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单词 artifact
释义  ar·ti·fact /ˈɑːtəfækt $ ˈɑːr-/ noun [countable] especially American English  x-refanother spelling of artefact artefact的另一种拼法► see thesaurus at thingExamples from the Corpusartifact• To date a coin or an artifact is not the same thing as to date the context in which it is found.• Male speaker It's an artifact and a working sundial.• Software, is though, a cultural artifact of the modern world.• Egyptian artifacts• Caterina takes a dagger from the gallery artifact collection and goes to meet him.• The large silk-screen paintings of the 1960s come very close to the hand-made artifact being composed almost entirely of ready-made images.• A single obsidian artifact can not be expected to give a reliable date.• But no dream or artifact looms as large as his words.• Now open to the public, the Bunker is a symbolic artifact on the bridge from the past to the·ti·fact nounChineseSyllable   Corpus artefact of spelling another




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