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单词 Intervention
1. Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.
2. Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.
3. A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.
4. China has registered a protest over foreign intervention.
5. He had timed his intervention well.
6. Military intervention is highly undesirable.
7. The government's intervention in this dispute will not help.
8. Such conditions may be amenable to medical intervention.
9. They remain fiercely opposed to outside intervention.
10. The government's intervention was badly mistimed.
11. And did your intervention produce the desired result?
12. I was grateful for your timely intervention.
13. Both countries say their intervention is purely humanitarian.
14. Republicans have been howling for military intervention.
15. They have accepted the necessity of greater state intervention.
16. He was furious at this intervention from the press.
17. His intervention brought their quarrel to a climax.
18. We would resist any armed intervention from outside in our country's affairs.
19. The council recently drew fire for its intervention in the dispute.
20. The prime minister was always demanding active intervention early on.
20. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention.
22. Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.
23. He may not worship at the altar of government intervention in business(), but he is in favour of limited support for industry.
24. The development programme has been halted in its tracks by this intervention.
25. The government needs to clearly state its policy on UN intervention.
26. The king saw this victory as the direct result of divine intervention.
27. Disagreements threatened to wreck the peace talks, but the president's intervention saved the situation.
28. Hospitals were built as a result of private philanthropy and government intervention.
29. The paper has done much to tilt American public opinion in favour of intervention.
30. But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.
1. Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.
2. Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.
3. The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention.
4. A full-scale riot was prevented by the timely intervention of the police.
5. Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.
6. The government's intervention in this dispute will not help.
7. No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
31. The prime minister was right to counsel caution about military intervention.
32. For two decades the country has been ravaged by civil war and foreign intervention.
33. The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area.
34. That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.
35. All of these initiatives stopped well short of full-blooded state intervention.
36. Recent US history has amply demonstrated the risks of foreign intervention.
37. The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
38. Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.
39. There is still some hope that the economic blockade will work and make military intervention unnecessary.
40. The intervention of the authorities gave union struggles a decidedly political flavour.
41. Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.
42. Any plans for a peaceful settlement were forestalled by the intervention of the army.
43. Imposing sanctions is a moderate action when you consider that the alternative is military intervention.
44. Half the people questioned said they were opposed to military intervention .
45. No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
46. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.
47. Further heavy intervention would be throwing good money after bad.
48. Nor did he find any room for divine intervention.
49. His intervention will endear him to Maggie, Lucy believes.
50. The Stalinists, added another, were still considering armed intervention.
50. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
51. So how about a little divine intervention?
52. This intervention reconstituted the boundaries of political allegiance.
53. This involves planning the intervention and evaluating the outcome.
54. These are task centred work and crisis intervention.
55. Also patron of divine intervention and pregnant women.
56. And barring divine intervention, also its last.
57. One crucial criterion in justifying a screening programme is that intervention is more effective in presymptomatic disease than after symptoms have appeared.
58. Measurement involves an intervention by our everyday world into the quantum world.
59. Family ties, however, did not prevent Victoria's clear-headed assessment that intervention was useless.
60. The theory challenges the assumption of orthodox welfare economics that the existence of market failure is sufficient reason for governmental intervention.
61. Not all arguments against core group intervention are based on the fear of unintended consequences.
62. To undertake such intervention, governments needed a degree of independence or autonomy from any particular branch or fraction of capital.
63. A health check, in my opinion, involves a clinical examination and intervention, where appropriate, based on the findings.
64. And what do we know about childhood determinants of adult disorder which might be amenable to preventive intervention?
65. Through the intervention of radiation-trapping pigments, they were energized by the Sun.
66. Crisis resolution may require the intervention and assistance of two people from outside the troubled department.
67. If it was not free from unwelcome intervention the papacy could not be active in what it saw as its role.
68. Nevertheless, the sheep ranchers had their rights, and brought added pressure on the Biological Survey for government intervention.
69. This activity will continue until the system breaks down internally or is subject to an intervention from the external environment.
70. Both require political intervention: the market alone has no capacity to act responsibly or intelligently.
71. Considerable diplomatic efforts were by now under way to end the fighting, though only one intervention now bore fruit.
72. Such conditions may be much more amenable to medical intervention than chronic conditions.
73. Having argued for intervention, however, let me insert a note of caution.
74. In fact, the second objective of the US-led intervention in the crisis has turned out be the real concern.
75. Nor was a desire to retaliate for the Triple Intervention of 1895 totally absent.
76. The future, politically and economically, looks quite too far gone for anything but a divine intervention to help.
77. The priority was to neutralize the borderlands against the Whites and foreign intervention, to ensure the military security of the Republic.
78. But why should corrupt politicians voluntarily give up their powers of patronage and intervention?
79. If satisfied they indicate that an appropriate level of concern exists to justify legal intervention but an order will not automatically follow.
80. The program provides intervention and counseling for at-risk families with young children./intervention.html
81. Combined with the fact that public understanding of the politics of intervention has deepened, that represents a big advance.
82. Partnerships are a radical intervention in a world stuck with its past, confounded by its present and fearful of its future.
83. One of the most controversial areas of intervention by these new-style Labour councils was Equal Opportunities.
84. The problems are responsive to nutrition intervention, or there is evidence that nutrition intervention will contribute to the solution. 4.
85. The growth of unions and the serious industrial conflicts of the mid-1890s led the government into systematic intervention in labour relations.
86. Edward's intervention had at least saved Montfort's cause from complete collapse.
87. Intervention trials were performed in normotensive patients with insulin-dependent diabetes and microalbuminuria.
88. Then on Easter Sunday, in what must have seemed like divine intervention, the drillers broke through.
89. The best intervention is that which is facilitated by information which places the remedy in the customer's own hands.
90. They reject help from outside agencies which they see as interfering and so often show a poor response to therapy and intervention.
91. Short of a hostile military intervention in Kosovo, there are other ways of bringing outside power to bear.
92. In perhaps their most forceful intervention yet in Hong Kong, Mr Tung's wish was countermanded.
93. Greater emphasis would be needed, as Watkinson proposed, on military intervention capability rather than on the existing network of colonial garrisons.
94. Government intervention, usually involving the direct buying or selling of domestic and foreign currencies by central banks.
95. Such an intervention could help break the current deadlock between Livingstone and the Government, which is heading for the courts.
96. It was then argued that this provides the basis for preventive or corrective intervention in the form of competition policy.
97. These consequences have to be faced because the governments of the West were understandably fearful about the cost of a military intervention.
98. But many other researchers have concluded that legal intervention is of extremely limited value in truancy cases.
99. In October the index fell below 20,000 points, leading to government intervention to support the market.
100. Intervention arises from attempts to restore the authority of the state and secure the compliance of other agencies and interests.
101. He was eventually paroled in 1977, after intervention on his behalf by the National Council of Churches.
102. In some cases it has led to violent confrontations requiring police intervention.
103. The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government's intervention.
104. In order to be effective, the level of intervention to regulate corporate crime has to be organizational rather than individual.
105. The prospect of genetic intervention is much more appealing as it gets to the core of the problem.
106. I understand the problems, but an armed intervention force would give everyone the opportunity to seek a political solution.
107. At stake was a fundamental challenge to the soccer bodies' authority to administer the sport without intervention from civil courts.
108. There was a brief account of professional intervention to date.
109. Rush and others said early intervention to keep kids out of gangs is just as important as locking up youthful offenders.
110. Colin Powell, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,[http:///intervention.html] who argued against military intervention there.
111. When he is subordinate to both of them then a partnership with either animal may be established as an aid to intervention.
112. One intervention causes the next one to be needed and eventually leads to a cascade of interventions of increasing seriousness.
113. Beveridge believed that unemployment could be cured by state intervention.
114. The question whether one had a naval involvement or access to the intervention fund was very critical indeed.
115. The guaranteed absence of external intervention left the regime a free hand to continue its repressive domestic policies.
116. Peter Green describes his intervention in one recent matter of urgent public controversy.
117. Researchers have argued consistently that a coherent approach is needed to finding the type of intervention which works best for which children.
118. There have been many recent changes in government intervention programmes causing damaging uncertainty.
119. Throughout the whole of competition policy there is a presumption that intervention is justified in order to preserve the public interest.
120. It might also start by attempts to prevent the transportation of strikebreakers or goods, and a clash would follow police intervention.
121. Through mounting intervention to sustain a profitable economy, capitalist states are haphazardly establishing a wholly new arena of political confrontation.
122. The 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act signalled a new, more coercive system of state intervention into the domain of sexuality.
123. Nutrition Intervention Nutrition counseling, nutrition education, and follow-up services are elements of care provided to patients / clients.
124. Sensitive intervention of this kind is greatly facilitated in classrooms where group discussion approaches are used.
125. Or was he merely seeking to confuse people in the West who have been calling for military intervention?
126. One is that devout patients may forgo treatment and wait for divine intervention.
127. At the same time, family disruption by separation and divorce looms large among the reasons for social work intervention.
128. Before the availability of endoscopic bile duct intervention surgical treatment was the usual approach to management.
129. Therefore, intervention with hypotensive drugs other than angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors should be considered.
130. On Dec. 4 King Bhumibol made a highly unusual intervention and called on the two sides to settle the affair peacefully.
131. The present system of managed floating does contain the possibility of direct conflict if official intervention is carried out at cross-purposes.
132. The Labour party advocates that in addition to its well-known policies of intervention, control and regulation.
133. The rule protected States from intervention by other States in their external affairs and maintained the inherent bilateralism of international law.
134. But government intervention is not the only way to cope with the problem of socially inefficient resource allocation due to externalities.
135. In these circumstances it is not clear whether or not the effectiveness of the intervention is quite so dependent on operating experience.
136. While most mistakes should be ignored or given scant acknowledgement, there are times when parental intervention may be useful.
137. Last week saw talk of intervention to underpin the euro, a sure sign that policymakers are starting to be concerned.
138. He noted that New York City had crime problems and that officials there successfully reduced crime without federal intervention.
139. Luckily the timely intervention of Trevor Proby's left boot into my right ear quickened everyone's resolve to reach a compromise.
140. The view most favoured is that it could, by the intervention of an official and by means of his coercion.
140. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
141. The effectiveness of rapid amphibious and air-transported intervention as a deterrent to predator states had been clearly demonstrated.
142. Looking back from the 860s, Charles saw this as the direct result of divine intervention.
143. In the absence of divine intervention, virgin birth for mammals is not an option.
144. The Bank in this case endorses the change by bringing its intervention rates in line with the new base rate.
145. Modern studies of Mars confirm the seasonal variations of the surface brightness, but without biological intervention.
146. One can argue that transfer payments involve a lesser degree of government intervention in the economy than do government purchases.
147. In the epinephrine group, the only case who failed to achieve initial haemostasis received surgical intervention.
148. This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
149. The benefits that consumers will enjoy are dependent on unbridled competition within the industry; government intervention will only hinder its evolution.
150. Elections are said to limit Parliament because they give power to electors who ignorantly demand ever more state intervention.
151. There is a case for government intervention to make sure marginal social cost and marginal social benefit are equated.
152. A notable example among many of government intervention to avoid strike action occurred in the 1954 pay negotiations.
153. Moreover, those elected might then declare independence and seek foreign intervention to aid their cause.
154. It imputes to Proust's text the ability to contradict itself without intervention.
155. Mrs Jones expected feedback and dialogue about the development of an intervention strategy.
156. But just as state intervention has been stepped up, government funds have begun to dry up.
157. Fourth, intervention by government is assumed to be cost-effective, meaning that objectives are achieved at minimum cost to the taxpayer.
158. Nalgo members were protesting at the proposed closure of a 24-hour crisis intervention centre.
159. This offer of a spiritual identity was considerably enriched through its association with a potent instrument for popular cultural intervention.
160. However, he continued to press the need for military intervention to support, he said, worker risings in the country.
161. We now review both the theory and evidence of such market failures and the implications for government intervention in sports markets.
162. They wanted state authorities to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act to avoid establishing new precedents for national intervention in state affairs.
163. O'Connor has argued that the expansion of state intervention has led inevitably to fiscal crisis.
164. Systematic review of dietary intervention trials to lower blood total cholesterol in free-living subjects.
165. Permission to sell a commission or permission to purchase one was again something which might involve the intervention of a politician.
166. These powers of a regional planning authority in relation to development control are essentially rights of intervention to give effect to regional planning policies.
167. Provided that the court felt that the issue was collateral, then intervention was justified.
168. Having nothing much to do while children are engaged in undemanding tasks that offer little opportunity for the support teacher's intervention.
169. Treatment efforts in general are not very successful. Child abuse and neglect continue despite early, thoughtful, and often costly intervention.
170. Limited Intervention A number of leading authorities support only limited review.
171. The birth would be the result of the direct intervention of the creative power of the Holy Spirit.
172. Wallace probably knew he could not prevent intervention and wanted the national government to bear the responsibility.
173. Treasury does, however, recognise a social dimension to education and recommends government intervention to help the disadvantaged.
174. They stressed that such intervention did not imply intervention in the internal affairs of the country concerned.
175. Assessment of the problem Effective intervention and treatment is based on an accurate assessment of the presenting problem.
176. This was followed by intervention, by an ... intensification of the class struggle, which assumed the form of civil war.
177. Unilateral State intervention in the absence of an authoritative decision can promote international disorder and disrupt international peace and security.
178. One is a parity grid arrangement, whereby upper and lower intervention rates are established for each currency against every other currency.
179. Neither hospital was sufficiently remote from its catchment area to warrant the intervention of the centre to impose closure.
180. Again, economic analysis explores both the rationale and the efficiency of such government intervention.
181. If intervention remains, it should be reduced to the original concept of a safety net for use in extreme emergencies.
182. A more detailed discussion of behavioural intervention strategies is included in Chapter 9.
183. That's because with intervention stocks rising, the Commission has to apply the brakes.
184. More than that, state intervention, and especially public ownership of the means of production, had sadly disappointed socialist hopes.
185. Prof Wilkinson points out that the international community might not decry unilateralist intervention provided that it approves of the outcome.
186. There is clearly a fine line between stifling government intervention and encouraging creativity and innovation.
187. These sources of exposure are potentially controllable by regulation or other government intervention.
188. Such messages are relayed through automatic dialling machines to random or pre-selected telephone numbers and deliver a sales message without human intervention.
189. Modern functionalist approaches continue to emphasize that state intervention is best explained by an impersonal logic of the development of advanced capitalism.
190. Official intervention by Asian central banks has remained strong.
191. Circumcision as an HIV Prevention Intervention.
192. APPN also allows remote workstations to communicate with each other, without intervention by a central computer.
193. The intervention methods are divided into three organizational communication strategies:downlink communication, parallel communication and uplink communication.
194. Conclusion Community psychology nursing intervention is effective and necessary for patients with malignant neoplasm.
195. Only by implementing smaller case loads and increasing funding to help children in poverty that goes beyond crisis intervention can these problems be solved.
196. Therefore, our decision has been playing an extremely positive role in unmasking the US imperialist intervention to world's people.
197. Objective To explore the application and therapeutic efficacy of Plavix in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention( PCI ).
198. The free price mechanism is the basic one in the market economy, but it does not mean that there is no need for government intervention.
199. Domestically, China's strong government intervention in the market economy can be stabilized to a large extent in theory, economic fluctuations.
200. Conclusion Some psychosocial factors are related to psychosomatic symptoms of women with hyperemesis gravidarum,[] which provide a theoretical basis for psychological intervention during pregnancy.
201. Methods To strengthen the compliance of pathoglycemia patients after liver(kidney) transplantation via nursing care intervention such as follow-up and questionnaire.
202. Western military intervention—no matter how halfhearted and apparently ineffectual—is still sufficient to tip the balance against a rogue regime.
203. Gln, GH, and so on special nutrients can have effect of metabolic intervention and immunologic intervention to critical patients of transplantation.
204. Bibliotherapy has unique education and intervention effect on the undergraduate psychological health.
205. Objective:To explore the correlation of serum sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) with glycometabolic parameters in PCOS and their changes by intervention.
206. Objective To study the affect of psychological intervention on the psychological health for relatives of children patient with schizophrenosis.
207. It can be used for a variety of applications, such as flow lines, coiled tubing, service intervention lines and deepsea risers.
208. The mental hygiene legal regime lacks, the national psychologically healthy lacks the safeguard, after the disaster the psychological intervention aspect has not made the explicit legal rule.
209. Objective To probe the necessity and effectiveness of comprehensive mental intervention on patients with mammectomy, to provide theoretical bases for mental nursing before and after operation.
210. Children in the intervention group remained free from infestation with head lice significantly longer than children in the control group.
211. These observations suggest that the mutated tyrosine phosphatases are tumor suppressor genes, regulating cellular pathways that may be amenable to therapeutic intervention.
212. Because the United States to take the Keynesian state intervention policy after World War II increase in national strength, the world's more powerful position impregnable .
213. The invention addresses this problem by visualizing an intervention (caused by a user) to an object of interest without the requirement of an interactive input by the user.
214. Conclusion: The effect of the home intervention of community on schizophrenia rehabilitant is ideal, effectively promote to accelerate to health, reduces disease to recur, is worth promoting.
215. Objective To investigate the platelet inhibition ratio by thromboelastography (TEG) and its clinical impact in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
216. Rural-to-urban migrants are the vulnerable population in HIV transmission and infection. The study explored the effective theory-based HIV prevention intervention model in the population.
217. They will not come pre-packaged and ready for you to unleash as if by some divine intervention.
218. However, there is antinomy between psychological crisis intervention and social support in our country disaster-hit area.
219. During period of British intervention, ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the Durand Line; such a division led to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India and later, Pakistan.
220. Objective To evaluate pain relief, using Lamaze childbirth Law respiratory care intervention can reduce the rate of postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal asphyxia, cesarean section rate.
221. Theoretically, market intervention is impacted by money, interest rate policy and some other factors.
222. Another measure Pima has in place is a behavioral intervention team.
223. Compared with other retrieval models, such as concept library based or concept network, LSA-based retrieval model is easy to compute and requires less human intervention.
224. Italy, the former colonial ruler in Libya, which played an active role in the foreign military intervention, has been off to a fast start to resume business activities in Libya.
225. Patients older than 15 years with newly diagnosed sputum smear-positive pulmonary TB were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group.
226. The latest outside intervention came in 2004 with the ousting of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, an elected president turned despot.
227. Objective To observe the effect of nutritional intervention in prediabetes patients.
228. Objective The study examines prevalence rates and related social-psychological factors of intentional injury among secondary school students and documents preventive intervention survey.
229. Abaloneytrair conditionert Objective:To prowepowero the influence of encourgetting nursing intervention on promoting sponta veryeous delivery of primipara.
230. Conclusion: The early synthesis intervention implementation to the premature infant, may prevent the high bilirubinemia sickness occurrence and reduce the high bilirubinemia sickness degree.
231. Objective To reduce lower respiratory infection incidence of cut-trachea patients after operation within hospital by prospective intervention.
232. To explore the influence of psychological intervention on emotion, coping style and physiological reaction of bronchial asthma patients.
233. The government's intervention in credit allocation is one important tool of industry policy in the initial stages of industrialization in late-developing countries.
234. AIM:To explore the effect of early comprehensive intervention on the physique and intellectual development of full term infants.
235. Succession to a climax can be held at any stage by human intervention, such as grazing on chalk downland.
236. The direct memory access engine executes two or more of the plurality of programs without intervention by a host processor.
237. It is interesting to note how, according to tradition, Ganesha was generated by his mother Parvati without the intervention of her husband Shiva.
238. And governmental intervention is excessive, can cause governmental failure again.
239. A kind of colonoscope intervention system with force sensors is introduced, and techniques of the colonoscope intervention system using force sensors to monitor intervention force described.
240. But the carmakers argue that Tokyo's threats to resume intervention have kept the yen from rising as much as the euro, the pound and the Canadian dollar.
241. The structured intervention evaluated in this study produces a small, nonsignificant increase in the rate of spontaneous vaginal birth among women evaluated in labor assessment units.
242. Objective To investigate the mechanism of brain injury caused by thrombin and the intervention effect of hirudin and nimodipine.
243. Objective To study the nursing intervention measures for upper limb movement function recovery of patients with brain damage-caused hemiparalysis.




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