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单词 win
释义 Word family  noun win winner winnings adjective winning verb win  win1 /wɪn/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense and past participle won /wʌn/, present participle winning)  1  competition/race 竞争/比赛 [intransitive, transitive]WIN to be the best or most successful in a competition, game, election etc 〔在竞赛、游戏、选举等中〕获胜,赢 OPP losewin a race/a game/an election etc Who do you think will win the next election? 你认为谁会在下一次竞选中获胜? He won the Tour de France last year. 去年他在环法自行车大赛中获胜。win a war/battle the young pilots who won the Battle of Britain 打赢不列颠之战的年轻飞行员们 Who’s winning (=who is most successful at this point in the game)? 现在谁领先?win at I never win at cards. 我打牌从来不赢。win by 10 points/70 metres etc We won by just one point. 我们只赢了一分。2  prize 奖(品) [transitive]GETWIN to get something as a prize for winning in a competition or game 赢得,获得〔奖品等〕 How does it feel to have won the gold medal? 获得金牌的感觉如何? She won £160 on the lottery. 她买彩票中了160英镑。win something for somebody the man who helped win the Cup for Arsenal 帮助阿森纳队赢得足总杯赛的男人3  get/achieve 取得/获得 [transitive]GET to get something that you want because of your efforts or abilities 〔经努力或凭能力〕获得,取得〔某物〕 SYN gainwin somebody’s approval/support/trust etc The proposal has won the approval of the city council. 这项提议获得了市政会的批准。 Kramer has certainly won the respect of his peers. 克雷默无疑赢得了同侪的尊敬。win somebody’s heart (=make them love you or feel sympathy for you) 赢得某人的心 The company has won a contract to build a new power plant outside Houston. 公司得到了在休斯敦城外建造一座新发电厂的合同。win something from somebody Davis hopes to win financial backing from a London investment firm. 戴维斯希望获得伦敦一家投资公司的资助。4  make SB win STH 使某人赢得某物 [transitive] if something, usually something that you do, wins you something, you win it or get it because of that thing 〔某事〕让某人赢得…win somebody something That performance won Hanks an Oscar. 汉克斯凭借在那部影片中的表演赢得了一项奥斯卡奖。 That kind of behaviour won’t win you any friends. 那样的行为不会让你交到任何朋友。5  you win spokenAGREE used to agree to what someone wants after you have tried to persuade them to do something else 算你赢〔用于因说服不了对方而同意对方的要求时〕 OK, you win – we’ll go to the movies. 好吧,算你赢——我们看电影去。6  you can’t win spokenPROBLEM used to say that there is no satisfactory way of dealing with a particular situation 没法子〔用于表示没有令人满意的方法处理某情况〕 You can’t win, can you? You either work late and upset your family, or go home early and risk your job. 你没有办法,是吧?你要么工作到很晚,让家里人不高兴;要么冒着失业的危险早早回家去。7. you can’t win them all  (also you win some, you lose some) spokenSYMPATHIZE used to show sympathy when someone has had a disappointing experience 你不可能事事都成功,有得必有失〔用于安慰别人〕8  win or lose informal no matter whether you win or lose 不管输赢,无论成败 Win or lose, I love competitive sports. 无论胜负,我就是喜欢竞技性的体育运动。9  win the day WINto finally be successful in a discussion or argument 〔在讨论或争论中〕最终获得胜利 SYN triumph Common sense won the day, and the plans were dropped. 常理占了上风,计划取消了。 → win the toss at toss2(1), winner, winningn COLLOCATIONSnounswin a raceHe should have won that race but he came a game/matchIt’s supposed to be easier to win your home a competitionThe competition was won by a team from an electionWhich party is likely to win the election?win a battle/warWho won the battle of Waterloo?win a victoryThe protesters have won one victory already.adverbseasilyChavez won the election easily.comfortably (=by a large amount, so that you do not have to worry about winning)The Celtics won comfortably, with a 22-point lead.convincingly (=by a large amount)United won convincingly by three goals to nil.outright (=clearly and completely)If one candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, he will win the seat outright.narrowly (=by only a small amount)In 1916 he narrowly won re-election.hands down (=very easily or by a large amount)Everyone expected Sam to win hands down.phraseswin by 10 points/ten metres etcWe won by 23 points.a winning streak (=when you win many competitions one after another)They came here with a four-game winning streak. THESAURUSwin to be the best or most successful in a competition, game, election etc 赢,获胜Italy won the World Cup in 2006. 意大利队获2006年世界杯冠军。He has a realistic chance of winning the Championship. 他夺冠是有实际可能性的。come first/be first to win a race or competition 获得第一名Our team came first. 我们队获第一名。Jo was first in the race and I was second. 乔在比赛中得了第一名,我得了第二名。finish in first place (also come in first) to win a race, competition, or election 获得第一,排名第一The Democratic candidate finished in first place. 民主党候选人排名第一。I couldn’t believe it when the horse I chose came in first. 我选中的那匹马竟然得了第一,我都不敢相信是真的。triumph written to win a great victory, especially after a long and difficult battle, game etc 获胜,成功〔尤指经过漫长、艰难的战斗、比赛等取得大胜〕Britain triumphed over its enemies. 英国战胜了敌人。In the end, the Yankees triumphed. 最后,扬基队获胜。come out on top informal to win a game, competition, argument etc 获胜,赢United came out on top after a thrilling game. 经过一场激动人心的比赛,联队赢得了胜利。They did a survey and the Swedish car-maker came out on top. 他们做了个调查,瑞典汽车制造商名列前茅。nIf you try to argue with him, he always comes out on leading/be in the lead to be winning a game, race, election etc at the moment 领先The High School team are leading with sixty points. 高中队领先60分。With only two minutes left to play, we were still in the lead. 比赛只剩两分钟,我们仍然领先。be ahead to be doing better than someone else in a game, competition, or election 领先,占优He’s still fifty seconds ahead of his nearest rival. 他仍领先于他最接近的对手50秒。A week before the election, they were still ahead in the polls. 大选一周前他们仍在民意测验中领先。nsomeone who wins somethingwinner the person or thing that wins a race, competition etcA prize of £500 will be awarded to the winner.the winning team/player/horse etc the one that winsThe winning team will go through to the grand final in Milan.champion (also the title holder American English) someone who has won a competition, especially in sportHe became the heavyweight boxing champion.record-holder someone who has achieved the fastest speed, the longest distance etc in a sportthe world high-jump record-holder PHRASAL VERBS10 win somebody/something ↔ back phrasal verb GETto succeed in getting back something or someone that you had before 重新获得〔某物或某人〕,把…赢回来 SYN regain How can I win back her trust? 我怎样才能重新赢得她的信任?11 win out phrasal verb SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto finally succeed or defeat other people or things 终于成功 over Often presentation wins out over content (=is treated as more important than content). 形式往往重于内容。12 win somebody ↔ over (also win somebody ↔ round British English) phrasal verb PERSUADEto get someone’s support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them 〔通过劝说或示好以〕获得〔某人的支持或友谊〕,把〔某人〕争取过来 We’ll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters. 我们将在接下来的十天好好努力,把犹豫未决的选民争取过来。13 win through phrasal verb especially British English SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto finally succeed in spite of problems 〔经历困难后〕终于成功 SYN triumph As in most of his films, it’s the good guys who win through in the end. 正如在他的大多数电影里一样,好人最终获得胜利。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswin• What would you do if you won $1 million?• Do you remember our first game of the season? We won 3-1.• No-one really expected the Socialist Party to win.• The court case has been dragging on for months, and it's increasingly unlikely that she'll win.• Who do you think is going to win?• Our guys were losing to win.• How much money did she win?• Eventually Jim wins a competition and the conductor is reinstated.• Milburn won a gold medal in the 1972 Olympics.• I could never win an argument with my father.• She always wins at Scrabble.• He went ahead of Nolan, winning by 15 seconds.• The competition was won by a Nigerian student.• This was the first of many victories won by women's rights campaigners.• They play really smart ball and they often win championships, despite having a lineup which is somewhat less than imposing.• We expect to win every game.• Gorelli, he'd won for a while, but now he was losing, and he was losing big.• It will take time to win her trust.• who won the first Civil War?• Chang won the first set but lost the next two.• His book won the Pulitzer Prize for literature.• Gandhi won the support of many liberals in a war/battle• McCaffrey, 53, knows a lot about winning battles.• Hadn't she just won a war, after all?• The trouble is that tiptoeing is desperately uncomfortable when you are trying to win a war at the same time.• And, more important, the military certainly has not lost its ability to fight and win wars because adultery is prohibited.• Isabella gallops around, winning battles, expelling Moors from strongholds, her appetites expanding by the week.• Hicks won a battle for a loose puck from two Sharks.• Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.• Why exert himself to win a battle the bowmen had already won?won ... medal• Redgrave has already won two gold medals and will become Britain's most successful current Olympic sportsman if he wins his third.• He won four gold medals at the Los Angeles Games, yet universal acclaim was reluctant.• He won a bronze medal for Britain in the 1952 Olympics.• She had trained under Kate Rorke at the Guildhall, where she won the silver medal for elocution.• That is not to diminish any of the efforts of hard-working, courageous athletes who have won silver medals here.• Dana won the gold medal in the javelin.• I could have won the Congressional Medal of somebody’s heart• In the end, he won the princess's somebody something• Those tactics won't win them any votes.Related topics: Sportwin2 ●●● W3 noun [countable]  1 DSWINa success or victory, especially in sport 〔尤指在体育比赛中的〕胜利,赢 OPP defeat We’ve had two wins so far this season. 这个赛季开始以来,我们已赢了两场。win over In the under-16 event England had their first win over Germany. 在这场16岁以下的青少年赛事中,英格兰队战胜德国队赢得了第一场胜利。► see thesaurus at victory → no-win, win-winn COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: ADJECTIVES/NOUN + win a big win (=an important win, or one that you win by a large amount)This is one of the biggest wins I’ve easy winThe Australian appeared to be heading for an easy win.a comfortable win (=one that you win by a large amount, so that you do not have to worry about winning)Chelsea had a comfortable win against Crystal Palace.a convincing win especially British English (=a win by a large amount)Scotland cruised to a convincing win over Ireland.a five-point/two-goal etc winThe team had a nine-point win over Arizona.verbshave/score a winWe haven’t had a win for three games.notch up a win (=achieve a win)Escude has now notched up three consecutive wins over him.pull off a win (=win when it is difficult to win)The side has pulled off two excellent wins in the past couple of weeks.clinch a win (=finally win after a difficult contest)He suffered some anxious moments before clinching a 9–6 win over Dennis Taylor last to a win (=win easily)Arsenal cruised to a win over Chelsea.Examples from the Corpuswin• a 2-0 win over their oldest rivals• The Broncos opened the season with 12 wins in their first 13 games.• The hamstring pull which put Lydon out of the Test series was sustained in the closing minutes of a 50-4 win over Chorley.• Although I have a soft spot for him after his super-game Hennessy win, he does not appeal greatly as 7-2 favourite.• Counting on some momentum from his win over Gramm in Louisiana, but has little organization and money in Iowa.• It was an important win for Manchester United.• A couple from London are celebrating a big lottery win.• Will the Warriors put together a modest winning streak with a win over their northern California rivals?• Czechoslovakia reached the quarter-finals on the dubious claim of one win and three draws.• Those Republican wins came two years after Clinton carried Ohio against Bush.• McCain's win changes many things, both for himself and for Bush.• Newton Aycliffe after disappointing recently at last returned to winning form with a 3-0 win over relegation candidates Usworth over• A 2-1 win over Brighton and a 3-3 draw at Rotherham, however, have lifted spirits considerably.• Florida's 14-11 win over Cleveland• Dole also faces a challenge winning over the fence-sitters.• It takes too many wins over good teams to get there.• Labour moderates win over four of the hard left by agreeing that the cuts shall involve as few compulsory redundancies as possible.• Not that Lily had had great hopes, so early on, of winning over Robert's daughter.• But will his support help Mr Giuliani to split, or even to win over, the Latino vote?Origin win1 Old English winnan “to work, fight”win1 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1 →PHRASAL VERBS1win2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  best to in Corpus or successful be a most the competition,




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