exactly one neutron.Sentence dictionary
179. This is called a Fission Neutron Energy Spectrum based on the thermal fissioning of uranium 235.
180. Experiments were carried out with EMI photomultiplier tubes(9815B and 9850B) at 5SDH-2 accelerator and the responses to neutrons with neutron energy ranging between 0.5 MeV and 5 MeV were obtained.
181. Rapid thermal process (RTP) was first used in the intrinsic gettering (IG) process of fast neutron irradiated CZSi.
182. The neutron vertical focused monochromator can efficiently raise the neutron fluence rate of sample in neutron scattering spectrometer.
183. The intensity gains comparing to flat monochromator and the neutron intensity distribution at sample position were also given.
184. The contents of the major and trace elements in the Yanzhuang meteorites have been determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis(INAA).
185. Microdosimetry plays an important role in the clinical application of boron neutron capture therapy(BNCT).
186. A system of proton-recoil neutron spectrometers with high detection efficiencies over wide energy range isdescribed.
187. Some of Boron Carbide's unique properties include: high hardness, chemical inertness, and a high neutron absorbing , cross section.
188. The effects of neutron radiation on the mechanical and thermal properties of the thermal-insulation materials and their transmutation are studied in this paper.
189. NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation.
190. And it's essentially a neutron balance for a critical reactor and it does consider all of these phenomena.
191. A new type of compensated neutron logging probe with grass scintillators has been designed.
192. A portable and reliable neutron radiation protective tool is proposed.
193. In order to weaken pepper and salt noise and Poisson noise, morphological filtration is applied to fast neutron image denoising processing.
194. These are far outweighed by the benefits of the neutron activation method.
195. The strength of the moderator cell of cold neutron source analyzed under internal and external pressure.
196. So Enrico Fermi called them "a little neutron, " in Italian is neutrino.
197. Neutron activation analysis for uranium in soild may delineate structures.
198. Sealed neutron source and gamma source used in nuclear logging have strong radioactivity which is harmful to operators.
199. Besides, inelastic neutron scattering ( INS ) carried out in Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ( RAL ) draw the same conclusion.
200. The space curvature of neutron density of this solution is changed according to the changes of reactor power, so it is more precise than the analytic solution of point reactor model.
201. Phase contrast imaging which is based on the wave character of neutron beam, is an advanced technique in neutron imaging field.
202. Before the two neutron stars collide, they would orbit each other as a binary system.
203. The neutron absorbed dose rate distributions for ttnnour and natural histiocyte are calculated respectively based on this software and the results are analyzed.
204. And we've used a relatively simplistic term called Neutron Multiplication Factor which is the K that if the K equals one the neutron population is steady as is the fission rate.
205. A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star.
206. Conclusion: The radiation reactions of the mice esophagus seem not to be deteriorated after thoracal irradiation with fast neutron, photon or mixed beams.
207. A neutron star has a gravitational field strong enough to generate X-rays.
208. Spectral gamma-ray caused by inelastic neutron reaction can give information of carbonate and oxygen content,[] then oil-bearing saturability can be gained as well.
209. BPA(4-dihydroxyborylphenylalanine) has being used in clinical trials for treatment of cancer with boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) technology for its selective accumulation in tumors.
210. We investigate the influence of different hyperon couplings from analysis of various experimental data on hypernuclei on the composition and equation of state of cold neutron star.
211. The crystal structure of the partly deuterized triglycine sulfate was studied by four-circle neutron diffractometer.
212. Werner Karl Heisenberg proposed that proton and neutron could be seen as two states of a nucleus.
213. The sensitivity of compensated neutron logging ( CNL ) tool is researched ( using ) Monte-Carlo method.
214. The oil-water interface neutron gauge for oil storage tank is developed by using the neutron back scattering technique.
215. To calculate burnup for the cores with fast neutron spectrum, we have written the linking codes to process the input and output of MCNP code and ORIGEN2 code.
216. The distribution of the slow neutron flux along the moderator height and depth has been calculated.
217. There also have gamma - rays emitting from black holes and neutron stars.
218. The neutron radiation field around the injector and transmission line is a pulsed field, with low duty ratio and high instantaneous dose rate.
219. In each case, the neutron star is orbiting within the outer atmosphere of its supergiant companion.
220. In the neutron radiation environment there occurs the change in C-V characteristics of the Tar-actor diodes. At the given bias the junction capacitance decreases with increase of neutron fluence.
221. The newest experimental results of weak interaction constants defined in neutron decay and neutron electrical dipole moment are given.
222. A third topic is that of the high-density colour superconductive state of matter, which may be present in the core of neutron stars.
223. Introduced in this paper is a fast neutron radiography system, which is mainly composed of a scintillation fiber array and a scientific grade optical CCD.
224. The semi-analytical nodal method with the nonlinear iteration procedure is used for solving the multi-group multi-dimensional neutron diffusion equation.
225. So if you're reactor is on the scale of meters the neutron length scales, it looks like a thermal neutron, is in the order of a tenth of a meter.
226. The line CCD was tested after exposed to the fast neutron provided by the TRIGA reactor.
227. The thermal neutron fluence subsidence factor measured is basically in conformity with the self-shield factor deduced from the report of the producer of the tube.
228. As a result, 1/12 the mass of a carbon 12 atom is called one ATOMIC MASS UNIT, which is approximately the mass of one PROTON or one NEUTRON. Also called relative atomic mass.
229. In order to reduce the loss of neutron flux, neutron reflectometer design usually use the neutron guide to transport neutron beam, forepart of the neutron reflectometer is the shutter.
230. Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
231. Objective To study the quality parameters of epithermal neutron for boron neutron capture therapy and to obtain the optimized neutron beam used in human glioma therapy.
232. The stainless steels are a good choice for beam window material of the ADS spallation neutron source system, and the homemade modified 316L stainless steel is the best choice.
233. A log of elemental concentrations derived from the characteristic energy levels of gamma rays emitted by a nucleus that has been activated by neutron bombardment.
234. Concentrated burst of sonic energy fired from Vespid neutron blasters .
235. Frequency bandwidth and duty ratio are main specifications for the controllable neutron source.
236. Using the difference between neutron and proton number in atomic nucleus, the "Element's Periodic Law of Threedimensional (solid)" is constructed preliminarily.
237. Cell survival curves derived after X ray irradiation exhibited a 'shoulder' portion in the low dose region, Cell survival curves for fast neutron were more like straight lines.
238. They would form helium and a subatomic particle,[http:///neutron.html] called a neutron.
239. A - Fe 2 O 3 ( haematite ) was one of the first compounds to be studied by neutron diffraction.
240. The paper introduces the concept and development of radiation weighting factor, and analyzes the relationship between neutron radiation weighting factor and dose monitoring.
241. Inside the sphere cavity, the ratio of ultra thermal neutron counting rate to thermal one is less than 10%, but the counting rates slightly depend on the position of thermal neutron detector.
242. The few fissile materials could not maintain the chain type response ( overwhelming majority neutron escape ).
243. The relative neutron sensitivity of the dosimeter for 14 Mev neutron ra ( ? ) from 0.024 to 0.027.
244. The experimental research of fast neutron resonance radiography(FNRR) was carried out with an on-off resonance peak method.
245. The neutron log data was used to analyze the distribution of fractures and fracture zones, and verify it with the core record and the televiewer logging results.
246. By measuring the scattered neutron intensity versus momenta and energy transfers, the structure and dynamical information of the biological macromolecules can be obtained.
247. Emphasis is put on the discussion about the sensitivity of thermal neutron radiography in defect detecting test and those factors which affect the sensitivity and the quality of the images.
248. The neutron is the main output of ICF. In order to analyze the process of hydrokinetics , an neutron imaging that can give high spatial and temporal resolution is needed.
249. A semiconductor fast neutron spectrometer consisting of a Au-Si surface barrier detector and a conical polyethylene foil radiator is described.
250. I called my radio astronomy friends yesterday and I asked them, "What is the rotation period of the neutron star in the Crab Nebula?"
251. The Green's function in Cartesian geometry can be used to replace the complex Green's function in cylindrical geometry when solving the neutron diffusion equation in cylindrical geometry.




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