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单词 Contempt
1. Familiarity breeds contempt.
2. They held the imperialism in contempt.
3. He interpreted the silence as contempt.
4. His treatment of his children is beneath contempt .
5. She looked at him with contempt.
6. Her gesture was indicative of contempt.
7. He gave a snort of contempt.
8. He faced imprisonment for contempt of court.
9. This company treats its employees with utter contempt .
10. Being silent is the perfect way to show contempt.
11. The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
12. I shall treat that suggestion with the contempt it deserves.
13. The tobacco companies may be guilty of contempt of court for refusing to produce the documents.
14. There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.
15. He showed his contempt for social etiquette by not wearing a tie.
16. She'd developed what she considered a healthy contempt for authority.
17. At school she had complete contempt for all her teachers.
18. I feel nothing but contempt for people who treat children so cruelly.
19. They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important.
20. Speak with contempt of none,form slave to king,the meanest bee,and will use(http:///contempt.html),a sting.
21. Politicians seem to be generally held in contempt by the police.
22. The judge ordered him to purge his contempt by apologizing to the court.
23. I hold those fools in utter contempt.
24. The report shows utter contempt for women's judgement.
25. He has a deep contempt for racists.
26. They have a great contempt for conventionality.
27. Her eyes shot sparks of contempt.
28. He felt nothing but contempt for her.
29. He could hardly veil his contempt at my ignorance.
30. Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy. 
1. They held the imperialism in contempt.
2. He interpreted the silence as contempt.
3. His treatment of his children is beneath contempt .
4. She looked at him with contempt.
5. Her gesture was indicative of contempt.
6. He gave a snort of contempt.
7. He faced imprisonment for contempt of court.
8. This company treats its employees with utter contempt .
9. The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
10. I shall treat that suggestion with the contempt it deserves.
11. The tobacco companies may be guilty of contempt of court for refusing to produce the documents.
12. There was a prima facie case that a contempt of court had been committed.
13. He showed his contempt for social etiquette by not wearing a tie.
14. She'd developed what she considered a healthy contempt for authority.
15. At school she had complete contempt for all her teachers.
16. They had shown a contempt for the values she thought important.
17. Politicians seem to be generally held in contempt by the police.
18. The judge ordered him to purge his contempt by apologizing to the court.
19. I hold those fools in utter contempt.
20. He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.
31. That sort of behaviour is simply beneath contempt .
32. They showed nothing but contempt for him.
33. I look on him/his behaviour with contempt.
34. The public is treated with contempt by broadcasters.
35. Such behavior will bring you into contempt.
35. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
36. She looked at him with undisguised contempt.
37. He rushed forward in contempt of danger.
38. She threw a look of contempt at him.
39. Her contempt for foreigners was obvious.
40. He darted her a look of contempt.
41. He could be jailed for two years for contempt.
42. There was undisguised contempt in his voice.
43. He was oozing with contempt for us.
44. He was found in contempt of the order.
45. Such conduct is beneath contempt.
46. The firefighters showed a contempt for their own safety.
47. They looked on his behaviour with contempt.
48. She was jailed for contempt .
49. He was cited for contempt of court.
50. Mack felt a pitiless contempt for her.
51. She was held in contempt for refusing to testify.
52. She looked at me with ill-concealed contempt.
53. She looked at him with barely disguised contempt.
54. Her lip curled in contempt.
55. I had those fools in utter contempt.
56. The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.
57. She looked at him with immediate and undisguised contempt.
58. His humour depended on contempt for others.
59. He spoke with ill-concealed contempt for his audience.
60. He felt nothing but contempt for them.
61. Her eyebrows arched in contempt.
62. A liar is held in contempt.
63. I consider such behaviour to be beneath contempt .
64. She rushed forward in complete contempt of danger.
65. The complainant has been exposed to public odium, scandal and contempt.
66. He was charged with contempt of court after shouting at a witness.
67. I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves.
68. Any person who disregards this order will be in contempt of court.
69. Small wonder that many voters hold their politicians in contempt.
70. Civil contempt is not properly regarded as a criminal offence.
71. The public is treated with contempt by the art establishment.
72. You should treat those remarks with the contempt that they deserve.
73. He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.
74. Shelley's friendship with Byron was rooted in their shared contempt for cant and hypocrisy.
75. I treat remarks like that with the contempt that they deserve.
76. How could she have loved a man who so clearly held her in contempt ?
77. The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.
78. George's father is regarded by everyone as a great artist, but George doesn't think he is. Familiarity breeds contempt!
79. His remarks betray an utter contempt for the truth .
80. He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.
81. He was jailed for 7 days for contempt of court .
82. The scandal is damning evidence of the government's contempt for democracy.
83. In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.
84. His remarks betray a staggering contempt for the truth .
85. The attacker still stood there, watching her with silent contempt.
86. The judge issued a contempt citation against the woman for violating a previous court order.
87. Arrogance in athletes breeds contempt in fans.
88. Members can be suspended or expelled for contempt.
89. Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them. Seneca 
90. Treat him with the utter contempt he deserves.
91. Jimmy has nothing but contempt for his boss.
92. He also had a rank contempt for Desmond Morton.
93. Wrongs are often forgiven; contempt never. Lord Chesterfield 
94. Paperback publishing was considered beneath contempt.
95. The disorder, the whisperings, the giggles,( ) the open contempt!
96. This contempt for others is a denial of humanity.
97. Contempt proceedings were brought for failure to comply.
98. But, happily, not everybody treats kids with contempt.
99. Non-cooperation is treated as contempt of court.
100. For them, familiarity has bred contempt.
101. His voice was pregnant with contempt.
102. The first is that familiarity breeds contempt.
103. Debs himself was arrested for contempt of court.
104. She remembered the contempt, the ice in his glance.
105. Leaving litter in the wilderness is beneath contempt.
106. And they all hold supply-side economics in contempt.
107. Seale was found guilty on sixteen counts of contempt and sentenced to four years imprisonment by the judge sitting without a jury.
108. When you tell her you're an estate agent(), she tries to cover her contempt.
109. My clients say these things, perhaps, to belittle or show contempt for their local officers, who are their enemies.
110. Strauss alleged that this was an infringement of his absolute privilege of free speech and as such was a contempt of Parliament.
111. In addition, contempt has the singular advantage of providing moments of light relief within what is essentially a serious framework.
112. Anything would have been better than this ice-cold contempt that cut her to the bone.
113. Judge Mathes sentenced her first to a year and later to an additional three months in jail for contempt.
114. Squire and Ickes have expressed contempt for Mr Morris in earlier times.
115. Lucie's attitude to it was a mixture of contempt and childlike delight.
116. General Crook, who had died earlier that year, would surely have had contempt for the whole business.
117. Hence its rather lordly detachment, its contempt for superstition, and its obvious scepticism.
118. The prison hero is the one who most openly shows anger and contempt for the staff.
119. The House of Lords upheld the issuing of an injunction on the ground that the publication would have amounted to a contempt.
120. Having already displayed a contempt for civilized society, he or she can not be considered a part of it.
121. They are considered beneath contempt in the system, but at Grendon everyone has equal status.
122. I feel nothing but contempt for people who are obsessed with fast cars and designer clothes.
123. A state district judge held Lenhart in contempt, when she refused to identify the grand jurors who spoke to her.
124. Many who disliked him are beginning to feel the same contempt and venom they felt for Baroness Bonkers.
125. He prospered in this country, plying a uniquely leisure-class trade, and then expressed petty contempt for his hosts.
126. At first she could think of nothing to say, because there was nothing that would adequately express her contempt.
127. The federal courts would issue injunctions, impose contempt, etc., but the miners kept walking out.
128. It had little relevance to their everyday concerns and displayed contempt for the Yiddish language-their mother tongue.
129. If he fails to appear, he will be in contempt of tribal law, Foster said.
130. But lawyers, investigators and police have only contempt for the penal code, in force since Jan. 1.
131. Mitterrand and Lecanuet portrayed the General's refusal to campaign as contempt for the democratic process.
132. But he was excluded from most official events, for which he had always shown nothing but the deepest contempt.
133. In the piece he confessed that he had once been a Marxist, but now felt contempt for such thinking.
134. McSpadden ruled that Lenhart had no such privilege, held her in contempt of court and ordered her jailed.
135. Visiting the supermarket might have been a transforming moment for Alexei, a way of easing his contempt and shattering his paralysis.
136. So there were parts of me that watched the naming ceremony for the new catapult with some amusement, even contempt.
137. He had a deep contempt for the bureaucratic mind and took particular delight in circumventing bureaucratic obstruction.
138. If he fails to attend a second time the judge has power to commit him to prison for contempt of court.
139. Sabine did her best not to flinch from the contempt in madame's voice as well as the implications of what she was saying.
140. He'd always admired his superior and never more so than when a victim of his contempt.
141. I will only say that proceedings should be brought before the court by way of appeal in contempt matters only in exceptional cases.
142. But the court subsequently found two specific breaches involving officers of the union and held the union guilty of contempt.
143. Despite the profit-making prospects in this it has been treated with utter contempt on the grounds that charity begins at home.
144. Because his mockery or contempt on top of everything else would devastate her.
145. I did not tell you lies but I do deserve your contempt.
146. Her contempt for danger is something I do not understand.
147. Much of his hatred and contempt of Bella must have stemmed from her involvement in Johnny's fall from grace.
148. He searched her eyes for signs of contempt and loathing, but all he could see was sympathy.
149. Unlike Lactantius, Augustine did not treat the scientific scholarship of the ancients with ignorant contempt.
150. Lastly, breach of such an undertaking or court order will amount to a contempt of court.
151. Tessel said nothing but looked down at them with contempt.
152. She would never allow him a reason to pity her again, to hold her in contempt.
153. Shortly after shooting them, Conroy displayed utter contempt for his two victims, the court heard.
154. The teachers were very old-fashioned, treating any new ideas with contempt and scorn.
155. With the specialist's contempt for the layman's ignorance,(Sentence dictionary) Rufus read accounts of the inquest in two newspapers.
156. She was surprised to find that she felt only contempt.
157. He had been present in court when sentence was passed and the fact of his contempt was never in issue.
158. Because he was literate and articulate, he showed a bitter contempt for the self-appointed intellectuals of the inter-war years.
159. Intimacy breeds contempt, but maybe we have gone too far.
160. And I felt resentful contempt of my own, for Sebastian and his deferential barber.
161. Ronald Reagan surrounded himself with swashbuckling Californian businessmen with ill-concealed contempt for the east-coast establishment.
162. The warmth of a moment ago that had so overwhelmed her had cooled to a more familiar glint of contempt.
163. Boylston found Sherrod in contempt and sentenced him to 179 days in jail, but then transferred the sentence to Holley.
164. She couldn't see his expression but it didn't take a fool to realise that distaste and contempt must lurk there.
165. To these people, whom they held in deeply justified contempt, both women paid ample lip-service.
166. The New York City officials were found in contempt of court for failing to find shelter quickly enough for needy families.
167. Of much greater practical significance, and by no means obsolete, is the power to punish for contempt.
168. She found Jen's contempt for politicians both bracing and worrying.
169. Integrity is vital but in all types of organisations including schools there are examples of thinly disguised contempt for customers and consumers.
170. The Contempt of Court Act 1991 spreads a wider net over everyone who reports or handles news.
171. Especially with a woman for whom he felt nothing but contempt.
172. The school board, stymied, asked the federal court for an exemption from contempt proceedings for not executing the court order.
173. I'd have scarcely thought it possible, but the lady in black found a look of even deeper contempt for me.
174. In each case the appellant has been found guilty of contempt of court and has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment.
175. The company won, and when McLaren failed to show up in court, he was jailed for contempt.
176. Disclosure of the material would put anyone who violated the order in contempt of court.
177. They must muddle through in a fog of grumble and contempt.
178. I see them every day and familiarity doesn't breed contempt so much as disgust in me.
179. Telemachus they treated with amused contempt as if he were a mere boy and quite beneath their notice.
180. Therefore, they argued, their contempt citations for interfering with the trial process were invalid.
181. If their paths crossed Bryony usually ignored her, but with contempt, as if she was behaving stupidly.
182. Those minded to take reprisals against witnesses on account of the evidence that they have given can also be punished for contempt.
183. Several unions were held to be in contempt, were fined and had their assets sequestrated.
184. We should not allow that, because that would be a contempt of democracy.
185. Perhaps familiarity breeds contempt - among teachers as well as children.
186. Such works demean religious believers and hold up their convictions to contempt.
187. Her dark eyes regarded her father and me with open contempt.
188. If he issues the injunction and Mr Farquharson ignores it, he could be jailed for up to two years for contempt.
189. It should also inform him of his right to apply to the court to purge his contempt.
190. Michael looked her up and down, his lips curling with contempt.
191. If the debtor refuses to attend for oral examination he is liable to be committed to prison for contempt of court.
192. Why do they express contempt for any correspondence theories of epistemology that involve attentive engagement with the real?
193. For example, it is usually contempt to publish a story which causes the discharge of a jury in mid-trial.
194. Earlier this week, Sherrod pleaded no contest to contempt of court for fleeing Holley.
195. Publication of false reports of Parliamentary proceedings and premature disclosure of committee proceedings have both constituted contempt.
196. Maybe Lucenzo had good reason to treat her with contempt.
197. Women must protect each other at all costs from the onslaught of the male(), particularly from their contempt.
198. Fawehinmi's conviction on the contempt of court charge was quashed by the appeal court in July.
199. I have nothing but contempt for the kind of governor who is afraid, for whatever reason, to follow the course that he knows is best for the State. Sophocles 
200. That would have been anathema to Taylor and earned his contempt.
201. He heard himself chuckling, but the sound was rich with contempt and menace.
202. The United States has usually been an exception to the rule that familiarity breeds contempt.
203. Although he later affected contempt for the poor, Walters had grown up the son of a working-class Leicestershire Communist.
204. A major difficulty with such a test is that familiarity may breed tolerance rather than contempt.
205. Nevertheless they were held to be in contempt but, the strike having collapsed, no penalty was imposed.
206. The contempt for Daley was pouring down from all directions.
207. As imperial portraits attracted faith, so images of emperors who had betrayed their subjects' trust were treated with contempt.
208. Merchants were relegated to the bottom of the edifice in line with a long-standing Confucian contempt for money-making and commercial activities.
209. Yet these can be overcome if people unite to show their contempt for the cruel, vicious minority.
210. The law of contempt does not apply to reinforce the decisions of administrative tribunals.
211. In contrast to the well-spoken woman in red, the attendants were beneath Jinju. s contempt.
212. The judge found them to be in contempt and committed each to prison for a term of four months.
213. Their treatment of religion shows no dispassionate analysis, but a virulent contempt which can only be termed prejudice.
214. Enhancing that contempt is the effort of feminists to emasculate the political order itself.
215. Pentheus laughed mockingly as he looked him over and then ordered him with contempt out of his sight.
216. It was the only way to save the Union,(http:///contempt.html) to save it from contempt fines and then from bankruptcy.
217. It was this kind of personal therapy that fortified Ocker Tyron's private contempt for the human race.
218. Within the familiarity of marriage there are many subtle ways of showing anger, contempt or cruelty.
219. How could she have let herself be used by a man who held her in contempt?
220. Masters of leftovers, all these fellows: why do we view them with contempt, not admiration?
221. The pure, hot contempt I now felt for him warmed me.
222. Judge Geoffrey Kilfoil ordered his arrest and jailed him for 14 days for contempt of court.
223. His humiliation and fear were washed away by a tide of anger, at this open display of contempt.
224. Presumably they imagined their confidences led him to regard them with disgust or pity or contempt.
225. I could read faces too well not to be anxious: mockery, misconception, contempt, greed.
226. Opposition forces claim past practice as the basis for treating women with contempt.
227. It also ensures that omissions are not made simply because you have dictated the letter so often that familiarity has bred contempt.
228. A refusal to answer questions for example, could, in the absence of reasonable excuse, amount to contempt of court.
229. Her article in the Mail on Sunday was seriously prejudicial to the burglary charge but it was not a contempt.
230. Such total contempt for due process of law demands serious sanctions.
231. He showed his world his contempt for the job by doing it very badly.
232. My story was met with a mixture of disbelief and contempt.
233. Nor can they be found to be in contempt of court in relation to words spoken in the course of proceedings in Parliament.
234. The notice also informs the contemnor of his right to apply to the court to purge his contempt and ask for release.
235. His discomfort, his near contempt for the give-and-take of promotion is as naked as his shaven head.
236. Members of political groups went on brief raids into its ranks, and returned with little except contempt for its prospects.
237. He later admitted to having stage-managed the attack and was sued for contempt of court.
238. Accordingly the House rejected the committee's recommendations and ruled that the issuing of the libel writ was not a contempt.
239. The facts made the contempt he had felt for her, six years ago at any rate, even more understandable.
240. The fifteen girls across the bar turned their eyes on him with identical expressions of bland, fathomless contempt.
241. He never tried to hide his contempt for those who were not as intelligent as him.
242. They were coined in a later age as terms of disapprobation, even contempt.
243. She treats him with contempt and when Miss Havisham tells her to play cards with him she says' With this boy!
244. Nelson watched him with no contempt, no outrage, no brotherly feeling.
245. Having won their votes from the gullible, as well as the dedicated, the republicans now show their utter contempt for democracy.
246. My right hon. and learned Friend the Solicitor-General will be dealing with the question of contempt.
247. There was no possibility of his being able to purge his contempt within a short time of his committal.
248. Classical philosophers refer to them with contempt, as peddlers of absolution for a modest fee.
249. Yet this was a man who felt nothing but contempt for her, who thought her no better than a thief.
250. That was what it was, but it hurt just the same, his open contempt of her.
251. Each House has a Committee of Privileges to which primafacie of breach of privilege or contempt of Parliament are referred.
252. Breach of these undertakings would place the parties in contempt of court.
253. He can treat Mr Flynt as a figure beneath contempt, and ignore him.
254. She was preparing to marry me and had applied for papers, but she treated me with contempt.
255. Our family was a wonderful nest of amiable contempt.
256. Familiarity with evil breeds not contempt but acceptance.
257. Christopher'slistening face flamed at the contempt.
258. There the dwarf lay, snapping his fingers with gestures of defiance and contempt.
259. Allah loves and honors the warrior; the thief he holds in contempt.
260. Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns.
261. Her final and ultimatum of contempt consisted in a very emphatic pronunciation of the word'shiftless ".
262. Underlying his writing is a contempt of the author for his audience.




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