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单词 Spurious
1. He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges.
2. He demolished the Opposition's spurious arguments.
3. Williams interpolated much spurious matter.
4. He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.
5. There are some spurious lines in this ancient poem,(sentence dictionary) which were added later.
6. They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery.
7. This authorisation could, of course, be spurious and be disguising condoned truancy.
8. A jury has rejected the spurious claim that the police created evidence.
9. Possibly the occasional spurious light ray causes a corresponding bad reading whose error is averaged out.
10. However, both arguments are spurious,() for there is a very loose connection between tense and time.
11. In some instances, I believe, spurious cases were cobbled together for propaganda purposes.
12. Another snag with optical fibre is spurious reflection inside the fibre.
13. Complete stopping-down, however, produces spurious interference effects at grain edges and reduces resolution.
14. Should they, then, be branded as spurious designators and banished from rational discourse?
15. Do not provide spurious sickness certificates: these prolong the illness.
16. Yet somehow that spurious report served its purpose in terms of giving labor unions a weapon to wield against business.
17. He listened to lengthy and completely spurious accounts by this modern-day alchemist of how his machine supposedly worked.
18. She couldn't be completely spurious; no-one could act a part like that.
19. Experiments involve a spurious association between the novel food and the illness which is usually induced chemically or by X-rays.
20. A spurious semicolon has lost its defiant power to separate life from death.
21. But for all the spurious emphasis on homogeneity, there are also moments when everyone becomes a gaijin, an outsider.
22. Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, "but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds," he says.
23. Some of the arguments in favour of shutting the factory are questionable and others downright spurious.
24. We now know that the strength of that original relationship contained a spurious component.
25. We must beware of the use of ethnicity to wrap a spurious cloak of legitimacy around the speaker who invokes it.
26. Although clearly an interim arrangement, this rump has claimed for itself a legitimacy that is altogether spurious.
27. This reduces the combinatorial explosion and decreases the potential for spurious overlaps through the co-incidence of alternative word senses.
28. As a label it conveys a sense of purpose and purveys an often spurious impression of coherence and integrity in working relationships.
29. It is sensitive to slight movements of the camera, subject or reference strip and will sometimes trigger spurious diagnostics.
30. A suitable form of wording could be devised to avoid the risk of inviting a flood of claims, spurious or genuine.
1. Williams interpolated much spurious matter.
2. There are some spurious lines in this ancient poem, which were added later.
31. The idea that there are forces and necessities in nature is spurious, a piece of mysticism which we can do without.
32. Despite many attempts to link drug use with social deprivation, the association is spurious.
33. This is radically different from showing that the original effect was spurious.
34. They function as a spurious pattern into which the narrative might slide if so allowed.
35. Even Fergie got a mention in a spurious gag about how he and the Royal got together.
36. Also it would permit additions, such as image processing,(http:///spurious.html) with a prospect of eliminating spurious subject material in software.
37. Because the novel is written mainly in dialogue, a spurious impression was given that it would be easy to adapt.
38. It also spurred an outpouring of spurious books and sensational films.
39. In the light of that brutality I don't think we need concern ourselves about gentility, spurious or otherwise.
40. The justification of this chart is entirely spurious.
41. The reason for this sudden spate of spurious insinuation?
42. Correlations can be spurious and do not imply causality.
43. Quite a lot of allegations of misjustice are spurious.
44. First, it uses a new kind of coupling method in the SIR filter and second, it combines the DGS structure with the newly designed filter to provide more suppression in the spurious passband.
45. Their methods range from disqualifying unwelcome candidates on spurious technicalities to threatening and detaining them, reports Chinese Human Rights Defenders, an activist group.
46. The simulation results show that the sample-and-hold element can greatly reduce phase noise and spurious noise in the loop.
47. They alone are scientific, while the traditional methods of the sciences of human action are metaphysical, that is, in the terminology of positivism, superstitious and spurious.
48. Finally, it points out that, as far as wide open receiver is concerned, to suppress or reduce the spurious response is one of the most important tasks in designing a superheterodyne receiver.
49. A novel method to suppress the spurious response of microstrip bandpass filter is proposed in this paper.
50. Naturally a small number of valid results will also be rejected, and some spurious data accepted.
51. Signal which prevents accidental operation by spurious signals or avoids possible ambiguity.
52. This might have produced a spurious inverse association between TAC of diet and risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
53. Spurious reflection that we have to put the past to attract.
54. Low SSB phase noise and high spurious rejection for all in - channel and blocking measurements.
55. This response of the school - boy lies at the bottom of all spurious profundity.
56. Spurious TV commercials results in seller's double return the payment of goods.
57. An important note about sleeping is that there are spurious wake - ups.
58. To be sure, the Republican analysis doesn't rely entirely on spurious attributions of cost — it also relies on using three-card monte tricks to make money disappear.
59. Thank you for finding a way forward on the issues of research and development financing, and substandard, spurious, falsely-labelled, falsified, counterfeit medical products.
60. Facing their reprisals, Bouebdelli publicly criticized the regime's strong-arm tactics -- only to have a court seize, on spurious grounds, a private university he had built and operated.
61. He was sitting in a spurious Louis XVI chair by the side of his wife.
62. The approach can effectively wipe off a great deal of spurious and isolated edges and line split adopted reduces the complexity of computation.
63. Torsional microslip at the clamps results in spurious torques which act like pivot friction torques.
64. This paper analyzes the spectral characteristic of the synthesized waveform by use of the Fourier Series, and discusses the spurious spectrum of the phase truncation errors.
65. The bandwidth of the third spurious response of filter with equal length is zero. Taking advantage of the filter based on non-equal length SIR, flexibility in design process can be increased.
66. The variable that causes a spurious relationship is an antecedent variable, which is causally related to both the independent and dependent variables.
67. This paper introduces a DTMF software synthesizer based on DDS and its implementation and analyzes the effect of phase noise spurious noise and phase truncation error on output wave form.
68. The reasons for this spurious modulation, mathematical model and compensation method are studied.
69. In these cases, filters can be added to the switch to modify the signal frequency bandwidth, or spurious signals at unwanted fre quencies can be eliminated from the signal to the DUT.
70. Objective: to find the quickly and precise method to check spurious breed of cinnabar.
71. The known error bound of location deviation is used to determine the minimum matching merit for two point pairs so that the effect of spurious feature points can be reduced.
72. Since it is important to avoid the spurious response or local minima in the application of ANN, the core problem is to investigate the global attractivity of the ANN.
73. Spurious zero energy modes are present in the stress element, but it is proved that non spurious zero energy mode is present in the global analysis of the whole structure.
74. In other words, people with normal hearing can produce spurious responses during a hearing test that look like a mild hearing loss, a result consistent with measurement error.
75. Care must be exercised to prevent thermal strains from introducing spurious outputs.
76. AD1896 (Analog Devices) - selected for its low spurious tones, low distortion, and exceptionally low PLL corner frequency.
77. Due to additive relative motion between ground jamming emitters and SAR, the spurious phase modulation of transmission signal is produced.
78. As we know, spurious noise of a DDS resulted from phase truncation degrades its spectral characteristics.
79. When you go to the fair, beware of the quacks selling spurious medicinal herbs.
80. This paper fully analysed the noise sources, mainly discussed two extra sources – Spurious Charge and Excess Noise Factor, and calculated the SNR of EMCCD.
81. The invention relating to a bacillus poisoning plant spurious wireworm, and its process for preparing and application, belongs to the microbial pesticide technical sphere.
82. And then it discusses the reason which causes such spurious response and the method to overcome it.
83. Spurious microvolt level signals are often present in low resistance circuits, most often as a result of thermoelectric effects.
84. This paper introduces a manner of designing the high performance direct frequency synthesizer in S-band which has low phase noise, low spurious, smaller size and faster frequency agility.
85. Alongside this runs the equally spurious assumption that if your wishes are not being granted, you are bound to have a bad time.
86. The EIA-standard 19" full-rack metal frame with built-in single-channel receiver module, which present professional quality of toughness, heat-resistance, and shielding of spurious emission."
87. Teflon's principal shortcoming is that charges appear internally when it's deformed, causing spurious voltages and currents.
88. Considering the effect of spurious noise and improving the quality of DDS output, the approach to compress the capacity of ROM and optimize the module design of phase accumulator.
89. Because of the inherent feature of sampling, most optical and infrared sampled imaging systems suffer from different amounts of aliasing (or spurious response).
90. Experimental results confirm the viability and usefulness of the approach in minimizing spurious operations during the register assignment phase of the behavioral synthesis process.
91. There are various types of interference, e. g. spurious emission, blocking, intermodulation and etc.
92. One minor disadvantage to this approach is that, since tempnam can be used insecurely, various compilers and security scanners may give you spurious warnings about its use.
93. This paper mainly analyzes the phase truncation and the spurious signal due to the phase truncation, and puts forward a way of calculate the number of spurs and S/N.
94. Signal Filter: Signal filters can be useful in a number of circumstances, such as when spurious noise is inadvertently added to the signal as it travels through the switch.
95. On this base, the optimization of circuits for decreasing the spurious level including determination of stage gain. loss and LO power is proposed. Finially, the application example is given.
96. From characteristics, total ash, moisture, dopant, absorbability and others check items, the paper discussed the reasons that affected the quality of carthamus tinctorius after mixing spurious breed.
97. This paper first discusses the instinct disadvantage of a superheterodyne receiver, which is that it has more spurious response.
97. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
98. Loop filter is Synthesis can make steady output phase noise, low spurious signal of the key components, the paper theoretically meet the requirements of the system indicators loop filter parameters.
99. To be sure, the Republican analysis doesn't rely entirely on spurious attributions of cost — t also relies on using three-card monte tricks to make money disappear.
100. Slight mismatches in the transmission properties at the interfaces generate spurious signals.




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