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单词 Deposition
1 Crowds celebrated the dictator's deposition.
2 The accused has made a deposition.
3 Our lawyer took a deposition from us.
4 This mechanism, mineral deposition, is one factor participating in the process of bone remodeling.
5 The deposition of Nepos and then that of Romulus Augustulus in 476 saw the end of the line of western Roman emperors.
6 Nevertheless, local action often entailed the deposition of the existing authorities and their replacement by local notables.
7 The logical result of excommunication was deposition, for an excommunicate bishop or king could not rule a diocese or kingdom.
8 Poor-quality eggshells indicate insufficient deposition of calcium and this deficiency was shown to have arisen because of increased soil acidification.
9 There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain.
10 In short,[] the deposition only serves to underline the limitations of ecclesiastical initiative and power in politics.
11 Erosion and deposition begin and end at different times at sites hundreds of kilometers apart.
12 Dry deposition may make a major contribution to the acidity problem.
13 It was a trial by deposition conducted across the four corners of the nation.
14 Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.
15 During the deposition, Symington defended the use of the $ 67. 5 million Esplanade appraisal in his 1990 financial statement.
16 Unless farm fertilisation increases, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, especially as nitrate, may well overtake deposition from land runoff.
17 Before the court case, we had to file/give a deposition.
18 This staining on marble is the result of dry deposition from sulphur dioxide gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels.
19 During calcium ingestion, factors such as calcitonin might attenuate bone resorption, while bone calcium deposition continues.
20 And then one day the defendants' attorneys took the deposition of Maggie and the kids.
21 Also, while being transported by wind, it will have been exposed to sunlight for a considerable time prior to deposition.
22 Going farther back, into post-glacial times, we find evidence that erosion and deposition were sometimes very rapid indeed.
23 The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.
24 In this case I think it is more likely that limestone deposition started in several or many different centres and spread outwards.
25 Some bird and animal populations living in forests damaged by acid deposition have been shown to have declined recently.
26 Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques.
27 Plant fossils are often to be found in particular beds, reflecting conditions of deposition that were just right for their preservation.
28 Gosse was perplexed at the vast tracts of time required by geologists to account for the deposition of all the strata.
29 These will all reduce emissions from fossil fuels and so help combat global warming and acid deposition.
30 The surface phase was characterised by processes that affected the rocks during or soon after deposition.
31 The quick deposition of these sediments resulted in clay compaction and the isolation of porous and permeable sand with impermeable shales.
32 Symington's deposition was taken as part of a lawsuit between the City of Tucson and the Metropolitan Water District.
33 Meanwhile, sources said Friday that Simpson will begin his deposition in the wrongful death lawsuit Monday.
34 But the most surprising fact about this is that all these events took place during the deposition of a single graptolite zone.
35 Attention has also focused on acid deposition effects on a wide range of crops.
36 Thus the first deposition of a king since the Conquest was consummated.
37 So the early Carboniferous was again a time of very widespread carbonate deposition.
38 These include the development of tetany and the deposition of calcium phosphate in soft tissues.
38 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
39 Radon has been used to detect uranium mineralisation and also to locate faults which may control mineral deposition.
40 How important is land use compared with deposition of strong acids derived from the combustion of fossil fuels?
41 External consultants and Data Archive consultants will assist in designing the most cost-effective way of preparing the data for deposition.
42 In the Westminster deposition scene West literally wraps himself in the national flag.
43 The same could be said of carbonate deposition in the mid-Silurian.
44 This classification is based solely on composition immediately after deposition; cements and authigenic minerals are not included.
45 I can do experiments in the greenhouse that show that red spruce are harmed by ozone and acid deposition.
46 A second contrast between subaerial and marine erosion is to be found in the relative importance of erosion and deposition.
47 I asked first about my bag and felt my breathing quicken when the chief seemed unable to find my deposition.
48 The degree of amyloid deposition, however, was greatest in the small intestine.
49 This may be a factor of environment of deposition, or a consequence of rapid sedimentation rates, particularly in carbonate environments.
50 Subsequently, the land sank again, seas flooded back and deposition restarted.
51 With regard to the origin of the pores, the intra-skeletal types were probably preserved during deposition and escaped infill by sediment.
52 Such dynamism means perpetual change and the two processes of bank erosion and sediment deposition are unceasing.
53 Such a deposition of urate crystals causes inflammation of the affected area and precipitates an arthritic attack. 206.
54 These were most likely to have been zeroed by the action of sunlight prior to their deposition on the sea bed.
55 Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
56 All sediment deposition is not injurious.
57 Dry deposition refers to acidic gases and particles.
58 This leads to calcium deposition in the blood-vessels.
59 Target with higher deposition efficiency could deposit more wafers.
60 Deposition is the counterpart of erosion.
61 Unconformities are surfaces of erosion or non - deposition.
62 Protection circuit for carbon deposition prevention.
63 The deposition of fat may be general or local.
64 A graben creates a favourable setting for uranium deposition.
65 Roll deposition are important in Uravar Belt.
66 Many workers have investigated deposition theoretically or experimentally.
67 The surface hardness improved greatly after multilayer film deposition.
68 The first section is conspectus of criminal written deposition.
69 Based on quantitative traits loci (QTL) mapping, porcine uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) gene was chosen as a candidate gene for pig fat deposition and meat quality traits.
70 To investigate the molecular mechanism of IMF deposition, we explored the expression patterns of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene, hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) gene and the polymorphism of LPL gene.
71 The U - shape of some glacial valleys may be due also to deposition.
72 Atomizing solidification is the key procedure in atomized powder making and spraying deposition.
73 Diamond film was coated by the hot filament chemical vapor deposition method.
74 One of the main contents of continental sequence stratigraphy is dividing the three-order Sequence into " LST , TST and HST", representing three stages of a lake basin deposition.
75 Finally, annealing process is carried out in the electroplated metal layer formed by the electroplating process through chemical vapor deposition method under promotion of ammonia plasma.
76 The results showed that the calcium soap was one of the important reasons that caused the pitch deposition.
77 Atmospheric lead from industrial pollution or leaded gasoline can contaminate food through deposition on agricultural crop plants.
78 Dodecyltrimethoxysilane ( DTMS ) films were prepared on LY 12 aluminum alloys by electrochemical deposition.
79 The effect of chitosamine on electrodeposition of Zn has been studied by molecule seructrue and deposition mechanism.
80 The design and deposition of a sensing layer for room temperature SAW/BAW chemical sensors utilizing macrocyclic compounds in accordance with supra-molecular chemistry principles.
81 The accelerant in continuative electrolyte could improve current efficiency and accelerate the deposition of coating.
82 P-type semiconductor zinc oxide films, process for preparation thereof, and pulsed laser deposition method using transparent substrates.
83 Thick diamond films have been deposited by Electron Assisted Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition Method.
84 Central deposition of particles is favored by rapid and shallow breathing.
85 Myth 5 : The more thick the better sleep mask deposition be absorbed in one night.
86 Under the control of alluvial-proluvial deposition, Jiujialu Formation consisting of claystone (mudstone) , bauxitic rock, bauxite, ferruginous rock formed in it.
87 The multilayer film is formed through two processes of nitride deposition and metal-layer deposition which are carried out repeatedly and alternatively.
88 To observe the effect of 764-3 on ventricular collagen deposition in pulmonary hypertension induced by chronic hypoxia or monocrotaline (MCT) in rats.
89 This trichrome stain of a glomerulusa patient with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS ) demonstrates blue collagen deposition.
90 Comparing with general sputtering method, this equipment has the advantages of decreasing the sputtering voltage and increasing the rate of deposition obviously.
91 There a serious sediment deposition in the wharf apron of an alongshore pile wharf.
92 Where not dust-covered, the surface commonly shows aeolian erosion or deposition.
93 The deposition of Fuyang oil bed in Daqing placanticline and Quan3 and Quan4 Member to its east belongs to shallow lacustrine-delta system.
94 Carbon nanotube films were synthesized on Ni substrate by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition at temperature.
95 The microfossil plants of the two formations have their own peculiarities, but have some common elements too. This shows that the deposition of the Sinian and Cambrian were c...
96 This induces partial evaporant ionisation, providing uniform ion-assisted deposition over extended coating areas.
97 The deactivation of the catalyst of furfural decarbonylation is mainly due to carbon deposition attached to the catalyst surface, it leads to the active site embedded, so the catalyst losed activity.
98 Separate confinement heterostructure strained single quantum well materials were grown by the technology of metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD).
98 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
99 SiC/C binary porous green body was prepared by electrophoretic deposition process, using 70%water-30%alcohol as dispersion medium, and silicon carbide and petroleum coke powder as starting materials.
100 Because deposition is rapid, sorting and stratification are generally not well developed.
101 The elaborate division to microfacieses can help us to realize deposition of subaqueous fan and the distribution of remaining oil, and adjust the development plan to oil field.
102 A series of microcrystalline silicon thin films were fabricated by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (VHF-PECVD) at different silane concentrations in a P chamber.
103 The big droplet spatter is the main reason for bad usability, e. g. low deposition efficiency , unstable arc etc, . and it should be analyzed and prevented further.
104 Incompatible pollen is blocked initially by pectins followed by callose deposition.
105 The relation between characteristics of hot cathode glow discharge and diamond film deposition techniques in hot cathode glow discharge plasma chemical vapor deposition process was discussed.
106 The deposition of flysch onto the young floors of chiasmic basins is widely accepted as certain.
107 The deposition of mucin in the follicle was demonstrated by Alcian blue staining.
108 Rainfall frequency and amount are thus crucial factors in determining the position of deposition in a soil profile.
109 MOCVD stands for Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition, is one technology used to grow wafers from underlay with the MOCVD equipment.
110 John the Almsgiver (609 or 619) had taken this letter from Arsas with his own hand, and was only prevented by the irruption of the Saracens (619) from using it to obtain the deposition of Sergius.
111 Ultrafine active alumina was prepared by calcinating nano-sized pseudoboehmite which was gotten by chemical deposition method under strong agitation.
112 This trichrome stain of a glomerulus in a patient with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) demonstrates blue collagen deposition.
113 A novel sensitive electrochemical immunoassay method was proposed based on gold nanoparticle mediated biocatalytic deposition of platinum followed by stripping voltammetric determination.
114 The paper focuses on vacuum vapor deposition for making parylene film which is used in many targets. The experiment facility and principle are described too.
115 The vapour generator for chemical vapour deposition plants allows the extraction of vapours.
116 Figure 5: Sagittal T1W image of the cervicodorsal spine shows multiple hyperintense foci in the subarachnoid space suggestive of fat deposition from dermoid rupture (arrows).
117 Based on the papers on amorphous alloy deposition published in China since 1990, the recent development of amorphous alloy deposition in dina is reviewed.
118 The dual-torches all-position automatic welding machine could obviously improve the weld bead deposition rate and the welding speed, and promote the single set of equipment ability greatly.
119 During Carboniferous period, characteristics of deposition of Aqishan-Huangshan composite terrane that is the eugeosyncline type, are obviously controled by its boundary fault zones.
120 The mechanism of rapid densification by CVI includes magnetic attraction of radicals, electric deposition of radicals, and dehydrogenation and aggregation of radicals.
121 But acute adnexitis if is ovarian and tubal deposition, and cell block sepsis and is large, antibiotic drugs alone is unlikely to let it completely absorbed.
122 Credit, usually abbreviated CR, meant value expenditure with or literally his deposition.
123 The reactors for this type of deposition are easily scaled to accommodate 125 - or 150 - mm wafers .
124 The results of model experiment proved that the new-type setting basin can greatly improve the deposition efficiency of suspended sediment and help the excluding of silt.
125 High ionization rate, full reaction, pure film color, fast deposition.
126 The vacuum deposition limits the thickness of solid-state batteries, which, in turn, limits their energy storage capacity.
127 Therefore, dwarf lilyturf could be used as a good plant species in N deposition area.
128 Objective To study the characteristics of pulmonary distribution and clearance of beclomethasone dipropionate(BDP) nano-microcapsule and its lung deposition and slow-releasing effects.
128 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
129 The principle of ion assisted deposition technology in the vacuum deposition process is discussed.
130 Through calcareous milkiness liquid deposition, optimum reaction conditions were selected.
131 Norton has reviewed conditions of deposition of the uranium host rocks.
132 The indium sulfate bath and the indium sulfamate bath are the best among all the methods for the deposition of indium.
133 This article is about how to use Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapor Deposition(ECRCVD) method to prepare amorphous silicon nitride(SiN_x)film.
134 Jet-electrodeposition is kind of high-velocity, selective electrodeposition technique with high deposition current density and high velocity.
135 Frictional behavior is modified by colloidal silica or starch deposition.
136 N deposition can acidify the soil and leaching the exchangeable base cations.
137 UHMWPE fibers were treated by chromic acid oxidation and pyrrole vapor deposition respectively.
138 Objective:To study the effect of TiN film obtained by ion beam assisted deposition(IBAD) technology on magnetic force of FeCrMo soft magnetic alloy.
139 The Permian in Huainan coalfield is a set of deltaic coastal deposition.
140 High throughput deposition can be achieved by single - axis round drum carrier.
141 Dystrophic calcification of soft tissue or cartilage is the result of calcium deposition in damaged tissues.
142 With quantitative thalweg evolution analysis in rivers coordinate system, the accurate thalweg of planar and vertical displacement of erosion and deposition can be calculated.
143 We also discusses the effects of composition and temperature on the rate of deposition of Ni-B coating and provided optimal composition and operation for obtaining satisfied Ni-B coating.
144 Cryptical blasting, fluid boiling and meteoric water mixing are reasons of gold deposition in the deposit, forming cement type and vein type mineralisation.
145 Based on the investigation of comprehensive literatures about asphaltene deposition, the physical and chemical deposition mechanism of asphaltene and its plug to pore and throat are summarized.
146 Effects of N deposition on shootN and P content of up land rice and barnyard grass(mg per pot).
147 However, melanin deposition in feather melanocytes has strong links with the capacity of the antioxidant and immune systems, two crucial fitness-enhancing organismic functions.
148 Nano-sized silicon films with large area were prepared by normal Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition method.
149 Ammonium sulfate deposition were used to get kidney bean phytohemagglutinin.
150 The former is primarily formed by covalent bond electrovalent bond, while the later is obtained by molecular deposition (MD) and SAMs based on chemisorption.
151 Based on the thermal guide theory, we analyzed the melting progress with the cylindroid model in the optical fiber LPHVD (laser plasma hybrid vapour deposition) process.
152 In addition, correlations between the meiosis and callose deposition in the wall of megasporocyte have been discussed.
153 The paper briefly summarizes the dynamic models for critical load for acid deposition.
154 In present work, a new kind of electrolytic deposition method to make carbon atoms activated to obtain carbon film in molten salt was developed.
155 In addition, the impact of asphaltine deposition on the permeability of reservoir rocks was evaluated using the procedures of core flooding test.
156 The pressure area and velocity area of material in two typical structure nozzle head of air pressed fused deposition modeling(FDM) are analyzed with finite element method and confirmed by experiments.
157 Phosphine(PH3)is an important electronic specific gas which is mainly used in fields of N-type semiconductor doping, ion implement and chemical vapor deposition(CVD) etc.
158 The reflectors of the space reflective concentrator solar-cell-array were coated with aluminum films by vacuum deposition.
159 TPM played an important total deposition of mercury in a residential area.
160 To eliminate the defective secondary junction caused by the deposition of additive element oxides in a high-purity gold bonding wire.
161 As compared with the commercial high rate nickel brush plating bath, it features higher stability and deposition rate, longer working life, lower cost, less polution and non-corrosiveness.
162 By the technology of vacuum cathodic arc deposition, graphite as cathode, Diamond like carbon film (DLC) was deposited on PMMA resin denture.
163 The defect properties in chemical vapor deposition diamond films doped by sulfur and boron were investigated by the Doppler broadening measurements and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR).
164 The PVNS included irregular and nodular or diffused synovial proliferation, with low signal areas consistent both on T1WI and T2WI of hemosiderin deposition.
165 This process is endothermic with rapid carbon deposition and deactivation of the catalyst.
166 The method can be used not only for vacuum evaporation deposition, but also for sputtering deposition to prepare the thin-film.
167 This paper comprehensively analysed the acid deposition - rain, fog, dew in Chongqing area.
168 Formula with Rochelle salt as the complexing agent and formaldehyde as the reducer for electroless copper deposition resulted in deposition with better washing property.
169 The results show that pin-hole filling depends on critical cut - off angle of incident particle, sufficiently high substrate temperature and an appropriate deposition rate.
170 Methods: In this retrospective study,[] all 71 patients between 2004 and 2007 with CPPD deposition disease proved by microscopic synovial fluid analysis were enrolled.
171 Carbon nanotubes filled with metal were synthesized through chemical vapor deposition method, and the structure were studied by electron microscopy.
172 He misrepresented the story of Ignatius's deposition with unblushing lies, and he at least connived at Ignatius's ill-treatment in banishment.
173 Our dichroic coatings are applied in a vacuum deposition process.
174 In a deposition taken in December, GMAC employee Jeffrey Stephan said he signed 10,000 affidavits or similar documents a month without personally verifying who the mortgage holder was.
175 In order to get stable and high efficiency thin-film CdTe solar cells that the CdTe thin films surface chemical etching before deposition of a metallic contact is very important.
176 Biogas in commercial size existed in sedimentary basin which has high deposition velocity and low geothermal gradient and shale, coalbed or compacted sandstone in unconventional environments.
177 As the artificial neural network and stepwise regression analysis are respectively applied to the data of crude wax deposition experiment, the model of wax deposition velocity was established.
178 Conditions that are correlated with accelerated deposition include drainage area, gully development, and texture source material.
179 This is because that the deposition of the particles will increase the potential energy barrier for de-pining.
180 Three weeks of chronic sleep deprivation was enough to accelerate the deposition of amyloid plaque in the brains of the mice.
181 Hence, the result suggests that over deposition of collagen maybe related to the over expression and hard to be repressed of HDAC-2 in the OSF.
182 The technique of chemical deposition of Cu and electroplating of Ni was studied.
183 The results show that the vapour pressure and the mass loss rate of tantalum propoxide, tantalum butoxide and niobium ethoxide are suited for chemical vapor deposition.
184 The coating technology of cathodic deposition for car frame is introduced, emphasizing on coating process and equipment requirement.
185 It was this issue which led to the deposition of the king.
186 We compared CFU (colony forming unit) deposition onto the"critical area", which consisted of three connected areas around surgical site on patient body.
187 Ion deposition card machine is a relatively simple business card printing technology.
188 At the same time often idle speed, the air flow into the engine is small, so to carbon flushing action of the weak,[Sentence dictionary] will promote carbon deposition.
189 Therefore, some membrane-forming technologies have been developed to prepare the electrolyte membranes, for example, electrochemical vapor deposition (EVD), plasma spraying, sol-gel etc.
190 Effect of various parameters on the melting degree and deposition efficiency of feedstock has been investigated.
191 The main treatment methods of spent electroless nickel plating solution include chemical deposition, catalytic reduction, electrolysis, ionic exchange, etc.
192 The advantage of vacuum deposition is that it's possible to make very high-quality films, which result in materials with higher conductivity.
193 The result shows that the blocking in Well 8010 is resulted from deposition of gel and asphaltine, which performs a synergetic effect with inorganic impurity and further intensifies stemming.
194 With a higher deposition efficiency , high quality and low intensity of labour, etc.
195 Mineral matter in coal is the primary cause for ash deposition in heating surface of boiler.
196 The surface of the scale graphite presented evenly-distributed hydrophilicity by using above two treating methods, which was propitious to the deposition of hydrated silicon oxide on the ...
197 Polycrystalline diamond coatings for tools are laid down using chemical vapor deposition.
198 Most reservoirs in China are characterized by continental clastic deposition.
199 The deposition rate and photosensitivity increases while the Xc decreases with the increase of silane concentration.
200 Here is your card and deposit book and bring them with you when withdrawing or deposition.
201 Particulate of graphite electrode wastes from an electric-carbon materials factory was formed "core-shell" negative materials by chemical deposition coating with medium pitch.
202 Thin films of carbon nanotubes ( CNTs ) were deposited on glass substrate by electrophoretic deposition ( EPD ).
203 In Pearl River delta region, the production and application of vacuum deposition of plastics have developed rapidly.
204 Objective:Senile Degenerated Heart Valvular Diseases(SDHVD) is a result of degenerated prossese in fibra layer of cardiac valve as well as calcium deposition.
205 We have discovered that it is possible to tune the stress of a single-layer silicon nitride film by manipulating certain film deposition parameters.
206 The water depth reduced due to deposition, the water flow velocity upon the alluvial sector increased obviously and at the front of the delta exists currents around the sand bar.
207 Further disclosed is a process for fabricating an organic thin-film transistor device, preferably by relative low-temperature sublimation or solution-phase deposition onto a substrate.
208 Continued deposition of silt along the coast is crucial in counteracting the rise in sea level.
209 The Deposition mechanism of Lithium on aluminium electrode was studied by using linear sweep voltammetry and potential step method.
210 The paper focused on the research of gas flow automatic control method of the MOCVD(Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition).
211 The electron microscopy observation revealed that lipid deposition in the intima and subjacent media was marked in group B, but simvastatin improved these changes in group C.
212 As seed crystal in diamond film of vapor chemical deposit ion, the biger deposition rate of diamond film, the strong orient of cryst aline and the low growth temperature, etc.
213 Due to this fact with increasing distance from the hydrogen source ballas deposition occurs(Fig. 3).
214 The calculation formula of index of renal corpuscle lipid deposition was the same to glomerulosclerosis index.
215 Warming and nitrogen deposition had interaction on the decomposition rate of Leymus chinensis and Phragmites communis litter.
216 Since a high temperature superconducting thin film was first prepared by Bell Labs using pulsed laser in 1987, the technique of pulsed laser deposition has been developed rapidly.
217 The experimental value of the deposition efficiency was gotten from the calculation, which is useful to optimize welding process.
218 Mathematical relationship between Rn daughter concentrations and ventilation, adhesion and deposition[/deposition.html], and radioactive decay was developed in the paper.
219 Recently worldwide favourability for uranium deposition has been discussed by a panel of uranium geologists.
220 Large current hot cathode glow discharge was used for plasma chemical vapor deposition of diamond films. It improved deposition rate and films quality efficiently.
221 Epitaxial deposition is then used to form an epitaxial layer on the epitaxy surface.
222 The area and height of this deposition determine the ultimate ball size.
223 The coke deposition behavior of hydrocracking catalyst has been studied using TG and microreactor.
224 In both definitions the lithologic - time marker is critical because it represents contemporaneity of deposition.
225 Deposition of superconducting films on flexible metal substrates by MOCVD is one of the potential manufacture methods in practical use.
226 SWCNTs are produced by three main techniques: arc discharge, laser ablation and chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ).
227 The paper focuses on vacuum vapor deposition for making parylene film which is used in many targets.
228 Microcrystalline silicon thin films prepared at different deposition parameters using very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (VHF-PECVD).
229 The ray-tracing model is set up to simulate the deposition process of LDA side-pumped Nd glass rod amplifier, and the relative program is developed.
230 The high flux membrane filtration results that the large size sparger is more benefits to preventing sedimentation and deposition of colloidal suspension on the membrane surface.
231 Hydroxyapatite(HAP) bioceramic coatings with stable structure were prepared on titanium substrate by electrophoretic deposition.
232 For the parameter of the epitaxial layer, putting forward a series of measures that let up or repress deposition and self-doping when the epilayer processing, improve the epilayer quality.
233 Deposition is the laying down of sediment that has been transported.
234 This is gout . Gouty arthritis results from deposition of sodium urate crystals in joints.
235 Histologic examination revealed deposition of eosinophilic crystal-like material, and a diagnosis of tophaceous gout of the spine was established.
236 The unconformity marks the change from fluvial to marginal marine deposition.
237 Said catalyst can be attained by powder plating method, liquid deposition method and sol-gel method of adhesive agent.
238 Experiments on treatment of gas washing wastewater from gasworks are conducted by use of a technique of molysite deposition, electrolysis, and biochemistry.
239 The influence factors of casting temperature and casting velocity on slag deposition in ingots head were investigated by industrial experiments.
240 Spherical nanoscale silicon oxide have been prepared by hydrothermal deposition process using silicon and silica as the starting materials.
241 The deposition efficiency of welding wires metal, microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joints were studied.
242 Silver thick film conductor was fabricated directly on ceramic substrate by micro - atomization ( Microjet ) spraying deposition.
243 The recent development of Cr deposition, especially hexavalent chromium electrodeposition was introduced.




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