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单词 Y chromosome
释义  Related topics: Microbes, genetics, biochemY chro·mo·some /ˈwaɪ ˌkrəʊməsəʊm $ -ˌkroʊməsoʊm/ noun [countable]  HBMthe part of a gene that makes someone a male instead of a female Y染色体 → X chromosomeExamples from the CorpusY chromosome• The fetus becomes male only when it both has a Y chromosome and is acted upon by androgenic hormones.• Consequently, a Cain gene on an X chromosome can safety kill the Y chromosome and not risk suicide.• In man, for instance, the genes that control gender are on the Y chromosome.Y chro·mo·some nounChineseSyllable  someone a gene male of Corpus makes that a part the




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