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单词 Overriding
1. Their overriding aim was to keep costs low.
2. Development is of overriding importance.
3. There is a penalty for overriding.
4. The government's overriding concern is to reduce inflation.
5. Their overriding concern is with efficient crime control.
6. Time was of overriding importance.
7. It is of overriding importance to finish the project this week.
8. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. My overriding concern is to raise the standards of state education.
10. Every consideration was subservient to the overriding need to cut costs.
11. There will be no overriding sense of direction.
12. Churchill issued a new order overriding previous instructions.
13. Within their own spheres, they were of overriding importance.
14. an overriding concern to secure business efficiency.
15. Its overriding concern is with efficient crime control.
16. As with Frederick and Catherine, his overriding consideration was the power and well-being of the State.
17. These drives may have their foundation in the overriding needs to survive and to reproduce.
18. The overriding priority, therefore, was to ensure that the structure of the Party should guarantee its ideological purity.
19. The government's overriding concern to ensure domestic stability ruled out the possibility of landless Emancipation.
20. Unless there was some overriding issue of national security, Lord Young should have acknowledged that and published.
21. But the overriding image carried every night on the evening news has been one of a woefully inadequate effort.
22. In all instances, the overriding desire to maintain control over mineral resources keeps the war going.
23. In the letter Ratzinger justified discrimination against gays and lesbians in instances when there was an overriding social interest.
24. The country is asked to pay the price of the Government's overriding concern that they should not lose face.
25. Lengthy research went on to find suitable precedents but the overriding consideration was the position of Lloyd George and the Liberals.
26. Not surprisingly, they were rewarded by deep loyalty and an overriding will to succeed.
27. Its whole history is known and is a sad example of cupidity overriding respect for beauty and history.
28. Finally there are federal judges, who have a general and overriding authority over the other levels of jurisdiction.
29. For them, the sovereignty of the consumer was the overriding consideration.
30. Gould's time was too precious and his ambition too overriding to allow him a thought for artistic temperament.
1. Development is of overriding importance.
31. There were two overriding needs which had to be met by the Roman road network - military and economic.
32. The edge of the overriding plate is crumpled and uplifted to form a mountain chain parallel to the trench.
33. She repeatedly says that inflation is too high and that its reduction must be the Government's overriding priority.
34. Several of these critics wrote of technology becoming the overriding power in society.
35. The short-term cause of overriding local significance were the droughts and crop failures in 1920 and 1921.
36. That role involved two primary and overriding responsibilities: to guarantee domestic and foreign security.
37. This overriding limit is subject to adjustment in the event of certain specified alterations to the Company's share capital.
38. The overriding need is to ensure these park trees are not merely protected but replanted.
38. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
39. And which, of course, are casually tossed aside whenever the overriding concept of money enters the picture.
40. The Board's overriding concern was to deprive employees found guilty of such acts of their reinstatement rights.
41. Our overriding conclusion was that racially discriminatory behaviour was not an obvious or noticeable feature of court-room interactions.
42. If counterintelligence becomes the overriding mission, the obvious answer is the solution first offered by Sen.
43. In the final analysis, informed decision making is the overriding goal of financial statement analysis.
44. Thus, during these years, the overriding concern of the government in office was parliamentary survival and electoral prospects.
45. This is not, however, to suggest that assessment considerations should be the overriding factor in the development of qualifications.
46. The overriding anxiety for the employees was what benefits they could claim and how much they would receive.
47. His defeat gives a further boost to Mr Kinnock's already overriding executive majority.
48. The overriding importance of death and disease in the seventeenth century have seldom found such a chronicler.
49. Why this should be our only or even our overriding concern remains as opaque as ever.
50. Mediating the differences between these groups and guiding them towards mutually agreed goals is the overriding notion of the national interest.
51. The overriding principle, though, is that consultation must commence at the earliest opportunity.
52. Our overriding priority is to provide our shareholders with a satisfactory financial return on their investment.
53. Ellis, according to his successor Beto, had two overriding overt concerns.
54. He had one overriding ambition-to act-and confessed to being a workaholic.
55. Strangely enough, sport is not the overriding tradition of the West Indies.
56. The overriding need here is to end the civil war.
57. The overriding goal of this chapter is to understand the nature of markets and how prices and outputs are determined.
58. The overriding goal of state policy was to keep the elderly as independent as possible, so as to minimize costs.
59. On 8 April 1962, when ninety percent of metropolitan voters approved the Evian Accords, that overriding objective was finally achieved.
60. There may be many factors to take into account, but usually the overriding consideration is monetary.
61. And he singled out the abundant evidence he has found that the organizational approach is of overriding importance.
62. Chapman came to criticize the league system most for making success the overriding consideration.
63. The overriding theme of the conference is the need to reduce Third World debt.
64. The notion of the overriding importance of applicability of learning is born of long immersion in community education.
65. If the farm has hill-grazing rights, these may assume an overriding importance in relation to other factors.
66. On June 24 the House voted by only 271:156 in favour of overriding the veto.
67. There are some possible compromises, like centralization with selective local overriding, and Guide follows this approach.
68. Milosevic himself was reported to have chaired a key meeting Sunday overriding infuriated hard-liners angered by the moderates' desire to compromise.
69. The overriding power, however, still lay with the party-dominated local election committees.
70. Although unspoken, its overriding goals are survival and maintenance, rather than improvement and growth.
71. With those southerners on board, Mr Edwards believes Congress may have a chance of overriding another presidential veto.
72. Enables or disables overriding user's maximum color settings.
73. There's a new way of overriding attribute access.
74. Ease of use is an overriding design goal.
75. Overriding Proof Against the Hospitals.
76. Larry was demoted for overriding his superior's orders.
77. In China the overriding need is for stability.
78. The overriding reason why this separation is essential is straightforward.
79. Overriding the default mapping registry with the new type mappings.
80. Descendant classes can change the way specific interface method is implemented by overriding the implementing method.
81. Yet, given the site, the pentagonal design had one overriding virtue, draftsman Socrates Thomas Stathes remembered later: "It fit."
82. It is essential that the handler invoke methods in the superclass rather than methods in the overriding module (see Listing 9).
83. The xmllib works by the application programmer overriding the class XMLParser, and providing methods to handle document elements such as specific or generic tags, or character entities.
84. Alphabetize. Alphabetize. This doesn't help navigate your attributes, but it does help prevent you from duplicating an attribute and accidentally overriding a previous setting.
85. The destruction of chemical weapons is the most important, pressing and overriding task for the OPCW at present and in the years to come.
86. The destination name in the deployment descriptor serves as an overriding mechanism.
87. Context is the overriding factor in translation and has primacy over any rule and theory.
88. The other two configurations have overriding advantages for special applications.
89. If there is one overriding perception of the millennial generation, it's that these young people have great -- and sometimes outlandish -- expectations.
90. Make decisions and action plans on issues of overriding importance.
91. The way [xmllib] works is by the application programmer overriding the class XMLParser, and providing methods to handle document elements, such as specific or generic tags or character entities.
92. Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit, the administration will ask congress for only $15 million this summer.
93. Moral values are not necessarily overriding but possibly have a relatively weak position in people's value system.
94. The ethical principles of non- maleficence and beneficence might be used as justification for overriding her autonomy.
95. This named parameter specifies whether the indicated attribute can be inherited by derived classes and overriding members.
96. The overriding consideration governing our choice of material is its relevancy to possible use.
97. Key words Deductive object database, partial set , compact operator, overriding operator, declarative semantics.
98. It is important that you use a tool like dig, host, or nslookup to verify DNS, because your hosts file is overriding DNS for the moment.
99. Overriding all opposition,() he followed a Right - opportunist petty - bourgeois policy.
100. Minimum weight and volume are almost overriding requirements for any missile servo.
101. The ethical principles of non - maleficence and beneficence might be used as justifications for overriding her autonomy.
102. Minimum weight and volume are almost overriding requirements for any mi ile servo.
103. Ensure stability as a principle of overriding importance and balance reform, development and stability.
104. At higher impedance levels, circuit settling times become more important and are usually the overriding factor in determining overall measurement speed.
105. In 1947, the Senate joined the House in overriding President Truman's veto of the Taft - Hartley Act.
106. It's really the exercise of monetary policy which becomes the overriding objective.
107. Years of overriding the natural limits of libido with intense stimulation desensitize the user's response to a neurochemical called dopamine.
108. A redeclaration of a property that includes a type identifier hides the inherited property rather than overriding it.
109. An overriding national goal is the expansion of nuclear power.
110. FFmpeg forces the FLV extension as the file format, sets the frame rate of 29.97 frames per second (fps), overriding the default of 25, and sets a frame size of 320x240 for a VGA screen.
111. Overriding queue check for setting mode from [ % s ] to [ % s ].




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