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单词 whither
释义  whith·er /ˈwɪðə $ -ər/ adverb  1  old useWHERE to which place 去何处;往哪儿 SYN where the place whither he went 他所去的地方2  formalDEVELOP used to ask what the future of something will be or how it will develop 怎样的前途,向何处去〔用于询问某事的未来或发展〕5Whither modern art?现代艺术何去何从?n Whither socialism? → whenceExamples from the Corpuswhither• The barbecue had been set up by the lake, whither Matthew and Sara were conducted by the white-jacketed foreign butler.• His virtuosity and clarity is a welcome oasis in the current clouded debate: whither modern architecture?• Whither NATO?• So with football and politics as the bread and circuses of our decadent empire - whither religion?• The final chapter - on whither the wedding cake - had this reviewer in helpless stitches.Origin whither Old English hwiderwhith·er adverbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to which Corpus place




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