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单词 whiten
释义 Word family  noun white whiteness whitener adjective white verb whiten  Related topics: Colourswhit·en /ˈwaɪtn/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  CCto become more white, or to make something do this 使更白;变白;漂白 This stuff is supposed to whiten your teeth. 这东西应该是用来增白牙齿的。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswhiten• I looked at Jack and saw him whiten.• Already frost was whitening every wrinkle of her sleeve.• Makeup began to whiten his lapels like droppings on a statue.• Jack's knuckles whitened on his glass.• Palomar students periodically hike to the top of the peak to whiten the letter.• Outside, a light snow had begun to fall, whitening the streets with downy flakes.• It whitened the terrace beyond with a clear, unbroken glare.• He wore a white dhoti and his body was whitened with ash.whit·en verbChineseSyllable  white, to Corpus more make or something to do become




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