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单词 Just about
1. That just about wraps it up for today.
2. So your those commitments, just about.
3. I'm just about to start on the cleaning.
4. The accident just about finished him as a footballer.
5. Christina was flirting with just about every man in the room.
6. I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.
7. The wooden boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition at sea.
8. Perfection is not just about control.It's also about letting go.
9. Love is not just about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship.
10. Another run like that would just about finish me.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. I've met just about everyone.
12. I've just about had enough of your lip!
13. She married a millionaire just about to croak.
14. Totally lazy-that just about sums him up.
15. This country's world role is just about played out.
16. The business is just about ticking over.
17. The show is just about ready to roll.
18. I can just about survive on what I earn.
19. He should just about get by in the exam.
20. The plums are just about ripe now.
21. Let's talk just about investment generally.
22. She should be arriving just about now.
23. I just about managed to get up the stairs.
24. He is just about to finish it.
25. He's just about to leave.
26. I've just about had enough of your stupid remarks.
27. He should be arriving just about now.
28. I can just about get by in German .
29. That's just about the limit!
30. The walls in this apartment are so thin you can hear just about every word the neighbours say.
1. That just about wraps it up for today.
2. I'm just about to start on the cleaning.
3. The accident just about finished him as a footballer.
4. Christina was flirting with just about every man in the room.
5. I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.
6. The wooden boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition at sea.
7. The walls in this apartment are so thin you can hear just about every word the neighbours say.
31. I've just about finished painting the living room.
32. I think we've just about exhausted that subject.
33. He was just about my age.
34. The company just about broke even last year.
35. We were just about to leave when Jerry arrived.
36. Look, sunshine, I've had just about enough of you!
37. The place could just about take 2,000 people.
38. You've just about scalped me!
39. We've got just about enough time to get there.
40. The Vietnam War was just about to end.
41. It's just about the worst mistake anyone could make.
42. The job is just about manageable in the time.
43. I think we're just about ready to start.
44. The crops were just about ripe.
45. We're just about to start.
46. He was just about to burst into song.
47. The water's just about to boil.
48. What does she read? Just about everything.
49. The concert was just about to start.
50. I met him just about here.
51. I was just about to borrow some money when bingo! - the cheque arrived.
52. Physics isn't just about pure science with no immediate applications.
53. He doesn't eat pork,[http://] but other than that he'll eat just about anything.
54. Our team just about won the game - we finished only one goal ahead.
55. He could just about see the little man behind the counter.
56. He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out.
57. I think I've just about got enough time to whip up an omelette.
58. The house came up for sale and the couple realised they could just about afford it.
59. Did you want something? I was just about to leave.
60. I was just about to ask you the same thing.
61. I'm just about ready.
62. Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.
63. 'I'm sure you will be an asset,' she finally added. 'Well, I see it's just about time for lunch.'.
64. The film begins with a young couple, who're just about to get married.
65. Just about everybody will be affected by the tax increases.
66. It'll be tight, but I guess I'll just about manage.
67. Doing it once was just about excusable — doing it twice was certainly not.
68. Funnily enough, I was just about to call you when you called me.
69. He was just about to leave when someone burst into his room.
70. Ice packed up against the car glasses,and the visibility was just about nil.
70. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
71. They had just about won the game when they had to stop playing.
72. "We've just about cornered the market in Europe." "Well, today Europe, tomorrow the world".
73. Well, James' resignation just about puts the lid on it/the project.
74. She could just about read the number plate of the car speeding away from the accident.
75. She could just about afford to keep her five kids.
76. We don't have a lot of wine for the party, but it should just about do.
77. I was just about to tell you when you interrupted.
78. He was just about to leave when someone burst in on his room.
79. I can just about reach the apples on the top branch.
80. OK then, I think we've just about covered everything on the agenda.
81. The business is in trouble, but we are just about keeping our heads above water.
82. It's just about possible to see the planet with the naked eye on a clear night.
83. She was just about to apologize when he pre-empted her.
84. A vote was just about to be taken when someone stood up and said that they wished to move an amendment.
85. Your timing is perfect. I was just about to call you.
86. Education is not just about giving people the facts.
87. But we're just about to cross the shipping channel.
88. But ingratiation is not just about courting popularity.
89. Irvin taunted and danced after just about every play.
90. Just about daylight, we heard mortars in the distance.
91. It has just about doubled the amount of candidates.
92. I thought I would just about pass muster.
93. All this was set in just about one acre.
94. First, be flexible in just about all things.
95. Just about everything is analysed in detail.
96. I was embarrassed by just about all of this.
97. I suppose it's just about falling to pieces.
98. It's just about time to leave.
99. They work for just about everybody, given the right choice of shade.
100. It would be very awkward if she called at the house and Miss Watson were just about to come over.
101. We were just about to turn into the farmyard when our eyes fell on something that hadn't been there this morning.
102. You can just about excuse Porsche for not altering the external shape,[/just about.html] but forgiveness is impossible when it concerns the interior.
103. It was always a safe bet, of course, that Hillsborough would be just about the least dangerous place in Britain yesterday.
104. Just about anyone who had interesting or important things to say in dance-men and women, black or white-was worthy of consideration.
105. You can moor just about anywhere the bank will take an iron peg or where a mooring ring is available.
106. After months of trouble on just about all fronts , NASA officials were delighted to have such a smooth flight.
107. But just about every skill in making and selling computers substantially differed from making and leasing copiers.
108. The only consolation for the Alsops lay in the fact that just about everyone had underestimated Harry Truman in 1948.
109. Actually, during the summers between just about all grades, I played Little League baseball.
110. The company got a free ride on just about everything.
111. Me being carted off with the sirens going would just about put my street cred in overdraft.
112. For instance, minimum-security inmates have just about finished installing two 12-foot security fences.
113. Sunderland again rose to the occasion against better opposition and just about deserved to get the points to ease their relegation worries considerably.
114. California is certainly the national leader in just about every cultural, social, economic and political barometer.
115. The course is not just about starting a new enterprise, it's also about raising the standard of enterprises that already exist.
116. They have just about sailed between the twin jagged rocks of Maastricht and recession.
117. You think you're better than I am in just about every way, more beautiful, more clever, more experienced.
118. We packed just about everything, but probably left some odds and ends behind.
119. This tale unfolds according to a formula so rigid, just about anyone could tell it.
120. To a certain extent, just about every business here is dependent on tourism.
121. It tells you just about how much organic matter is present.
122. And that, I am afraid, is just about the most interesting thing you can say about it.
123. Just about everybody else I know of who watched it owns one of those black boxes.
124. Three years ago a tortoise of ours got killed like that and on just about this very spot.
125. John is a fishkeeper who works primarily with livebearers these days, but has an interest in just about all groups of fish.
126. She would just about do, although she wished she had been able to wear high heels.
127. Dear Anne Collins, ten years younger than me, taught early Renaissance painting and was just about my only real friend there.
128. Preston employees got the same type of information, not just about specific behavior, but about the company as a whole.
129. He pushes the edge of the envelope in just about every category.
130. Some of the canals we crossed smelled like open sewers, and the odor would just about knock you out.
131. Fortunately his calculations were accurate and the chemistry department at Manchester is still just about intact.
132. If you can imagine a benevolent and myopic stork in goggles and woolly hat, then you've just about got the picture.
133. But they just about deserved their 10-point lead at the interval.
134. Whiners are hard to like and hard to take seriously by just about everyone they work with.
135. She was just about to call out when she felt the iron grip of an arm clasped round her throat.
136. I tried eating a sandwich with my second cup of tea and I just about managed it.
137. That kind of knowledge could be highly dangerous, and she would do just about anything to keep it from him.
138. They objected to just about everything about the man-his Anglo ethnicity, social status, and religion, and even his looks.
139. Exhibitions are not just about selling work, though you will obviously want to seel as much as possible.
140. Ageism is not just about prejudices towards older people; it can affect younger people, too.
141. The police took blood samples from just about every male in the vicinity.
142. This wasn't just about poison pen letters, and bringing her here for her own safety.
143. Political Pluralism and the Media Media analysis often arouses controversy, not just about the findings themselves but about their policy implications.
144. I had just about run myself dry of duff funnies regarding the trusty Smith and Whatsaname.
145. The team sampled just about all of the fantastic rides on offer.
146. Indeed, one can thumb through the Bible and find justification for just about anything.
147. She knew the bus from Linby to Coton must be just about due.
148. Prescriptives now has a foundation to suit just about every skin colour.
149. Just about then I met my wife, who, coincidentally, had also gone to the University of Chicago.
150. Lengths of stay are being cut dramatically for just about every serious medical illness and surgical procedure.
151. This is steering that manages the seemingly impossible: to be bad just about everywhere.
152. Olivia was just about to meet her Waterloo, and I couldn't bear it.
153. The software provides more than enough tools to make just about any object you might imagine.
154. It was overweight, over cost, over schedule, and over just about everything else.
155. Collections in just about every price bracket offered interpretations of the equestrian or dandy themes.
156. Just about every collective pitch helicopter available should be capable of performing this manoeuvre, but some are more capable than others.
157. And John impressed his parents with what seemed like effortless success at just about anything he attempted.
158. Walking is simple and safe; just about anyone can do it, including the young, elderly and those recovering from illness.
159. But your training's just about to start and your scores are exceptional - perception, reflexes, empathy ....
160. Oh, I was just about to leave you a message.
160. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
161. I think the answer is yes, which leads to a depressing conclusion, and not just about disability.
162. The dolphin has just about disappeared from the coasts of Britain.
163. She had just about finished, when she began to make out footsteps approaching from deeper in the maze of drums.
164. The changes imposed were just about as much as the Services could take at that time without loss of morale and fighting efficiency.
165. Di was just about to drop elder son Wills back at school when she braked sharply to avoid an oncoming motor.
166. She's 11 months old and just about ready to start walking.
167. This is not just about the creation in a religious sense but Coleridge's own creative writing.
168. Robinson might have marked his debut with a bucketful, but instead had to watch just about everybody else score.
169. Just about everyone hoped they would disappear without trace when that tide ebbed and frenetic buying and selling ground to a halt.
170. My old truck can stand up to just about anything.
171. To remove just about everything, and run it to waste, the ultimate is a reverse osmosis unit at around £250.
172. Even as I spoke, we were reduced to just about no light at all.
173. Just about the time when a nome ought to be taking it easy.
174. Now my mum and dad come to just about every concert.
175. If one crewman is slain then the remaining crew can just about cope without reducing the rate of fire.
176. Landowners became anxious not just about the birds but about access to their habitat.
177. It can offer you just about everything you can think of by day and by night(), in abundance.
178. It is a 359-page leak, where Morris takes credit for just about everything except tracking down the Unabomber.
179. Government spending is not just about irresponsible generations ripping off their descendants or leaving their children broke.
180. I could identify by sight just about 500 of its species -- a pittance of its total diversity.
181. Life isn't just about taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. Malala Yousafzai 
182. Palm-greasing for just about anything from entry to a favoured school to obtaining a bank loan has been considered a fact of life.
183. Donald just about hid his disgust as a suitable pan was selected from the sink and scraped clean.
184. The movie was hilarious. I just about busted a gut.
185. The other kinds of socially deictic information, however, can be encoded just about anywhere in the linguistic system.
186. Although she could just about reach the top shelf with her fingertips, she was very unsteady.
187. To my amazement, it was just about as easy and even more fun than writing about real events.
188. And that's just about it for the basic framework of the publication.
189. Bookings, reservations, staffing ... just about everything, they claimed, was in a state of total chaos.
190. We went to the same school - Geraldine was Head Girl and just about to leave and I was just beginning.
191. St Kevin from Glendalough, and St Columcille-Columba from just about everywhere,[http:///just about.html] were frequent guests.
192. This world is just about empty and the unoccupied land is probably fertile.
193. All of our history, we stayed just about one hundred percent occupancy.
194. If I get this raise, we'll just about keep our heads above water until next year.
195. Adam was just about to retaliate with the vegetable spoon when there was a loud knock on the front door.
196. If one crewman is slain the other two can just about get by without reducing the rate of fire.
197. Shrimp takes a starring role on the menu at just about every restaurant in town.
198. I picked up reasonable speed and had just about regained my composure when a hand appeared on my left shoulder from behind!
199. I reckoned that his neck and my waist measurements just about matched.
200. Life is not just about chasing millions. It's about achieving happiness and finding fulfillment in what you do. RVM 
201. With a little help from your friends and the specially adapted boats, you can do just about anything.
202. Just about every fertility clinic in the country was set up with a government grant.
203. And the argument against the high-performance machines is not just about safety.
204. But there's just about every artefact from the past on sale.
205. She loved it down there so much, we just about had to drag her out of the water.
206. I'd been welcome in that house for as long as you had-longer, because you were away and I just about lived there.
207. The new campus novel is about such people, and by them: not just about dons but by dons.
208. Classic leather deck shoes are blue or white, but you can buy canvas versions in just about any colour you like.
209. Teaching experience is a good foundation for a career in just about anything.
210. Just about any lawyer would advise bosses to fess up about a gun-toting supervisor.
211. But the debate over free candidate time is not just about good government.
212. When he is perched precariously on a sandbag at the time, however, you could just about get away with charging extra.
213. For just about everything in country music has changed hugely since the mid-1980s - except the music.
214. Technology is making it easier to snoop on just about anybody.
215. Squash represented just about the only way of making money in this part of the world.
216. By screwing her eyes up against the glare, she could just about make out what was going on in the refectory.
217. He denied he had ever been guilty of professional misconduct, and he was just about to be disbarred in New York.
218. Business or hatred, there's something that stays the same - it's just that person; just about him.
219. Now that she thought about it, he was just about the only person here whom she felt like trusting with Anna.
220. Here the answer is just about any error the superior courts wish.
221. These are ideal for our purpose and by late summer should be just about right.
222. She was just about to rattle the huge gates in fury when there was a clunk and the gates whirred open.
223. We were just about to go abroad when our usual nanny was taken ill and was advised not to travel.
224. She was just about to make some coffee,[http:///just about.html] when the front door bell rang.
225. He was just about to plunge back into the streets when he saw some one running towards him.
226. Truth is, the two cars are just about equally matched when it comes to acceleration in each gear.
227. Meals are not just about eating, they are about talking and not wishing to hurry into another room for coffee.
228. From just about anywhere on the GalacNet she can access systems on other works including the all-inclusive Encyclobanks of SenFed Central.
229. It takes more than a few days but it goes again, just about. I promise you that.
230. These reds function as a neutral, and manufacturers paired them with just about everything.
231. For large bed filter plates it has been found that just about any ridged or semi ridged plastic will suffice.
232. Was it really happening in a world where women can be lawyers, prime minister, soldiers or just about anything?
233. But she will bonk just about anybody on the crew.
234. She is somehow managing to get herself fouled by just about everyone on the Washington team.
235. What bothers us more is the seeming predisposition of the federal courts to strike down term-limit laws on just about any pretext.
236. It was just about to dive as the train ran on.
237. The second is intensely combative performance art, and just about self-financing.
238. United have just about shaken off the flu bug and are back to more or less full strength.
239. Order a cheeseburger just about anywhere and the tab is likely to reach double figures.
240. Building community Gross inequality is not just about economics, it is about moral choice.
241. In fact, I saw from the station clock that I had timed my arrival just about perfectly.
242. To be fair, this kind of criticism can be levelled at just about every new machine, regardless of price.
243. In fact, it's just about the complete opposite of the way that I do things.
244. If she strode out she would just about do it; her office was only across the road and down the side-street.
245. Truck drivers hooted, children stared, and just about everyone laughed or waved.
246. In other words, national ISPs extend high-speed connections to users just about anywhere, bypassing the existing telco infrastructure.
247. Slachman's stuck in traffic, but I can just about fit you in.
248. It seemed that we could just about raise the amount of the offer we had decided upon and still avoid bankruptcy.
249. The almighty dollar can rejuvenate the fleet of just about any airline.
250. Just about every night of the Games, one or more of the Dreamers was the featured attraction at a corporate event.
250. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
251. With a list ranging from vocational and leisure courses to adult basic education, there's something for just about everyone.
252. And the Robert Maxwell empire was just about to launch a new magazine called World Development.
253. The whole shebang is just about washed up.
254. A priestess can make money just about anywhere!
255. Since now is just about living death.
256. Location: The rhododendron is found just about everywhere.
257. Don't assume that seduction is just about sex, because it is NOT.
258. When she just about fall over, a waft of fragrance makes her stop.
259. This general store has just about everything you could wish for.
260. It quickly became apparent that the herring, potatoes, and were consumed at just about every festivity.
261. The phylogeny of human society, the evolution that moves toward intellectual economy just about history.
262. Just about the time Phelps left the pool, a Jamaican jet zoomed over the track.
263. But as important as elections are, democracy is not just about the ballot box.
264. Bricks, sand, hemp fibres , lumber, piping - they're just about all ready.
265. Let's talk about Mercury first, because I just about to go retrograde.
266. Now it is as just about as cosmetic, and as non - essential, as birth control or orthodontics.
267. This guy's rap sheet's just about as old as he is.
268. But NLP is not just about Business. It is just one of its applications.
269. This could be a letter, statement, contract, magazine article or just about anything.
270. I'm short of money and just about treading water until pay day.
271. They had Meridian 59, and Ultima Online was just about to come out.
272. In today's super - competitive elite applicant pools, just about everyone has virtuoso numbers.




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