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单词 squirt
释义  ldoce_314_csquirt1 /skwɜːt $ skwɜːrt/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]LIQUID if you squirt liquid or if it squirts somewhere, it is forced out in a thin fast stream 使喷出;射出;喷射 → spraysquirt out/from/into Water suddenly squirted out from a hole in the pipe. 突然有水从管子上的一个孔里喷射出来。squirt something into/through something Squirt some oil in the lock. 往锁里面喷些油。 →5  See picture of spray 喷洒, squirt 喷射2  [transitive]LIQUID to hit or cover someone or something with a thin fast stream of liquid 向…喷射〔液体〕 → spraysquirt somebody/something with something Mom! Chad’s squirting me with the hose! 妈!查德用水管喷我! Some kids squirted a water pistol in her face. 有几个小孩用水枪朝她脸上喷水。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussquirt• Kids were squirting each other with water pistols.• Liquid plutonium is squirted in, waste is siphoned off.• The batter is squirted into round molds, then baked.• And when squirted into the windpipes of mice, the viruses infected the animals' lungs and delivered the marker genes.• Perhaps it goes through a tunnel and squirts itself out into another universe somewhere else.• Crystal squirted me all over with scent even though it wouldn't show in a photograph.• The spiny newt protects itself by squirting poison into the mouths of predators.• He squirted some ketchup on his fries.• I squirted some on my wrist.• Cyanide fishermen learn exactly where and when grouper go to spawn; they then squirt their poison with practiced precision.• A nuisance to be squashed on a countertop or squirted with pesticide.squirt out/from/into• And the Monster was pinching Ma's bosoms with its hideous clawed fingers so that blood squirted out.• One edge of the curtain trailed in the bowl of water Tony filled his squirt from.• When fired you got pushed in the opposite direction to that in which the jet was squirting out.• The holds the body while the young red blood squirts out and slashes the base of the li in criss-cross patterns.• Glue was squirted into Mr K's locks, and windows were broken.• Newcomen had done this by arranging for a jet of water to be squirted into the cylinder at the appropriate moment.• The first bite I take makes all the jam squirt out the side over my chin.• And when squirted into the windpipes of mice, the viruses infected the animals' lungs and delivered the marker genes.squirt somebody/something with something• Police squirted the man with pepper spray.squirt2 noun [countable]  1  LIQUIDa fast thin stream of liquid 喷射的液体,细的喷流squirt of a squirt of water 喷出的一股水柱2. spokenSHORT PERSON an insulting word for a short person, especially someone who is annoying you 〔尤指使你气恼的〕小矮子,小东西 〔侮辱性用语〕Examples from the Corpussquirt• Give any large areas a squirt of zinc chromate primer but beware - it is very toxic and carcinogenic.• One edge of the curtain trailed in the bowl of water Tony filled his squirt from.• Add a couple of squirts of lemon juice to the mixture.• All her concentration was on the squirt.• The squirt is sitting on the end of the second row, grinning as Keith passes.Origin squirt1 (1400-1500) From the sound of something being squirtedsquirt1 verbsquirt2 nounChinese   Corpus it squirt if somewhere, it squirts or if liquid you




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