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单词 Recite
1. She could recite large portions of Shakespeare.
2. She can recite the whole poem from memory.
3. He closed his eyes and began to recite a Buddhist mantra.
4. Recite the poem from the beginning.
5. We were taught to recite the catechism.
6. He loved to recite his personal experiences.
7. Don't jerk out your words,try to recite more smoothly.
8. It's my turn to recite.
9. All he could do was recite a list of Government failings.
10. She could recite a list of all the kings and queens.
11. The little boy refused to recite at the evening party.
12. My father can still recite the poems he learned off by heart at school.
13. To my amazement, he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.
14. I repeated them until I could recite seventy stories without dropping a word.
15. All Erma had to do was recite the lines.
16. Each student had to recite a poem.
17. Buerger said she can recite phrases from the film.
18. Dinah began to recite the lines from Cymbeline.
19. They recite the verse earnestly and proudly.
20. And then recite a list of all the things she resented.
21. He came because he could recite poems, particularly Rudyard Kipling, and at great length.
22. Suppose you were required, as a child, to recite a poem in front of your class.
23. She then proceeded to recite a bitter list of all the failed marriages which we had in our midst or knew of.
24. I would like the Imam Sahib to recite the opening verses of the Koran.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. Nobody dissented and the company stood to recite the opening chapter of the Koran under the leadership of the al-Sharifi.
26. But merely to recite examples of improvised education was to reveal their inadequacy.
27. He was a man of few words except when he mounted the stage to recite his poetry.
28. The imposing figure made them so nervous that they forgot to recite the statements they had carefully rehearsed the night before.
29. She knew the origin of every obscure couplet imaginable, and could usually recite the whole poem which went with it.
30. And all the time she thirsted for the words of love which she made the young boy recite.
1. She could recite large portions of Shakespeare.
2. She can recite the whole poem from memory.
3. He closed his eyes and began to recite a Buddhist mantra.
31. After supper there were always some musical items provided by supposedly talented guests, and I remember once being requested to recite.
32. He can recite the alphabet and hold an intelligent conversation.
33. All over the city, all over Ireland, now, people would be pausing to recite a prayer.
34. Then, as I often did when I was alone at sea, I began to recite Shakespeare.
35. The teacher would call us up to the front of the class to recite it, and woe betide anyone who faltered.
36. Others recite complex speeches by rote that sound all too familiar, and collapse at the slightest interruption.
37. He encouraged the three of us to recite, and sing and play the harmonium.
38. He slipped off his black overcoat before stepping forward to recite the oath of office.
39. It made such a deep impression upon Katch that seventy years later, she could still recite passages from it.
40. Usually, the children recite what has made them happy lately, and what has made them sad.
41. Furthermore, unless all students are required to recite the Pledge, there is no violation of the free exercise clause either.
42. Felix's wife began to recite her poetry, and wondered about his air fare, and gave him some coffee.
43. He can even recite a prayer in the language of the Sioux, albeit with a Wiltshire accent.
44. The court considered it important that individual students were not compelled to recite the Pledge.
45. While they were able to recite Newton's laws by rote, they couldn't explain them.
46. Nathan leaned forwards, stared at scenery that, even in the dark, he knew off by heart and could recite.
47. At an early age he developed a remarkable memory and could recite long passages from the Scriptures by heart.
48. Recite my entire career history complete with qualifications, pay scale, dates of promotions and dossier of official merit-ratings and reprimands?
49. After taking away our tablets, he made us recite what we had written.
50. He began to recite an act of resignation to the Divine Will.
51. The longing to get them to recite their tables was almost overwhelming for the non-converted.
52. Come up to the front and recite the poem.
53. It was my turn to recite.
54. He can recite the poem fluently.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
55. He can recite that poem from memory.
56. He is going to recite a poem.
57. Property companies: foreign monk good recite and chant scripture?
58. He can recite Shelly's Ode to the West Wind.
59. The little boy can recite the multiplication table fluently.
60. It's your turn to recite, Mr. Kaplan.
61. I like to recite his poetical works.
62. To chant or recite a monotone.
63. You could recite an epic poem for me.
64. You'd leave your farm and spend the time and energy to travel to God's house, where you would recite: "My father was a wandering Aramean ..."
65. She got cold feet when asked to recite in class.
66. The son said he would recite the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita until the time all the souls trapped in hell were freed .
67. Yeats's "Sailing to Byzantium" can enliven a journey on any waters, and it will never be forgotten if you recite it on the Bosporus.
68. All recite a Scottish grace 15 the haggis is served.
69. There is only a little recite on testament execution in Inherit Law, but has not essential prescript about it.
70. The White- cowled Elder was aware of this. If he gave them a lesson, they learned it so well they could recite it backwards. But no one would have understood precisely what that lesson was about.
71. How could I recite a LONG LONG text without learning it?
72. For example the player could recite a spell that triggers some event.
73. Recite the Lord's Prayer - in Russian, Inspector Hornberg ordered.
74. Et passim , who recite the history of Israel's redemption from Egypt and other enemies.
75. Previous Chinese leaders have been relatively eager to showcase their English acumen in particular Jiang Zemin, who was known to recite the Gettysburg Address and croon Elvis Presley songs.
76. After his death, Belize summons Louis to recite the Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, to demonstrate thanks (for his stash of AIDS drugs) and forgiveness.
77. RECITE CLASSICS : Boost memory power by reciting Chinese poems.
78. I learn the passage by heart and can recite it word - for - word .
79. We should not decide that children should not recite ancient classics due to its repeal.
80. The parrot he had just bought could recite Shakespeare's sonnets, imitate opera stars and intone Homer's epic poems in Greek .
81. In torments, old Martel watches this grainy surveillance footage every night, like a producer watching the daily rushes, while a lip-reader must recite the lovers' amorous whisperings live.
82. I do not doubt ( but ) that he can recite it.
83. Recite the mantra quietly, with deep attention, and let your breath, the mantra, and your awareness slowly become one.
84. Then a leading singer would stand out and recite alone, and the chorus would respond.
84. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
85. Ganesha agreed, but only on the condition that Vyasa recite the poem uninterruptedly, without pausing.
86. One day in a Kabul bookstore I found a collection of landays—"short ones"—the two-line poems the Pashtuns recite to each other at the village well or at wedding celebrations.
87. When Lorraine was asked to recite , she talked off the top of her head.
88. I've known people who can recite the batting averages of their favorite baseball players for every year of their careers, but can't remember where the book of Genesis is in the Bible.
89. They do nothing but thumb their prayer beads and recite a book written in a tongue they don't even understand.
90. As a young child , she often recite line from the ancient ode.
91. In the decades up to the end of the second world war, children were forced to memorise the rescript and recite it, word for word, before a portrait of the emperor.
92. How can you recite such a long poem without even one mistake?
93. We can write it on your logbook and take 5 minutes to read and recite.
94. Lord Hanuman is a bachelor deity and millions recite the Chaalisa to seek blessings of Shree Hanuman.
95. Each child had to recite a poem to the class.
96. Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once, and the immeasurable Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you.
97. We were first taught to recite the words in alphabetic order.
98. I know the passage by heart and can recite it word-for-word .
99. That way, the next time you face an adverse situation, you can pull it out and recite it a few times to give yourself strength.
100. You could recite an epic poem for me a ballad a sonnet, a limerick or something!
101. This three - year - old boy can recite the multiplication table.
102. Our teacher told us to recite this sonnet written by Shakespeare.
103. Some recite pi to many decimal digits, and some present vocally the long ancient poems learnt by heart to the visiting guests of the family. However, is it really helpful to the children's lives?
104. Mourners recite the Kaddish prayer three times that day, go to synagogue and light a candle that burns for 24 hours.
104. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
105. Instead, look into her eyes, smile and recite the sonnet while you gently stroke her face.
106. A Saudi court has ordered a drug user to spend six months memorising the Koran, but he faces a year in prison if he fails to recite the Muslim holy book by heart, a newspaper said on Tuesday.




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