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Topic: YouthExplore Youth Topicborstal少年犯教养院bovver群架dropout退学者flower power权力归花gang一帮年轻人mod摩登派成员punk朋克摇滚乐puppy love幼稚的迷恋rocker摇滚青年salad days少不更事的年代skinhead光头仔subculture亚文化群teen青少年的teenage十几岁的teenager青少年teenybopper时髦少女whippersnapper妄自尊大的年轻人yob野小子young年幼的youngster孩童youth青年时期youth club青年俱乐部youth culture青年文化borstal少年犯教养院bovver群架dropout退学者flower power权力归花gang一帮年轻人mod摩登派成员punk朋克摇滚乐puppy love幼稚的迷恋rocker摇滚青年salad days少不更事的年代skinhead光头仔subculture亚文化群teen青少年的teenage十几岁的teenager青少年teenybopper时髦少女whippersnapper妄自尊大的年轻人yob野小子young年幼的youngster孩童youth青年时期youth club青年俱乐部youth culture青年文化Show all entries from Topic: Youth |
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- Through the Looking-Glass
- through-the-looking-glass
- through the looking glass
- through thick and thin
- through to
- through to London
- through to London/Paris etc
- through to Paris
- through train
- through trial and error
- throughway
- throughway
- throve
- throw
- throw a
- throw a at
- throw a at sb
- throw a at somebody
- throw a curve
- throw a fight
- throw a fit
- throw a fit/tantrum
- throw a four
- throw a game
- throw a glance
- Canceration
- Cutting-off
- Mazar-i-sharif
- All squared
- Protection mechanism
- Self-training
- Find salvation
- Nonionic
- Forecasting techniques
- Conversion mode
- 《来日绮窗前,寒梅著花未》什么意思,原诗出处,注解
- 《来时万里同为客,今日翻成送故人.》什么意思|出处|翻译|用法例释
- 《来时十三今十五,一成新衣已再补.》原诗出处,译文,注释
- 《来时沙碛已冰霜,飞过江南木叶黄.水阔天低云暗淡,朔风吹起自成行.》原诗出处,译文,注释
- 《来春轩·(明)徐渭》咏北京山水名胜诗词
- 《来是空言去绝踪,月斜楼上五更钟》什么意思,原诗出处,注解
- 《来是空言去绝踪,月斜楼上五更钟》什么意思|全诗|出处|赏析
- 《来源 起源》同义词与近义词
- 《来源;起源》同义词与近义词
- 《来疑沧海尽成空,万面鼓声中.》什么意思|出处|翻译|用法例释