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单词 Unemployed
1. My father was an unemployed labourer.
2. How long have you been unemployed?
3. He's been unemployed for over a year.
4. The area has a high percentage of unemployed men.
5. This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby.
6. Unemployed workers have a thin time.
7. One solution is to retrain the long-term unemployed.
8. If you are unemployed you can claim social security.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment.
10. I've got loads of friends who're unemployed.
11. The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed.
12. A quarter of the local workforce is unemployed.
13. Being unemployed is such a waste of your talents.
14. The party's policies were popular among the unemployed.
15. The unemployed reporter pawned his typewriter to pay the rent.
16. A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected.
17. If you feel extraordinary work not happy, then unemployed flavor will make you more upset; if you think a quiet life is not comfortable(), then the pain will make you more pain.
18. Getting the unemployed back to work, said the minister, is a moral imperative.
19. His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed.
20. Many unemployed people experience feelings of isolation and depression.
21. Have you been unemployed for over six months?
22. The unemployed stood at street corners, dejected.
23. I've only been unemployed for a few weeks.
24. He was unemployed for two months after leaving college.
25. The government has only made a token gesture towards helping the unemployed.
26. There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.
27. He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
28. The closure of the factory left hundreds of men unemployed.
29. There is an element of compulsion in the new scheme for the unemployed.
30. Worry and lack of money cramp the lives of the unemployed.
1. My father was an unemployed labourer.
2. How long have you been unemployed?
3. He's been unemployed for over a year.
4. The area has a high percentage of unemployed men.
5. This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby.
6. One solution is to retrain the long-term unemployed.
7. If you are unemployed you can claim social security.
8. Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. I've got loads of friends who're unemployed.
10. The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed.
11. A quarter of the local workforce is unemployed.
12. Being unemployed is such a waste of your talents.
13. The party's policies were popular among the unemployed.
14. The government has only made a token gesture towards helping the unemployed.
15. The unemployed reporter pawned his typewriter to pay the rent.
16. A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected.
17. There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.
18. Getting the unemployed back to work, said the minister, is a moral imperative.
19. He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
20. The closure of the factory left hundreds of men unemployed.
21. There is an element of compulsion in the new scheme for the unemployed.
22. Worry and lack of money cramp the lives of the unemployed.
23. Any unemployed person reckons as deserving government help.
24. There are now over four million unemployed workers in this country.
25. Many unemployed people welcome the chance to do purposeful work, even if unpaid.
26. The long - term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass.
31. Any unemployed person reckons as deserving government help.
32. I've joined the ranks of the unemployed .
33. Once he is unemployed, he is done for.
34. If you're unemployed or misemployed,come to John's.
35. The long-term unemployed are becoming a new underclass.
36. She's taken up with an unemployed actor.
37. We were unemployed all that time.
38. We want to create jobs for the unemployed.
39. Tickets are £10 or £5 for the unemployed.
40. Times are hard for the unemployed.
41. She was unemployed for all that time.
42. The kids who are joyriding and ram-raiding are unemployed.
43. Our party speaks for the poor and unemployed.
44. So now it's winter again and I'm still unemployed.
45. The unemployed are not a homogeneous group.
46. What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed?
47. I was unemployed and struggling financially.
48. Some unemployed people can be very difficult to place.
49. The unemployed hunger for jobs.
50. Her remark drew bitter retorts from the unemployed workers.
51. Half the kids round here are unemployed.
52. They promise immediate action to help the unemployed.
53. I received housing benefit when I was unemployed.
54. If they are unemployed it's bound to breed resentment.
55. Bert was a footloose[http:///unemployed.html], unemployed actor.
56. His attitude towards the unemployed is very one-sided.
57. How will the new law hit the unemployed?
58. When unemployed, I went to drive a tricycle.
59. A low starting salary acts as a strong disincentive to getting back to work for the unemployed.
60. The prediction of 4 million unemployed now looks horrifyingly realistic.
61. The training centre provides special help for the long-term unemployed.
62. The unemployment trap exists when an unemployed person on benefit would be worse off in a low-paid job.
63. Unemployed youngsters still come to London in their hundreds thinking that the streets are paved with gold.
64. Chris has occasional casual work but mostly he is unemployed.
65. There is a growing feeling of alienation among young unemployed people.
66. You're unemployed and in no position to support a family.
67. August has seen a large rise in the number of unemployed.
68. At 50,[http:///unemployed.html] he was forced to join the ranks of the unemployed.
69. Groups of unemployed people from all over the country marched in procession to the capital.
70. I think there are close on three million unemployed at present.
71. He graduated with a good degree, only to join the ranks of the unemployed.
72. The number of people unemployed has fallen from two million to just over one and a half million.
73. My job involves counselling unemployed people on/about how to find work.
74. Unemployed young people were likely to be tempted into a life of crime.
75. Bringing up a family when you are unemployed is no picnic.
76. Unemployed young men loiter at the entrance of the factory.
77. The government is accused of ratting on its promises to the unemployed.
78. It's difficult to keep your self-respect when you have been unemployed for a long time.
79. The cut in benefits for the unemployed is a classic case of blaming the victim.
80. The workshop has shut down and the workers are unemployed.
81. The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been identified as Lee Giggs(), an unemployed truck driver.
82. The Government seems to be closing its eyes to the plight of the unemployed.
83. The unemployed worker was down to his last penny when at last he found a job.
84. Each month thousands more swell the ranks of the unemployed.
85. Unemployed people are the main users of this advice centre.
86. The novel depicts the grimness of life for the unemployed in Salford.
87. The longer people have been unemployed, the harder it is for them to compete in the labour market.
88. Labour has a more fully developed programme for the unemployed.
89. The Government publishes figures every six months showing how many people are unemployed.
90. If you're unemployed, you don't have to pay the full whack .
91. The bishop criticized the government for its "callous, uncaring attitude" to the homeless and the unemployed.
92. Almost 13 per cent of the working population is already unemployed.
93. Unemployed people often feel they are on the scrap - heap.
94. Most of the unemployed are not workshy and genuinely do want jobs.
95. He just wants to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed.
96. That summer I left school and joined the ranks of the unemployed.
97. He's unemployed at the moment and has been for over six months.
98. Public expenditure was being stretched to the limit by having to support 3 million unemployed people.
98. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
99. One problem not mentioned is the unemployed may not have the skills to fill the vacancies on offer.
100. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power.
101. With Dave unemployed, we haven't got much money coming in at the moment.
102. Firms should be allowed to offer jobs to the long-term unemployed at a lower wage.
103. There are now over four million unemployed workers in this country.
104. When I leave school at the end of this month, I'll probably have to join the ranks of the unemployed.
105. Many unemployed people welcome the chance to do purposeful work, even if unpaid.
106. There are now over four million unemployed in this country.
107. She's been unemployed for two years and it's such a waste of her talents.
108. The long - term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass.
109. £50 would help to subsidize the training of an unemployed teenager.
110. She made a stirring campaign speech on improving the lot of the unemployed.
111. Bringing up a family when you're unemployed is no picnic.
112. Last month, 370,000 Americans joined the ranks of the unemployed.
113. The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.
114. A quarter of the local workforce is / are unemployed.
115. The number of unemployed has passed the two million mark for the first time.
116. The scheme was intended to provide financial help to unemployed workers.
117. If I said there were three million unemployed, that would be a conservative estimate.
118. At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects.
119. The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing.
120. An increasing percentage of the labour force is now unemployed.
121. The number of unemployed fluctuates between two and three million.
122. The unemployed are tasting the bitter fruits of the market economy.
123. Let's have no more politicians shedding crocodile tears for the unemployed.
124. Unemployed Queenslanders were victims of personal crime twice as often as employed people.
125. Saying that the unemployed 'don't want to work' is a classic case of blaming the victim .
126. As I was voluntarily unemployed, I wasn't entitled to benefit.
127. Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity.
128. More unemployed people are joining the dole queue each week.
128. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
129. Most of the unemployed in this area are on the breadline.
130. The level of crime in an area is almost always in direct proportion to the number of unemployed.
131. Large numbers of refugees have swollen the ranks of the unemployed.
132. He was unemployed, and did odd jobs.
133. Training for the long-term unemployed is permitted, however.
134. Leon was unemployed, and had no academic qualifications.
135. One in five of the male population is unemployed.
136. Many were unemployed, many had only casual work.
137. It was this company they sorely missed once unemployed.
138. You will either adapt to changes or become unemployed.
139. We are quite generous towards unemployed people.
140. The unemployed need jobs, not government handouts!
141. The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.
142. The bill would extend benefits to the long-term unemployed.
143. One thing the young unemployed need most of all is adults' help, not nagging.
144. Advocates also said that the stereotype of the deadbeat dad as in jail or unemployed was a myth.
145. They may be the sole earners in households where men and teenage children are all unemployed.
146. Nearly 80 percent of Party membership was unemployed, with serious effects on Party finance and organization.
147. A Novato man named Robert Page, 25, an unemployed musician, confessed to the crime.
148. The net effect of the application of the liberal model for developing work with the unemployed is thus somewhat muted and minimal.
149. But with 3.8 million people unemployed and violence against foreigners on the rise, immigration remains a politically charged issue here.
150. These changes created powerful incentives to stay single and unemployed.
151. Overall it is clear that two parallel developments have been taking place in adult education for the unemployed.
152. Labour has a more fully developed programme for the long-term unemployed, including three days work a week and two days training.
153. Unemployed or still at school, often unaccustomed to budget discipline, young people now have unprecedented opportunities to outspend their means.
154. Unemployed roadsweeper Mickey Reid hit the jackpot when his £4 Lotto ticket won him £1.8m.
155. There was also a marked increase during the 1980s in the number of long-term unemployed.
156. Youngsters and the unemployed will be given 250 hours of free community use at off-peak times.
157. It need not necessarily reduce fishing effort, but it is about making people in the fishing industry unemployed.
158. I have never seen so many unemployed and homeless people begging on the streets of London.
158. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
159. Unemployed workers may take alternative jobs elsewhere, but will not permanently leave the sector.
160. Body Shop staff adopt a young unemployed person on a one-to-one basis, helping with job applications, for example.
161. Unemployed workers receive welfare payments and rent assistance equivalent to 50% of their usual income.
162. Rather it reflects the creation of an even poorer group, the long-term unemployed, who have very low incomes.
163. This would seem to invite an invidious comparison between white youth who are unemployed and their more successful black peers.
164. Basic provision of shelter, heat and light often consume more than half the total income of unemployed claimants.
165. The majority of insured unemployed were subject to the means test and there was naturally widespread resentment of this.
166. Mrs Layton remembered washing until 4 am when her husband was temporarily unemployed, and this was physically arduous work.
167. The first was on the unemployed themselves, how they interpreted and reacted to their experience, their political beliefs and behaviour.
168. When the young unemployed include graduates with valuable knowledge, it is even more depressing.
169. Her father, computer consultant Richard McCord, was unemployed when she graduated from high school.
170. According to the official figures, in 1984, 1 million women were registered unemployed, compared with 2.3 million men.
171. Unemployed deaf men, who were not in short supply, were employed in that capacity.
172. Mr Lamont announced five specific initiatives designed to help those out of work re-enter the jobs market, particularly the long-term unemployed.
173. Yet her husband, laid off from his job as a messenger, and her grown children are unemployed.
174. Services had 30, 736 fewer unemployed, the biggest drop in nominal terms of any group.
175. It still seems like a recession to the unemployed workers, now numbering 5 percent of the workforce.
176. Saint Antoine, south-eastern suburb of Paris, a desperately poor area in the eighteenth century, with many starving unemployed.
177. Note that the ability of firms to expand output in this situation depends upon the existence of unemployed resources in the economy.
178. If you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long time you have two additional problems to overcome.
179. The same household means test extended the liability of families to support the able-bodied unemployed.
180. The depth of the problem is laid bare in the fact that 40% of 18- to 25- year-olds are unemployed.
181. In return for the lenders' initiative, the Government agreed to pay lenders directly the mortgage interest for unemployed borrowers receiving income support.
182. The Conservatives have created greater cleavages between the employed and the unemployed.
183. As for the economically active, 56 percent were employed full- or part-time and 44 percent were unemployed.
184. The scheme for civilians ended in November 1919, but some unemployed ex-servicemen continued to receive the donation until March 1921.
185. One way to examine the issue is to consider the possible effect on the health of unemployed people.
186. It hates the sight of the unemployed, and it hates to see them marching, with Jesse Jackson, etc.
187. But the policy emphasis was always on job creation stimulated by economic development rather than on direct assistance to the unemployed.
188. She is unemployed and depends upon benefits to make ends meet.
189. Only 5.6% of women are currently unemployed - a third below the peak in 1986.
190. She is unemployed,[http:///unemployed.html] and bringing up two young daughters on benefits.
191. By 1919 the number of soldiers began to decrease and the numbers of unemployed to increase.
192. For those unemployed and with a family, the added worry of responsibility for the next generation must be bewildering.
193. But the most concerted challenge was manifest in struggles waged by the unemployed around the poor law.
194. Even these unemployed young people contrast with their counterparts in the inner-city areas in having potentially marketable skills and qualifications.
195. And this time(), more people with high-flying lifestyles and big mortgages to match are among the unemployed.
196. The majority of these women have remained unemployed and are now working for the opposition movement in a variety of ways.
197. An added benefit, they say, is that it offers a lifeline to the unemployed.
198. For example in 1983, only 30% of unemployed men had working wives, compared with 58% of employed household heads.
199. By the time we returned to the bar Karen's extramarital virginity had been lost beyond recall. unemployed.
200. The high interest rates it dictates strike down, without distinction, small businesses, the family farm, and the unemployed.
201. Unemployed people are described as lazy, scroungers, living off the tax payer, etc.
202. Pollution Tax: Many of the unemployed income tax collectors will be retrained as Pollution Inspectors.
203. Four pilot Workstart schemes will be started, offering financial assistance to employers who take on people who have been long-term unemployed.
204. Second, other parts of the social security system actively discriminate against the unemployed.
205. We are making sure that employment training is making its full contribution to the aim and guarantee groups for the long-term unemployed.
206. In 1987, over one million children were living in families with an unemployed head.
207. The first two Conservative governments presided over an economy which produced ever increasing numbers of unemployed people.
208. The unemployed movement served to increase Communist influence, but was attacked for not doing so fast enough.
209. We will offer unemployed people a range of employment and training opportunities.
210. The unemployed, then, are broadly defined to include the unregistered unemployed, particularly women.
211. For many unemployed youths, violence is an outlet for their frustrations.
212. As a result some of the hill farms are being joined together - amalgamated - and farm labourers are becoming unemployed.
213. Applicants may be in full-time employment, self employment or unemployed.
214. Being unemployed has all the social, psychological and moral effects characteristic of men but with additional gender-specific dynamics.
215. This move alone will not ensure that the working partner of an unemployed person is not penalized for working.
216. But there is no evidence that the unemployed or the poor are being pushed to crime by the deteriorating economic conditions.
217. With mass unemployment, means-tested supplementary benefit is the new mass benefit for the unemployed.
218. There are several benefits you can claim if you are unemployed.
218. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
219. As a first step pensions and child benefit were to be raised and long-term supplementary benefit extended to the long-term unemployed.
220. Now Sakata, with its new car, Glory, had at least made a dent in the numbers of unemployed.
221. But steelworkers, desperate, unemployed, do not know any of this: they think it is all for real.
222. Barry had everything going for him -- charm, looks, intelligence, but still he was unemployed.
223. Similarly, the unemployed found the focus of their social circle also becoming centred on heroin.
224. Those unemployed in the 1972 survey had been classified by their last job.
225. He was left in feeble health, unemployed and with a wife, three-year-old daughter and a newly-born one.
226. The pressure was still so great by 1924 that 40 percent of all urban youths under the age of 18 were unemployed.
227. Those unemployed were to receive 100 percent of their former wage during the first month of redundancy and 60 percent thereafter.
228. Summers and Clark also discovered that unemployment insurance roughly doubles the number of people who stay unemployed for more than three months.
229. Since January 1986 the number of unemployed claimants in the Aberdare travel to work area has fallen by 27 percent.
230. Unemployment has reached post-war records, and government schemes for the unemployed have replaced each other at a very fast pace.
231. James Andrews, a former Lloyds insurance broker, now unemployed, was ill for 18 months.
232. That does not surprise me, given that 20 percent. of the male population in Newham are currently unemployed.
233. Mr. Howard On the seasonally adjusted basis there were 2,546,000 unemployed claimants in December 1991.
234. It appealed for sympathy with the unemployed in a way which did not challenge the consensus about the problem.
235. It would be equally ridiculous to think of taxing only unemployed workers to finance the unemployment compensation payments which they receive.
236. For example, if the male breadwinner is unemployed, more of the domestic tasks may fall to him.
237. A motley bunch of students, ex-convicts and unemployed artists worked together to repair the building.
238. Some figures showed that as many as 40 percent of Soviet immigrants were unemployed.
239. Now she's unemployed and her husband has tuberculosis and they live on supplementary benefit with their two children.
240. In other words, any immigrant, disabled, single-parent, unemployed lesbian trombonist could get a grant for turning up.
241. As they buy those products, unemployed resources are employed, incomes rise, and with higher incomes comes more savings.
242. It currently offers on an annual basis up to 600,000 unemployed people an average of six months training and work experience.
243. Adam cleared away and washed up, happy to act as housewife while he was still unemployed.
244. He used to niggle at me for being a capitalist farmer and I got at him for being an unemployed commie.
245. We will restore last year's training cuts which caused so much damage to training for young people and the unemployed.
246. In the capital, unemployed workers now number 12% of the workforce.
247. It's vital that as the economy improves we find ways to enable long term unemployed people to compete positively for jobs.
248. The group that has been most adversely affected under the new scheme is the unemployed under the age of twenty-five.
249. A party that will attempt nothing for the unemployed at home will do nothing for the poor and starving abroad.
250. It is not enough to increase job options for the unemployed if high costs prevent them from securing affordable decent housing.
251. We will start by giving this guarantee to those groups most in need,[http:///unemployed.html] including the long-term unemployed and single parents.
252. Others were dissatisfied rusticated youth and unemployed urban workers with Red Guard backgrounds.
253. The number of long-term unemployed has continued to increase and in January totalled 2,286.
254. In a time when there was no social safety net, a fourth of all workers were unemployed.
255. Of course I care about the homeless and the unemployed, but what can I do?
256. These also were largely ineffective because the numbers of the unemployed, again largely casuals, far outnumbered the jobs notified.
257. Chris had occasional casual work, but most of the time he was unemployed.
258. This ties health insurance to employment, which impedes labour mobility and is unfair to the self-employed and unemployed.
259. In December they picketed the Guildhall and the local Unionist Party headquarters, and called on the unemployed to become more militant.
260. Industrial militancy naturally declined, and the problem of the unemployed almost completely preoccupied the labour movement until 1934.
261. There are two main reasons why these unemployed workers do not find jobs immediately.
262. His father was unemployed, and the family was in danger of losing its home at the time, he said.
263. There were increasing demands for a national policy for the unemployed as distinct from central support of local efforts.
264. Not surprisingly, the result has been to recruit predominantly middle-class unemployed people into mainstream programmes.
265. The central problem was that the chronically unemployed could not be covered by insurance.
266. We will continue to finance training programmes for the long-term unemployed and those who face particular difficulties.
267. Five years after reunification, twice as many women as men were unemployed in the five eastern states.
268. That compares with 13,221 unemployed claimants and 241 unfilled vacancies in January 1987.
269. A vicar has now joined the ranks of the unemployed and signed on the dole.
270. Without proper treatment and support, many end up homeless, unemployed for long periods, and cut off from their families.
271. A price-indexed minimum income was assured to protect the unemployed.
272. It is a movement that started outside institutional labor: unemployed workers, community groups, church groups.
273. But one should not ignore the fact that the Party was also developing its economic policies and identifying closely with the unemployed.
274. It would be inappropriate here to set out all the convolutions in public policy on relief for the unemployed.
275. If the unemployed learned to be better managers ... I fancy it would not be long before the dole was docked correspondingly.
276. The machine operator she replaced is unemployed and too old to be re-skilled.
277. The older conurbations, cores tend to accommodate larger proportions of the unemployed.
278. That would be a devastating blow to the long-term unemployed.
278. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
279. While local programmes are the responsibility of the TECs, the Government guarantees the offer of help to particular groups of unemployed.
280. Yet, she knows, as the unemployed assuredly know, that nothing much is going to happen quickly.
281. I was still unemployed and struggling financially, still dependent on my parents and my girlfriend.
282. The course costs £15, or £ for senior citizens, students and the unemployed.
283. It's not a particularly good job, but it certainly beats being unemployed.
284. The article implied that unemployed people are lazy and do not want to work.
285. A more simple option would be a cash subsidy to employers who hired the long-term unemployed.
286. It must have tangible benefits for the unemployed and the community.
287. Since the Great Leap Forward of the 1950s, millions of young and unemployed people have been sent to the countryside.
288. Unemployed after graduating as an architect in 1930, she ended up working as a museum artist in the University of Pennsylvania.
289. Two smoothed versions of the numbers of unemployed supplementary benefit claimants are displayed in figure 9.3 and figure 9.4.
290. But the long-term unemployed could be given travel assistance, particularly as 40 percent live in heavily populated areas.
291. Once people become unemployed, even if they were always good union members,() they are out of the labor movement.
292. The scheme was intended to provide financial help to unemployed workers in depressed areas who were prepared to move to other areas.
293. The Communists were in control of the unemployed demonstrations, they had the reflected glory of the Bolshevik revolution.
294. As the man was unemployed, the Council decided to write off the arrears of rent.
295. There is already an element of compulsion in existing government schemes for the unemployed.
296. The aggregate number of unemployed is fifty thousand this year.
297. The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants.
298. A job placement program exists to help those who are unemployed.
299. He was a 30 - year - old unemployed labourer and a native of British.
300. I wonder how the other 10 million unemployed are coping with their personal hobgoblins.




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