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单词 X chromosome
释义  Related topics: Microbes, genetics, biochemX chro·mo·some /ˈeks ˌkrəʊməsəʊm $ -ˌkroʊməsoʊm/ noun  [countable]HBM a type of chromosome that exists in pairs in female cells, and together with a Y chromosome in male cells X 染色体Examples from the CorpusX chromosome• In heterozygous females, pre-B cells whose active X chromosome expresses the mutant gene would not terminally differentiate and proliferate.• Consequently, a Cain gene on an X chromosome can safety kill the Y chromosome and not risk suicide.• Females may be variably affected by virtue of random inactivation of the X chromosome.• The pattern arises, we now know, because the gene is carried on the X chromosome.• It is carried on the X chromosome.• The gene is found on the X chromosome, males being more severely affected than females.X chro·mo·some nounChineseSyllable  exists a Corpus type chromosome that of




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