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单词 fact of life
释义  ˌfact of ˈlife noun (plural facts of life) [countable]  1  an unpleasant situation that exists and that must be accepted 生活的现实,必须面对的事实 Mass unemployment seems to be a fact of life nowadays. 大规模失业似乎就是如今不得不面对的现实。 Persuading others to accept the hard financial facts of life is not a very popular job. 说服他人接受严峻的经济现实不是个好差事。2  the facts of life the details about sex and how babies are born 性知识 Mum told me the facts of life when I was twelve. 我12岁的时候妈妈向我传授性知识。Examples from the Corpusfact of life• Incomplete systems are accepted as a fact of life.• Financial insecurity has become a fact of life for significant segments of the middle and working classes.• Anyway, it's not neurotic, it's a fact of life, a biological, evolutionary thing.• Homosexuality was not discussed, it was simply a fact of life.• Despite the problems with groups they remain a major fact of life in all organizations.• Leprosy was a disease, no more; it was an unpleasant fact of life, like poverty and illiteracy.ˌfact of ˈlife nounChineseSyllable  situation Corpus unpleasant that that exists and an




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