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单词 whatever
释义  what·ev·er1 /wɒtˈevə $ wɑːtˈevər, wʌt-/ ●●● S1 W1 determiner, pronoun  1  ALL/EVERYTHINGany or all of the things that are wanted, needed, or possible 任何…的事物;什么…都 Help yourself to whatever you want. 请随意。 The children were allowed to do whatever they liked. 孩子们可以想干什么就干什么。 He’ll be ready to accept whatever help he can get. 他将愿意接受能得到的任何帮助。 I am willing to pay whatever price you ask. 你开什么价我都愿意付。2  NAME OF A PERSONNAME OF A THINGused to say that it is not important what happens, what you do etc because it does not change the situation 无论什么,不管什么 Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees. 无论我提什么建议,他总是不同意。 The building must be saved, whatever the cost. 不论代价多大都要保护这座建筑物。 If you are unable to attend the interview, for whatever reason, you should inform us immediately. 如果你不能参加面谈,不管什么原因,你应该立即通知我们。 SPOKEN PHRASES3  whatever you do used to tell someone that it is very important that they do a particular thing, or do not do it 无论如何 Don’t miss the train, whatever you do. 无论如何别误了火车。 Whatever you do, slow down and take your time. 不管怎样,你要放慢速度,不要着急。4  NOT KNOWused to say that you do not know the exact meaning of something, or the exact name of someone or something …什么来着〔用于表示不知道某人的姓名或某事物的确切名称或含义〕 The doctor says she’s got fibrositis, whatever that is. 医生说她得了肌风湿病什么的。 Why don’t you invite Seb, or whatever he’s called, to supper? 你为什么不邀请那个叫塞博还是什么的人来吃晚饭?5  ... or/and whatever (else) THINGused after mentioning one or two things to mean other things of the same kind 任何类似的东西〔用于已经提及的一两个东西之后表示同类的其他东西〕 You could put an advert in some magazine, journal, newspaper, or whatever. 你可以在某个杂志、期刊、报纸什么的上面登个广告。6  ANGRYSURPRISEDused when asking a question to emphasize that you are surprised or slightly angry about something 究竟是什么〔用于疑问句中,强调对某事感到惊讶或有些生气〕 Whatever can he mean? 他究竟是什么意思? ‘Did you know she’s dyed her hair orange?’ ‘Whatever next?’ “你知不知道她把头发染成橙色了?”“她接下来还会干什么?”7  AGREEused as a reply to say that you do not care what is done or chosen, or that the exact details of something do not matter 什么都可以,随便什么都行 ‘What flavour do you want? Strawberry, vanilla ...?’ ‘Whatever.’ “你想要什么口味的?草莓、香草……?”“什么都行。” ‘It was Monday, not Tuesday.’ ‘Whatever.’ “是星期一,不是星期二。”“这无所谓。”8  whatever you say/think/want used to tell someone that you agree with them or will do what they want, especially when you do not really agree or want to do it 随你说/想/要〔用于表示赞成,尤指并非真的赞同或想做某事〕 ‘How about camping, just for a change?’ ‘OK, whatever you want.’ “换个花样,去野营怎样?”“好啊,随你便。” ‘I think we’d better discuss this with your parents.’ ‘Whatever you think best.’ “我认为我们最好和你父母商量一下这事。”“你觉得怎么最好就怎么办吧。”Examples from the CorpusWhatever next?• Exercise and fitness has become the final frontier. Whatever next?• Her heart pounded as she peed. Whatever next?• My Sainted Aunt! Whatever next?• They even claim that it goes farther than their 1.68 Top-Flite. Whatever next?whatever2 ●●● S2 adverb  NONE/NOTHINGused to emphasize a negative statement 丝毫;任何〔用于强调否定句〕 SYN whatsoever She has shown no interest whatever in anything scientific. 凡是与科学有关的她都没有表现出任何兴趣。 This is just a stupid argument that has nothing whatever to do with your job. 这只是一场无聊的争论,和你的工作没有任何关系。Examples from the Corpuswhatever• My life has been so short that I really know nothing whatever.• It's just that it shows no sign whatever of happening.• She gave no sign whatever of what she was thinking.what·ev·er1 determiner →SPOKEN PHRASES1whatever2 adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus all are or any the of things that




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