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单词 Stretch
1. Stretch your arm no farther than your sleeve will reach. 
2. It's a dangerous stretch of road.
3. That stretch of forest was stumped quickly.
4. A great stretch of ocean lay beneath them.
5. Breathe in through your nose as you stretch up.
6. The runners rounded into the home stretch.
7. Relax your stomach muscles , then stretch again.
8. Can you stretch your arms out straighter?
9. A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.
10. His stories really stretch children's imaginations.
11. That stretch of bypass will be finished by January.
12. The jacuzzi was too small to stretch out in.
13. The underground chambers stretch the length of a football pitch.
14. I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
15. We looked to our right and saw a stretch of the rice fields.
16. That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far.
17. The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
18. This stretch of the river is renowned for its good fishing.
19. Stretch up 30 times with alternate arms as a warm-up exercise.
20. Slow down?there are speed traps along this stretch of road.
21. There has been a collision on the southbound stretch of the motorway.
22. She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.
23. Fire crews have been operating at full stretch.
24. This contract will stretch to next month.
25. He saw a grey future stretch ahead of him.
26. The cat gave a long,( ) luxurious stretch.
27. A nine-mile stretch of motorway has been closed.
28. Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
29. You can enjoy the extraordinary sight unbroken cloud plains that stretch out before you.
30. It eluded us then, but that's no matter. Tomorrow, we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther, and one fine morning.
1. It's a dangerous stretch of road.
2. A great stretch of ocean lay beneath them.
3. The runners rounded into the home stretch.
4. Relax your stomach muscles , then stretch again.
5. Can you stretch your arms out straighter?
6. A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.
7. His stories really stretch children's imaginations.
8. That stretch of bypass will be finished by January.
9. The jacuzzi was too small to stretch out in.
10. The underground chambers stretch the length of a football pitch.
11. I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
12. You can enjoy the extraordinary sight unbroken cloud plains that stretch out before you.
13. That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far.
14. The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
15. This stretch of the river is renowned for its good fishing.
16. Stretch up 30 times with alternate arms as a warm-up exercise.
17. Slow down?there are speed traps along this stretch of road.
18. There has been a collision on the southbound stretch of the motorway.
19. She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.
31. Stretch your brain with this puzzle.
32. Their films are exciting and really stretch the imagination.
33. This stretch of water carries a lot of shipping.
34. There's a wild stretch of land behind the house.
35. The mountains stretch the entire length of the country.
36. Stretch the fabric tightly over the frame.
37. The hotel's gardens stretch down to the lake shore.
38. Could we stretch our money out till the week?
39. The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity.
40. Her arms were at full stretch.
41. There's not much stretch in this collar.
42. It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.
43. The kids stretch my patience to the limit.
44. I need a job that will stretch me.
45. Her brother's doing a ten-year stretch for armed robbery.
46. The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit.
47. Everyone would be working at full stretch.
48. This material has a lot of stretch in it.
49. The campaign has entered its final stretch.
50. The wood does not stretch very far.
51. She went out to stretch her legs after lunch.
52. The lorry skidded on a stretch of black ice.
53. Factories stretch for quite a way along the canal.
54. The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.
55. He did a long stretch for attempted murder.
56. He dived and caught the ball at full stretch.
57. He slupped a glass of bear at a stretch.
58. Don't stretch your head out.
59. She worked for six hours at a stretch.
60. a broad stretch of meadowland.
61. His horizons didn't stretch beyond his next night out.
62. The cables are designed not to stretch.
63. He hewed down three trees at a stretch.
64. Reporters sometimes stretch the facts to make a point.
65. He had a good stretch on the bed.
66. The beach seemed to stretch endlessly.
67. It's a very dangerous stretch of road.
68. This stretch of water is heavily used by shipping.
69. They reafforested a wide stretch of badlands.
70. He did a ten-year stretch for fraud.
71. You can't stretch the rules to suit yourself.
72. The car journey took three hours, including a couple of stops to stretch our legs.
73. He decided to stretch his trip in Europe for another week.
74. He would study for eight to ten hours at a stretch.
75. The dog woke up, had a good stretch and wandered off.
76. The prairies stretch on all sides as far as the eye can see.
77. I'd like to stretch my mortgage payments out over a longer period if possible.
78. We don't normally allow in people under 18, but I suppose we could stretch the rules for you as it's your birthday tomorrow.
79. Hundreds of vehicles have become snowbound and police are warning people not to travel on this stretch of the motorway.
80. The dogs were leaping and growling at the full stretch of their chains.
81. Not by any stretch of the imagination could she be called beautiful .
82. With staff shortages and appalling weather conditions, the emergency services were at full stretch.
83. She could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be called beautiful.
84. It's a good idea to stretch before you take vigorous exercise.
85. She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course.
86. The Andes stretch for 7250 km along the west coast of South America.
87. Her husband was not a womaniser by any stretch of the imagination.
88. I'm just going to stretch out on the couch for ten minutes.
89. You need a material with plenty of stretch in it.
90. The emergency services are working at full stretch today to cope with the accident.
91. This once I'll stretch the rules and let you leave work early.
92. By no stretch of the imagination could the trip be described as relaxing.
93. Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot.
94. I'd love a holiday if our money will stretch that far.
95. Have a good stretch from time to time to prevent yourself getting stiff.
96. That stretch of river is too shallow to be navigable.
97. I was hoping they would stretch a point and let me stay on for a while.
98. There are tailbacks along a 10-mile stretch of the motorway.
99. This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now bare.
100. By no stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist.
101. The wooden hut stood on a lonely stretch of beach.
102. My present job doesn't stretch me, so I'm looking for something more demanding.
103. The march to Travnik was the final stretch of a 16-hour odyssey.
104. Traffic is at a standstill along a five-mile stretch of the M11 just south of Cambridge.
105. There are lots of things I'd like to buy, but our budget just won't stretch that far.
106. There's no way I could work for ten hours at a stretch.
107. She doesn't have all the qualifications but I think we should stretch a point in her favour.
108. Unsettled weather will stretch from the middle Mississippi Valley to the southern Middle Atlantic States.
109. Two extra people are coming for dinner.Will the food stretch out?
110. It has been clinically proved that it is better to stretch the tight muscles first.
111. With a stretch of his arm, he reached the shelf.
112. This stretch of coast has been designated a danger zone.
113. He was about to stretch out his hand to grab me.
114. I just want to get home and stretch out on the sofa.
115. She looked certain to win as she entered the final stretch.
116. Where can I buy those things that stretch your shoes?
117. The budget won't stretch to a new car this year.
118. Stay in this position and feel the stretch in your legs.
119. My family wasn't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.
120. The talks look set to stretch into a second week.
121. Lift your arms above your head and inhale as you stretch.
122. This particular stretch of coast is especially popular with walkers.
123. The Jandia Peninsula is a stretch of white sands backed by a mountain range.
124. She used to read for hours at a stretch .
125. I see nothing but a small stretch of road immediately ahead.
126. The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles.
127. Ease the pastry into the corners of the tin, making sure you don't stretch it.
128. I don't think we can stretch out the fuel to the end of this week, so you'd better go and get some more.
129. Nearby there is a stretch of white sand beach perfect for sunbathing.
130. Tame birds, when approached, will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering.
131. The talks look setting to stretch into a second week.
132. We'll stretch a point and let the baby travel free this time.
133. I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.
134. The child's hands are too small to stretch to an octave on the piano.
135. Always stretch before exercising.
136. I always have a good stretch when I get up in the morning.
137. The festival is being held on a stretch of parkland near the river.
138. I need a new car,() but my savings won't stretch to it.
139. He couldn't stretch out his money to the end of the month.
140. The wind was with me on the home stretch and I ran well.
141. It was good to get out of the car and stretch our legs.
142. Some very rare birds inhabit our stretch of the river.
143. The fishing in this stretch of the river is strictly preserved.
144. Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.
145. I'm going to have to stretch this $20 until payday.
146. The refugee camps stretch as far as the eye can see.
147. There have been many shipwrecks along this dangerous stretch of coastline.
148. This fabric doesn't have much stretch in it, does it?
149. Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.
150. We got out of the car and had a good stretch.
151. As they enter the home stretch of the campaign, the President's lead has grown.
152. You rarely see boats on this stretch of the river.
153. Although we were supposed to finish this month, it looks like the work will stretch well into next year.
154. Oil has come ashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Plymouth.
155. We're going into the home stretch of the presidential election.
156. There were plans to deepen a stretch of the river.
157. I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.
158. Observant walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road.
159. She suggested to me that I might like to start regular savings and I said Well, I don't know whether I can stretch to that.
160. She rarely sleeps for eight hours at a stretch .
161. By no stretch of the imagination could you call him ambitious.
162. The plot does stretch credulity.
163. Stretch up alternate hands - even higher than yesterday!
164. Pools of crude oil stretch in every direction.
165. Pipelines stretch through the brush like giant serpents.
166. An appallingly self-satisfied financial adviser-think Malvolio in a stretch limo-finds that his wife is cheating on him.
167. It glittered like glass and seemed to stretch out endlessly.
168. If Virginia Street seemed to stretch the material to fill the space, this second play seems to cram it in.
169. She was born in Paris in 1908(), where her parents had fled to stretch their limited means.
170. Shallow Pools and Crevices Considerable variation in shore fauna can occur even in the same stretch of coast.
171. Alma made them string clothesline around so she could stretch blanketing over him and down to the floor without its touching him.
172. I could stretch both arms toward the sides of the chamber without touching them.
173. Possibly a little bracing if your nearest stretch of coast is in Britain.
174. Not a wet, cold, grey and grizzly day on a lonely and deserted stretch of coast at Birkenhead.
175. Erik Menendez ended his 15-day stretch on the witness stand by introducing an allegation that his entertainment-executive father might have killed somebody.
176. Not boring white or dark blue broadcloth, but in an explosion of colors and fabrics, from stretch denim to corduroy.
177. We glide along a glassy-smooth stretch of water, listening to the steadily increasing roar of Hance Rapid.
178. Straighten both legs and stretch right out of your hips; straighten the spine and let your chin fall to your chest.
179. The chalk pit itself is potentially a valuable habitat and adds yet one more facet to this lovely stretch of land.
180. In the Mercedes, tall drivers can really stretch their legs but, not surprisingly, those behind will suffer accordingly.
181. Quincy and I sit out on the deck and read for hours at a stretch.
182. And on this stretch, in particular, there was no provision for crossfire.
183. The plant and its surrounding acreage stretch as far as the eye can see.
184. Stretch of beach between Fishbourne and Ryde Pier offered good flounder at night with odd dabs at Seaview.
185. Supervisors encourage you to set goals that stretch you but are achievable, and then reward you for attaining them.
186. This is not absolutely necessary but it would stretch your imagination and further clarify the entire research process from beginning to end.
187. What would you do if they came and built a hotel on this stretch of coast?
188. The jeep left the road and was fishtailing violently through a stretch of gravel as the fire truck thundered by.
189. Quiet and observant walkers may see red deer along this particular stretch.
190. Except, of course, for the lone and level sands of the wrecked economy, which stretch away in all directions.
191. From Flamborough Head northwards there is a stretch of spectacular limestone cliff scenery, reaching its highest point around Bempton.
192. Iden stretch for small fish on pole and maggot in the deeper water by lock.
193. The place used to stretch for the best part of a quarter of a mile away from the town.
194. They turn up regularly beneath large boulders on any stretch frequented by shore fishermen.
195. One at a time as they turned the bend, Ezra watched their faces stretch.
196. A thing of wonder, they stretch to the skies, and can seem for a time great catacombs of effort.
197. Projects should stretch people, not overload them; projects should provide excitement on the job, not stress and strain.
198. He came through to play at our school in this long, stretch Franklin car, and we followed him into town.
199. The Salvation Army in Sri Lanka had a reputation for making a rupee stretch further than anyone else.
200. Stretch arms up high, then slowly lean forwards as far as you can without straining.
201. Touch it again, and it will curl up again, and then stretch out once more.
202. New roads, stadium lights and steel fencing have dramatically altered the 5-mile stretch patrolled by agents from the Imperial Beach station.
203. Cal used that for a 6-0 run and scored 15 consecutive points on free throws during that stretch.
204. During this third movement, an adagio, the land also developed stretch marks.
205. A bell buoy tolled from across the fiat stretch of gray water beyond.
206. We seemed to drift into tranquility once we reached the long plateau stretch on the high road to Taos.
207. The road, which was narrow, was separated from a low cliff by a stretch of rough grass.
208. Which is why the current stretch, with 11 of 15 at home, is so critical.
209. For added benefit stretch your chin up as you do the exercise.
210. Millions of tiny polyps have emerged from their limestone cells to stretch out their minuscule arms and grope for food.
211. The thought of thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste being buried under their favourite stretch of countryside filled local residents with horror.
212. It was on that stretch of track that the Sunset Limited derailed in October near Hyder.
213. A suggestive hint comes from Trinidad where small fish called guppies vary in color according to the stretch of water they inhabit.
214. Her home consists of two battered green fishing boats tied together a few feet off a stretch of garbage-strewn Nile shoreline.
215. Breathless with excitement, Meredith scanned the stretch of stunning palaces which lined the canal, feeling a sense of awe.
216. Not tightly enough to restrict the blood flow, but sufficient to make her long to be able to stretch.
217. But stretch it very tight like a drum, or it will not have the effect of keeping out the cold.
218. After driving for so long on the gravel I was glad to get on an even stretch of road.
219. It may stretch credulity to the point that signs of real abuse are overlooked.
220. This enables its neck to stretch, coil and almost revolve the head; the most extreme example being the owl.
221. Ribbons of red, green and ocher stone stretch across the canyon walls.
222. Stretch your arms out to the sides, flex both hands, and draw small, quick tight circles round one way.
223. This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
224. We stretch out our tired legs and drink cups of tea we have brought up from the pantry.
225. She stared fixedly at she straight hard stretch of highway.
226. Wet hair tends to stretch and break and is very vulnerable so never use a bristle brush on hair when wet.
227. But you always evaded this question, saying your allowance from home would not stretch to paying the extra rent.
228. Most have been seen at Chichester gravel pits, but the species may occur on any stretch of fresh water.
229. Roach and small chub on the Roberts Park stretch at Saltaire.
230. A good quality tape-measure that will not stretch is necessary for general sewing use.
231. The voluntary partnership grew out of the misfired attempt to create a so-called business improvement district in a 30-block stretch of downtown.
232. The moment he emerged on to a flat stretch of road after negotiating a particularly tight corner the explanation was obvious.
233. Secondly,[] always seek to delegate tasks which will stretch your subordinates.
234. No one tackles its succession of hairpin bends unless they have to: it is a particularly dangerous stretch of road.
235. Many collectors are happy to stretch the definition beyond the 1960s.
236. His quest for glory has caused him to stretch his energies to the absolute limit.
237. Haywood High school is offering them the chance to attend weekly masterclasses, to stretch their minds that bit more.
238. Yesterday he was rowing with the boat race squad on this stretch of Thames at Wallingford when he complained he felt unwell.
239. When completed, the theater would stretch out even to where the barber shop was located.
240. Hold that stretch, pulling and elongating the spine from the very base out of the hips, chin to chest.
241. The speed limits on that stretch of road are a farce.
242. Thoughts are like burning stars, and ideas, they flood, they stretch the universe. Criss Jami 
243. It would stretch round the equator 97 times or reach to the moon and back five times.
244. Finally I let him stretch out on the carpeted floor beside my feet as Dad and I talked.
245. This time Laura did not elongate herself so much as stretch herself into a kind of thin phlegmy mess.
246. Solly's climb was to perplex and stretch the best climbers for decades.
247. These edges can be considered mutually exclusive interpretations of some stretch of the utterance defined by the z and x axis.
248. They soon stretch beyond any form of credibility as he jokes with his advisers.
249. The pants themselves were too tight and too short, exhibiting a generous stretch of hairy legs.
250. Shortly thereafter we enter a stretch of shallow pools and channels cut into the rock by a millennium of erosion.
251. Synthetic thread is very strong and should be used with synthetic or stretch fabric as it has more elasticity.
252. This stretch of coastline contains the outlets of no fewer than seven rivers.
253. The worker must straddle and stretch across the distances, often very large distances.
254. Riven was stiff all over, hardly able to stretch himself flat.
255. This huge stretch of coastline is dominated by offshore barrier islands built by the surf out of drifting sand.
256. Roach and big bream on the Grange stretch below A1 road bridge at Wetherby, also grayling.
257. The bucket has teeth the size of a man(), and room to park three stretch limos.
258. Technical advances in fleece continue apace such as with the stretch version which gives improved insulation and greater mobility through a closer fit.
259. You must have the ability to turn at acute angles at speed and you must be able to stretch and bend.
260. However long she had been there, the whole stretch was a dingy aching trail of work and beatings.
261. His Honour Mark Dyer said the fish farm was well aware that that particular stretch of river was reserved for brown trout.
262. Finally he would stretch out, his breathing would become more regular and he would drift off.
263. The same summer ... I am looking down on the world, but it does not stretch away over nebulous distant horizons.
264. Or tax incentives encourage companies to stretch out downsizing and keep more jobs at home?
265. This final stretch, a 4, 000-foot ascent over 13 winding miles, is by far the most daunting./stretch.html
266. Now push and stretch that arm just a little further and hold for 1 second.
267. Stretch up gently for 10 counts holding each count for 1 second.
268. But what began in May 1998 as a skirmish over a remote stretch of border exposed a deep reservoir of bitterness.
269. All around me, the bare walls expanded and converged into a relentless stretch of white.
270. I walked the stretch of road from our apartment to the Mekong Grocery.
271. Every available stretch of water - be it river, sea or reservoir - is likely to harbour a sailing club.
272. Woods then holed a birdie putt from six feet to stretch his lead to four.
273. The stretching of the elastic explains the elasticity of lung tissue and that energy is required to stretch the tissue.
274. Hold for 1 second in that extreme position, then push and stretch a little further for a count of 25.
275. This time a thirty-year-old schoolteacher cycling home to Hunstanton who had a puncture on a lonely stretch of road.
276. He took the opportunity to stretch his legs and eat some biscuits and bananas.
277. Gently stretch forwards for 25 counts, holding each stretch for 1 second.
278. Stretch the upper arm up and over even further than yesterday.
279. The terrain is very varied from the great expanse of Dartmoor to the gentler stretch of Exmoor.
280. The contrast with today couldn't have been greater-we even took a pleasure boat over the same stretch of water.
281. He is especially strong in the first and second congressional districts that stretch from Pensacola to Jacksonville on the East Coast.
282. Joan and Jack enjoy meeting their guests and many breakfasts stretch into the mid-morning as new friendships are made.
283. Two plays later,(http:///stretch.html) Humphries found Martin in the corner of the end zone to stretch the lead to 14-0.
284. Over a stretch of muddy field ... she had to bridge the gap - decide.
285. Or stretch her limbs and laugh at the careworn ways of her elders?
286. That question asks us to change our focus and consider our legal practice not in cross-section but over some stretch of time.




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