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单词 when
释义  when /wen/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb, conjunction, pronoun  1  at what time 什么时候 When are we leaving? 我们什么时候走? When did you first meet Dr Darnall? 你是什么时候认识达纳尔博士的? When will the work be finished? 这项工作什么时候完成? I don’t know when I’ll see her again. 我不知道何时才能再见到她。when to do something I’ll tell you when to stop. 我会告诉你什么时候停下。2  at or during the time that something happens 当〔某事发生〕时 Leonard was nine when his father died. 父亲去世时伦纳德九岁。 When the family came here from Russia, they were penniless. 那家人从俄罗斯迁来这里的时候身无分文。 When he was in the air force he flew Tornado jets. 他在空军服役时驾驶旋风式战斗机。3  after or as soon as something happens 在〔某事发生〕后;一…就… When the meal was finished, Rachel washed up and made coffee. 吃完饭,雷切尔洗了碗并泡了咖啡。 I’ll phone you again when I get home. 我到家后会再给你打电话。4  used to mention a type of event or situation when talking about what happens on occasions of that type 当〔某种条件出现〕时会〔产生某种状况〕 When lead is added to petrol, it improves the car’s performance. 汽油中加铅可以提高汽车的性能。 When mixed with water the powder forms a smooth paste. 这种粉末和水混合以后会成为均匀的糊状。 He always wears glasses except when playing football. 除了踢足球的时候,他一直戴着眼镜。5  used to show which particular time or occasion you are talking about …的时候〔用于表示某一具体时刻或场合〕 The best moment was when he scored the winning goal. 最精彩的一刻是他射入制胜一球的时候。 There are times when I hate him. 我也有恨他的时候。the day/time/afternoon etc when She remembered the day when Paula had first arrived. 她想起了葆拉刚来的那一天。6  by/since when before or since which time 在…之前/自从… The baby is due in May, by when the new house should be finished. 宝宝的预产期在五月,那时新房子也应该完工了。 That was written in 1946, since when the education system has undergone great changes. 那是1946年写的,自那以后教育体制经历了巨大的变革。7  since when ...? spoken used to show that you are very surprised or angry 从何时起…?〔表示非常惊讶或生气〕 Since when have you been interested in my feelings? 你从什么时候开始关心起我的感受来了?8  DESPITEeven though something is true 虽然;尽管 Why does she steal things when she could easily afford to buy them? 她完全买得起,为什么还要偷东西呢?9  used to introduce a fact or statement that makes something seem surprising 既然;在…情况下;如果 When you consider that the airline handled 80 million passengers last year, the accident figures are really very small. 如果你考虑到这家航空公司去年运送了8,000万名乘客,那么这个事故率其实是非常低的。n THESAURUSwhen at or during the time that something happensCall me when you get home.When I got here, the place was empty.while during the time that something is happening – used to emphasize that something is continuingI’ll make the salad while you set the table.While we were on holiday, our house was burgled.whenever used in order to emphasize that something always happens when another thing happensHe visits his mother whenever he can.You can come and talk to me whenever you have a the time used in order to say that one thing has or will have already happened when something else happensBy the time a child is five, he will have watched hundreds of hours of television.5 GRAMMAR 语法• Generally, in a clause beginning with when that refers to the future, use the present tense or present perfect, not ‘will’. 一般情况下,在以when引导的表示将来的从句中,用现在时或现在完成时,不用willThey don’t know what is going to happen when the project is finished (NOT 不说 when the project will be finished).他们不知道这个项目完成后会发生什么。• However, when asking or talking about the time that something will happen, use will. 但是询问或谈论某事何时发生则要用willRemove the supports when the glue has set.胶水凝固后就把支撑物拿掉。When will the government take action?政府何时会采取行动?teenagers who don’t let their parents know when they will be home不告诉父母什么时候回家的青少年n GRAMMAR: Choosing the right tense• You use the present tense with when: What are you planning to do when you leave college? • Don’t use ‘will’ in the clause after when. ✗Don’t say: What are you planning to do when you will leave college?• You can also use the present perfect tense with when: What are you planning to do when your course has finished?• When talking about the past, you can use the past perfect tense with when: When the rain had stopped, they went outside. Examples from the Corpuswhen• When are you going to the store?• When did she notice it was missing?the day/time/afternoon etc when• Super Star Video's tapes have all been packed up, waiting for the day when he finds a new location.• Khrushchev may have been perspicacious enough to imagine the day when his turn would come and he would become Special Pensioner Khrushchev.• And then there are the times when I say nothing.• It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to await the day when it will begin to abolish itself from below.• Most of the time when markets move, no one has any idea why.• She lived for the day when she could crunch numbers in the dry air of West Texas.• This comment was made in the early 1980s, around the time when sociolinguistic methods were undergoing some changes.• The name originated from the days when this house belonged to the local policeman.Origin when Old English hwanne, hwennewhen adverb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  what Corpus time at




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