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单词 Cite
1. The devil can cite the Scriptures for his purpose. 
2. I'll just cite some figures for comparison.
3. Can you cite another case like this one?
4. It is important to cite examples to support your argument.
5. Please cite my gratitude to him.
6. Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.
7. Center officials cite even more grim statistics.
8. I can cite several legal precedents.
9. No doubt a Conservative Member will cite the 1930s, just as has happened in the past.
10. Doctors are required to cite a study confirming any medical benefits of the drug and provide a written prescription.
11. They did, however, cite the arguments of those who did.
12. I need not cite the passage that contains that finding because Sir Stephen Brown P. has already cited it.
13. Characteristically, he does not cite any source for this assertion.
14. And in truth, it wasn't difficult to cite examples of short-sightedness, bloody-mindedness, and cynical manipulation of memberships.
15. They cite numbers and percentages of casualties, they give names of comrades who lost eyesight and limbs.
16. Social researchers cite a 44 percent increase in the number of grandchildren living in homes maintained by their grandparents since 1980.
17. One could cite numerous other passages where both terms are employed, but none is plainer than this one.Sentence dictionary
18. If we had to cite a bad point, it would be the hard-to-reach drain plug on the rear axle housing.
19. Death penalty supporters usually cite two reasons, beyond preventing crime, for their position.
20. They cite past performance and offer a toll-free telephone number.
21. I am surprised that he did not cite as evidence in support of his case the moral philosophy of his own Monklands District Council.
22. Opponents also cite the city government as an example of where elected officials have abdicated their power to the appointed staff.
23. Officials cite a need for statewide consistency in when to intervene in family matters.
24. But the most brutal episode occurred at the Cite Herault, a residential suburb.
25. Merit pay for individual teachers, to cite one example, just sets teacher against teacher and undermines morale.
26. Despite their claim that their argument is supported by historical evidence, Coakley and Hughes do not cite any supporting historical evidence.
27. Indeed, many people here made their money under Republican leadership and cite family values and school choice as their chief concerns.
28. Hastings said he would approve the trip unless the defense attorneys could cite legal precedents supporting their argument.
29. Companies that change factors or move back to handling their own invoices frequently cite poor quality of service.
30. The sociologists at Williamsburg compare cash benefits with the minimum wage and cite incentives for work and marriage.
1. I'll just cite some figures for comparison.
2. It is important to cite examples to support your argument.
31. Then each side can exercise 23 peremptory challenges, excusing jurors without having to cite a cause.
32. If a phrase is noteworthy then acknowledge the copying with speech marks and cite the source.
33. I could cite many more examples of the tree as the Goddess, especially her Tree of Life.
34. Publishers frequently cite this as a reason for not really getting behind the sale, and putting better titles into it.
35. They cite newspaper reports of police officers wearing gloves even during AIDS-related political demonstrations.
36. But it is wrong to cite anti-immigration feelings as the main explanation for the rise of the Progress party.
37. Nisbett and Cohen also cite experiments they conducted using male students at the University of Michigan.
38. Please include your daytime telephone number, and cite the date of articles mentioned.
39. The environmental groups cite a number of examples of inappropriate use of the funds.
40. Even some analysts who have serious reservations about enlargement cite a potential credibility problem if the initiative is halted.
41. Opponents of missile defense will cite the miss as proof that politics has been driving the development schedule.
42. An industry insider, declining to cite a source, says 1 million scanners were sold in 1995.
43. Beyond those, they cite the high costs of customer disaffection, which drives down both profit margins and market share.
44. I can cite several recent racial attacks which prove my point.
45. We need only to cite schools and colleges, hospitals, drug rehabilitation centers, libraries and the like.
46. Doctors are required to cite a study confirming the proven medical benefits of the drug and provide a written prescription.
47. The computer, to cite another example, required no fewer than six separate strands of knowledge: binary arithmetic.
48. Other commentators, unlike Clark, cite their favoured items of behavioural evidence for self-consciousness as if they were authoritative without further argument.
49. But although I played lead for a long time in the group I never cite lead players like Clapton or Beck.
50. Cite the research fruit that droit arises and develops.
51. Too many cases, are too numerous to cite it.
52. I can cite quite a few instances to illustrate.
53. I cannot cite a like instance.
54. The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
55. Of many results we shall cite just one.
56. Use standard footnote conventions, giving full bibliographic information for all sources you cite.
57. They often cite high spot prices as the reason for jagging up the contract prices.
58. The administrative appellant, intervenor appellant, or administrative appeal representative may file an application for view, cite or copy for such evidence materials stipulated in last Paragraph.
59. MARKETERS often cite a quote generally attributed to John Wanamaker, the pioneer department store merchant: "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."
60. The Marseillaise calls the people to revolution and freedom but does not specifically cite the glory of France.
61. To cite just a few examples : Willis Lamb, Julian Schwinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, S. Tomonaga, C. D. Anderson, E. Segre, O. Chamberlain and many others.
62. Enumeration system processes, can cite the system is currently running process.
63. It would be an endless task to cite such living examples.
64. They cite the killing and capturing of hundreds of al-Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan and the elimination of the country as a base of operations for attacks against the West.
65. Organic dyes related in this review included the following categories, the triphenylmethane , the azo dyes, the phthalocyanines, the hydroxyanthraguinones and etc(58 ref. cite).
66. The investigators still cite the "cancer of corruption" denounced by James Wolfensohn, an ex-president of the World Bank, in 1996.
67. They would cite many reasons as to why they need the money deposited in a foreign bank, which in this case would be that one of the to be the victim .
68. They cite India's force structure, defense spending priorities and its doctrine of "cold start" designed to enable rapid deployment for limited war against Pakistan.
69. They cite Bavarian Purity Requirements that date to Duke William IV in 1516, which allow only water, hops, and barley to be used in the brewing process.
70. Methods Domestic pigs were chosen for CITE and CPTE models.
71. It means the Federal government cannot cite a fine, imprison or otherwise criminalize a person by what they publically say or write.
72. To refer to ( an authority, for example ) in support or corroboration; cite.
73. Chinese officials and businesses cite a much-noted analysis by UBS economist Dong Tao who said the busty plastic doll is sold for $20, but the Chinese manufacturer only earns 35 cents from that.
74. They evangelize the books they love, formsubcultures around them, cite them in political arguments, sometimes they evenrearrange their lives and jobs around them.
75. Can you cite any specific evidence in support of your opinion?
76. Ai Saiga and colleagues cite previous studies indicating that chicken breast contains collagen proteins with effects similar to ACE inhibitors, mainstay medications for treating high blood pressure.
77. I think Kapp is definitely onto something,(http:///cite.html) even though it is possible to cite impressive works of China reportage that came out during the half-century following the publication of Two Kinds of Time.
78. Cite the case of card of authority of a subscribe now.
79. It is necessary to cite the legal theory on emergency to avoid an immediate danger, but waits for the direction of the policy and the support of the prejudication in the practices.
80. Advocates of negative feedback can cite numerous examples of its effectiveness in guiding people's behavior.
81. The scholars engaged in the science and technology, industrial art, ideology and archaeology often cite the records in Kao Gong Ji as an essential documental proof for their research subjects.
82. For the Guardian to cite him as an expert on Einstein without further comment is tendentious and misleading.
83. They cite long-standing inequalities, in income levels, in opportunities, especially for youth, and in access to social services as the root cause of the struggle for change.
84. Cross the Pont Neuf , the oldest bridge in the city, to the Ile de la Cite.
85. Cite the examples of the personalized service of the foreign library.
86. We can cite Nelson Mandela's experience as an excellent example of overcoming adversity.
87. Growth cite and patter can be identified from CT manifestation.
88. "El Magnifico" shows why artists such as the Chemical Brothers cite The Young Gods as a major influence.
89. His position does not empower him to cite our views without consultation.
90. I hate to cite a cliche, but Dad on the streets?
91. If you carelessly cite a source or inadvertently copy a sentence in toto without adequate attribution, you run the risk of being accused of plagiarism.
92. In the decoration field, I greatly cite minority finery art.
93. The press has questioned the government's right to cite ill-defined "public interest" as an excuse for knocking down homes.
94. The authors cite a study that determined consumption of a wide variety of fish is best for minimizing mercury exposure and increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake.
95. Let me cite a real - life example to convince the sceptics.
96. Study authors cite evidence that single-sex and coeducational outcomes are equal.
97. But other scientists cite studies done after the 1979 Ixtoc-1 spill in Mexico's Gulf of Campeche that showed little effect from the oil or dispersants in the years that followed. The U.
98. Remember that an article without bibliographical information is useless since you cannot cite its source.
99. They cite a vastly different culture, a language that doesn't use the Roman alphabet and a different socioeconomic structure from the West's.
100. Legal writers often cite unratified treaties and reports of international agencies, such as those of the International Law Commission, as indi cating a trend toward general consent.
101. According to a recent survey by YouGov and London's Legatum Institute, 93 percent of Chinese entrepreneurs cite guanxi—connections with government officials—as a critical factor in business success.
102. You'd better cite an example to prove [ pru: v ] your opinion.
103. This examples uses the CITE element to render a citation in italic.
104. When parties don't enforce right and have an effect on profit of interested person, the interested person can cite temporis exceptio before procedure of first instance and close of debate.
105. Hence, I cannot tangibly warrant incense an undeniable stimulant, but, I can, nevertheless, cite many semi-credible theories in support of incense's stimulatory power.
106. They also cite OMB's expertise in sophisticated policy analysis techniques.
107. Yet despite these multiple mechanisms, the problem of official corruption remains serious(Sentencedict), and leaders routinely cite moral turpitude as one of the party's main challenges.
108. They cite black carbon as the second largest contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide.
109. It is vain to cite Euclidian postulates that "quantities which are equal to the same quantity are equal to each other."
110. Can you cite another case at all like this one?
111. When more scientists know about a particular paper, they're more apt to cite it in their own papers.
112. One could go on to cite such make-work practices in many other fields.
113. Yarrow likes to cite a study he conducted in which preschoolers were divided into two groups — one given red t-shirts to wear, the other blue.
114. Responsible production line organization work, include operators plan, execute production plan , cleaning and prepare material and cite management.
115. A cat, for instance, is much more dexterous with its paws than a dog. This dexterity fascinates cat lovers, who also cite the cat's legendary standoffishness as proof of its mental superiority.
116. This has guide significance for sci-technique personnel to use norm retrieval language and technique, to develop and utilize sci - technique literature, to technique cite l...
117. We can cite Nelson Mandela's experience an excellent example of overcoming adversity.
118. The prosecution did not cite the Beaumont decision in its own court papers.
119. To cite another sad example: in southern France a group of Albigensian vegetarians (a Cartharist religious group) were put to death by hanging in 1052 because they refused to kill a chicken!
120. However, the Justice Dept. attorneys did not cite a single case that would deprive the Court of Appeals from interpreting rights under treaties.
121. He may cite previous patents and suggest that they anticipate our claims.




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