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单词 In a way
(1) He looked at her in a way she found oddly disturbing.
(2) He studied her in a way that made her very self-conscious.
(3) She criticised my writing, but in a way that was very constructive - I learned a lot from her.
(4) Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.
(5) You should dress in a way that befits a woman of your position.
(6) He orders his assistants around in a way that is very offensive.
(7) It made things very unpleasant in a way.
(8) In a way they played a vanguard role.
(9) In a way, I suppose I'm frightened of failing.
(10) In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.
(11) In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you.
(12) In Istanbul, East and West fuse together in a way that is fascinating to observe.
(13) The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected.
(14) He comported himself in a way that won him respect.
(15) We now travel round the world in a way previously undreamt - of.
(16) They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable.
(17) She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her.
(18) Her behavior wounded him in a way he did not really understand.
(19) Skinny means very thin, often in a way that is not attractive:a skinny little kid.
(20) He was smiling in a way I found very irritating .
(21) He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he's got authority.
(22) She emerges as a full, three-dimensional character in a way that few horror genre heroines ever do.
(23) The book puts across complex ideas in a way anyone can understand.
(24) In a way it helped ease the guilt.
(25) In a way, nuclear disarmament makes matters worse.
(26) Happiness, in a way, is the biggest challenge.
(27) In a way, it elides it.
(28) In a way the forest was like a chapel.
(29) For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela 
(30) What he wants is a switch to a market economy in a way which does not reduce people's standard of living. To many this sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.
(1) He looked at her in a way she found oddly disturbing.
(2) He studied her in a way that made her very self-conscious.
(3) She criticised my writing, but in a way that was very constructive - I learned a lot from her.
(4) Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.
(5) He orders his assistants around in a way that is very offensive.
(6) In a way they played a vanguard role.
(7) They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable.
(31) There is no doubt that Zbo played on Modigliani's illness to excite sympathy in a way which the artist did not appreciate.
(32) He asked the panel to chose its foreman quickly and in a way that does not create disputes.
(33) In a way, his presence will continue to be felt in the department even after he is gone.
(34) It makes sense as an economic unit in a way its constituent parts alone do not.
(35) You got right through to me in a way nobody has ever done before.
(36) It suffices that customers are expected to act in a way that will provide economic benefits to the entity.
(37) Describe fully what took place, in a way which will arouse the feelings and sympathy of your readers.
(38) Everything about him assailed her senses in a way she resented bitterly yet seemed unable to do anything about.
(39) Government response to the crisis has hit the poor in a way that has become all too familiar in the Third World.
(40) They indicate the relationship of utterances in the mind or in the world and are thus in a way contextual.
(41) Near vision tasks need to be presented in a way that ensures that materials can be easily accessible to handle.
(42) The brunette was strikingly attractive in a way that was dramatically enhanced by make-up and clothes.
(43) If Liza had been racked by guilt, now, in a way, so was she.
(44) What is more, she had been a committed political activist in a way that only a seventeen-year-old can be.
(45) Something will have changed, become utterly different in a way that will gnaw at you, while it simultaneously intrigues you.
(46) They operate in a way which runs counter to the original purpose of creation.
(47) The study of social policy particularly hives off a specific area of social activity in a way that must violate subject boundaries.
(48) In a way, it has to be put down to mutual dependence.
(49) The dispute was settled in a way that was acceptable to both sides.
(50) But Dole had little choice but to roll the dice in a way that surprised even the most astute political observers.
(51) The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution. Bertrand Russell 
(52) I felt my body arching to meet his in a way that was familiar but new in its violence.
(53) In a way it mirrored the original kidnapping itself,[sentence dictionary] and carried almost equal risks for everyone concerned.
(54) Books can capture injustices in a way that stays with you and makes you want to do something about them. That's why they are so powerful. Malala Yousafzai 
(55) The common ground between acting and caricaturing is obvious: both seek to convey personality in a way that prompts total recognition.
(56) The kill is pulled apart in a way most people would find unedifying, despite assurances.
(57) The Government have used the guillotine in a way that no other Government have - with alarming frequency and absolute severity.
(58) Monthly payments will then be made for maintaining the lands in a way that preserves their wildlife and scenic beauty.
(59) In a way, current legislation and political attitudes are pushing in opposing directions simultaneously.
(60) In a way it's a surprise; but a very gratifying one.
(61) Perhaps no one acted in a way we can judge wrong by personal standards of conduct.
(62) Ludens was right in a way to complain that they were now all taking it for granted.
(63) Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope, where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination. Nelson Mandela 
(64) This game shamelessly rips it off in a way that would have most copyright lawyers drooling.
(65) That was a bad time for her because she fell between two stools in a way.
(66) Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid. Walter Winchell 
(67) A tragedy in a way, for I thought that Allan Wells had been a great athlete.
(68) Taylor manages to explain technical ideas in a way that non-specialists can grasp.
(69) He would assert this power, however, in a way limited only to Chicago.
(70) The firms involved are often multinational in a way that is atypical of most other financial markets.
(71) But they connected in a way that mattered to them both.
(72) In a way, we've almost come full circle back to what I was trained to do, which is teaching.
(73) The fellow, Tom told me, had contorted in a way Tom had never seen before, even in the dance.
(74) Everything became very distinct, in a way I remembered all too well.
(75) Worse than that, in a way, was the butter one a while back.
(76) Mark drew quickly and with confidence, in a way that looked completely effortless.
(77) They start to refine their miaows in a way that wild cats never seem to do.
(78) Some 25 percent of the cultivated land is being used in a way that is not sustainable.
(79) Science lessons should be taught in a way that makes the material easier to grasp.
(80) Both Roeg and Russell could engage with popular cinematic forms in a way that the directors around Anderson could not.
(81) He made things difficult for her in a way he hadn't done with me.
(82) First,[] it must present technical data on safety in a way that will encourage public debate.
(83) I felt my body begin arching in a way it never had before.
(84) They seemed to have darkened, smouldering in a way that sent hot and cold chills chasing each other through her body.
(85) The woman folded her arms and became silent in a way that swept Lois with feelings of admiration.
(86) Six legendary singers gather in a way station after death.
(87) The reason for this is probably that it implies oligopolies that behave in a way intermediate between perfect competition and monopoly.
(88) An externality arises when some one acts in a way that impacts other people who have no control over the situation.
(89) P.S. It centres the classical traditions in a way that no other kind of training can do.
(90) The finale shifts styles in a way now familiar and fashionable through composers such as Schnittke.
(91) The fact that she was pregnant was forcing both their hands in a way which was nearly amusing.
(92) George Birkitt was looking distinctly peeved, aware that Michael Banks had upstaged him in a way that was quite unanswerable.
(93) Or is it because in a way I share their disapproval?
(94) Many executives I observed deal with this dilemma by acting in a way that they believe will lead to productive consequences.
(95) It appealed for sympathy with the unemployed in a way which did not challenge the consensus about the problem.
(96) In a way, you are ensuring your role in the future, no matter how far off that future may be.
(97) She was able to act as a reconciling agent in a way no one could ever have foreseen.
(98) She excites me in a way that no other woman can.
(99) In a way, development can be thought of as a cascade, one event leading to another.
(100) She freely admitted that when she was shoplifting she was, in a way, hoping to go to prison.
(101) They belong to a club, they really care for each other in a way other people don't.
(102) Because we were so comfortable together, in a way it was pleasant to be alone again.
(103) Of course, everything was done in a way that cost a fortune.
(104) That encourages experiential learning and socialisation in a way that few Western special education or therapeutic settings do.
(105) I am being blackmailed, in a way that the police can not help with.
(106) They answered the question in a way most physicians at the, time considered wildly irresponsible: No.
(107) Instances occur where the courts feel obliged to construe a statute in a way that they themselves acknowledge creates outrageous injustice.
(108) Naked, she walked into the bathroom and there surveyed herself in a way she had not done for some years.
(109) It was a complete breakdown of a friendship in a way.
(110) Some at least of the leading Romans felt and behaved in a way which seemed to him perfectly understandable and eminently sensible.
(111) Binh would continue with his life wholly unchanged, in a way that suggested its own sense of unalterable destiny.
(112) I also believe that parents, if they love you, will hold you up safely, above their swirling waters, and sometimes that means you'll never know what they endured, and you may treat them unkindly,[] in a way you otherwise wouldn't. Mitch Albom 
(113) But in a way that time lag, though it could be frustrating, was also a blessing in disguise.
(114) In a way, we are witnessing the second coming of Graham Gooch, the flowering of an unfulfilled embryo.
(115) In a way, death is too obvious as an example.
(116) The story of that day unfolds in a way that is delicate, deliberate and emotionally telling.
(117) Emily was looking at me in a way I found frankly flirtatious.
(118) In a way each admired the other's skill at living, while enjoying the odd false step.
(119) But the wee winger from Fife bounced back in a way that says much for the survivalist instincts in the human spirit.
(120) And he discovered that his peers responded to him now in a way he had never experienced at Groton.
(121) They nourish the spirit in a way decorum never could.
(122) It would seem at first sight feasible to calculate this size in a way which reflected precisely the actual use for each category.
(123) She mothered all of them in a way that Jennie could not now she was becoming more erratic.
(124) The ruling of incompetency supported Costa Rica's interests in a way that a holding of material breach would not.
(125) The desire to be right is a stumbling block in a way.
(126) Equally the Tender concentrates the mind wonderfully in a way that a final offer by letter from the insurer can not.
(127) This personalized process aims at releasing human potential in a way that will benefit the corporation.
(128) The various facets of the judgment were differentiated yet also interlinked in a way that balanced opposed judgments.
(129) The butterfly and the milkweed, although competitors in a way, can not live apart.
(130) In a way, these two things have been in conflict right the way through the history of climbing.
(131) Rex was captivated by the sea in a way that others might be avid golf players or inveterate bird watchers.
(132) You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot. John Green 
(133) A long delay might cripple me in a way.
(134) Her leniency had, in a way, inflamed his regard.
(135) In a way or course that is natural; fittingly.
(136) Her cowardice began to trouble her in a way.
(137) Black English is similar to Chinese in a way.
(138) The posthumous titles honored his death in a way.
(139) So, in a way, this is the worst of times for MPs to be caught in the sin of horse manure, the sins of mole-clearing and of pool-cleaning.
(140) OB: But in a way, it's part of the job.
(141) How can I present the data in a way that will give the user a comprehensive picture of the problem domain?
(142) He went about very quiet, and in a way, submissive.
(142) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(143) The people of Lancashire speak in a way that will surprise you.
(144) Children metabolise drugs in a way that is quite different from adults.
(145) From another perspective you can say it's a high-level programming language that happens to be implemented in a way that emphasizes interactivity.
(146) In a way, I'm a 'sook', always feeling doubt and scare. 'There is no doubt' would never be my tag, I guess...
(147) The suggestion of some ulterior motive for the affair, particularly ambition, was risible in a way that the widow could not have imagined.
(148) In a way that would baffle most old-time bureaucrats, independent developers like to collaborate over long distances and make their exchanges public.
(149) She is lovely in a way that almost forbids adornment.
(150) They found that they could, but the resistance in different switches behaved in a way that was impossible to predict using any conventional model.
(151) California scientists studying sleep disorders in humans found that some zebrafish, a common aquarium pet, have a mutant gene that disrupts their sleep patterns in a way similar to insomnia in humans.
(152) Every observer in a satellite program is in a way a pioneer of space travel.
(153) The results showed that the main foods were various angleworm, insects, meals and so on. They also like various crops seeds. Once in a way, they eat the culm and leaves of some plants.
(154) The parabola would control air flow in a way that would lessen the shockwave, NASA says.
(155) That is true, in a way: he was arrested after Henry VIII made known his feelings to the Holy Roman Emperor who was sovereign of the Low Countries.
(156) Retouching a portrait in a way that makes the model looking the best way possible AND maintaining still a natural look, can be a bit of a challenge.
(157) So in a way the new vetting processes are giving the hope that there will be a fresh impetus to deal with the past.
(158) Paclobutrazol is mainly in a way of 15 percent of wettable powder in China market.
(159) The next generation of computers will integrate knowledge engineering into their programming in order to solve complex problems in a way that more closely resembles human reasoning.
(160) Introduce a way to authorize resource access in a way that can be directly driven by the application's domain model -- specifically by means of authorization for campuses, buildings, rooms, and so on.
(161) pureQuery can help you code data access in a way that helps optimize performance.
(162) With this concern in mind, nevertheless, and in order to deal with the problem of language complexity, UML 2.0 was modularized in a way that allows selective use of language modules.
(163) Spike Lee has gone hard against Perry for years, with Perry responding in a way that shows that the criticism has really gotten to him.
(164) The players usually perform in a way of exaggerative actions matched with strong beat made by electric guitar.
(165) Venetian painting had long been characterized by its jewel-like color-obtained by grinding colored glass and minerals-but now it was applied in a way that gave art the kiss of life.
(166) In a way infinity is easier to imagine than some of the very big numbers.
(167) No, I mean in an incontrovertible way. In a way no man could deny.
(168) Image metaphors adhere to The Invariance Principle, which preserves the cognitive topology of the source domain, in a way consistent with the inherent structure of the target domain.
(169) In a way, it stands in the middle between the audience and the president because his eye is on the teleprompter .
(170) There were thirty years between them, yet in a way they looked startlingly alike.
(171) His challenge to the poets is in a way the basis for the resentment that is built up against him in that Aristophanes and what he calls the earlier accusers have brought to bear.
(172) You get tunnel vision & you interact in a way that always makes your situation worse.
(172) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(173) Bartlett said in a way, Dowd is personifying the national debate about Iraq.
(174) The day in the alley begins in a way that is busy but not in disorder, dynamic but not cacophonous, routine but not boring.
(175) "Governments have a right to control their borders, but they need to do so in a way that protects human rights," Varia said.
(176) Some rhyming slang only works in specific countries or regions where the local accent can rhyme in a way that would not normally work in other regions.
(177) You shall dress in a way that befit a woman of your position.
(178) For individuals in a Level 1 hero-based culture and who are interested in a way to move to higher performance levels, this book offers a handy roadmap and framework for that improvement effort.
(179) Whoever did take it would surely manage in a way that minimised the risk of catastrophic failure.
(180) We believe you can redistribute this money in a way that's equitable to take care of the poor of the inner city.
(181) Increasingly, other innovators realise what connected media can do and have taken steps to reinterpret the hero's journey in a way that puts the reader/viewer/consumer in the central role.
(182) The low-sug ar, low-sweetness preserved kiwi are protected color and depuckeried and prepared by boiling mixed solution of sucrose, starch sug ar once in a way.
(183) In a way, you can consider Groovy as an implementation detail of your Java project, without having to bear problematic impedance mismatch issues.
(184) Egyptology was in a way a product of the military expedition to Egypt launched by Napoleon and the expansion policy of several European powers.
(185) And His truth set me free to love my husband, be loved in return and enjoy sex in a way I'd never known.
(186) E. g. given aiding Africa is a kind of benefaction , why not do it in a way that makes both sides happy?
(187) Virtualization, in the context of this article, is the process of hiding the underlying physical hardware in a way that makes it transparently usable and shareable by multiple operating systems.
(188) It will be incumbent on Phil Jackson to dole out the minutes and shots in a way that keeps all of his high priced stars happy.
(189) The good-weather machine has also come to pass in a way: we're now able to shoo away rain in advance of important outdoor events (like the 2008 Olympics in Beijing).
(190) Molded in a way that optimizes aerodynamics at high speeds and visuals highat the speed track.
(191) When most people think of metaphors, they think of examples in which figurative language is used in a way that calls attention to itself, such as in our first ecample 'A mighty fortress is our God'.
(192) Matthew appropriates that term, and he begins his own text with that same word, probably meaning for his readers to recall the book of Genesis in a way.
(193) He the gift of tongues in a way shared by none of the world's secular leaders.
(194) It's a kind of a downright, no-nonsense, let's-get-on-with-it kind of tone that, after reading Derrida and other writers of that kind, you're perhaps not quite ready for. In a way it's bracing.
(195) As a weakness a flaw in the Pentium chip a few years back focused global attention on Intel in a way that would have never happened to low-profile and unknown computer components manufacturers.
(196) "You do it in a way that it won't make a material difference to meeting the needs of the business, " he says.
(197) It puts into practice the demands Alberti made of history paintings in a way no other work in its era does.
(198) Animals genetically altered in a way that limited their synthesis of ceramide didn't become insulin resistant when taking the drug as normal animals did.
(199) Therefore(), it makes sense to generate the addresses of all variables and functions inside the library in a way that can be easily computed relative to the start address that the library is loaded to.
(200) My works in the presidium satisfied my vanity in a way, but it's very heavily.
(201) God never creat any principle, he just creat you and everything , in a way concretion.
(202) It is, in a way , presumptuous for a foreigner to teach Spanish.
(203) In a way, the smallness of the room added to its luxury.




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