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Court of Appeals |
释义 |
Related topics: LawˌCourt of Apˈpeals noun [singular] SCLone of 12 law courts in the US that deals with cases when people are not satisfied with the judgment given by a lower court 〔美国的〕上诉法院 → appellate courtExamples from the CorpusCourt of Appeals• Circuit Court of Appeals is being portrayed by many as a big win for Microsoft.• Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the state last year.• The District of Columbia Court of Appeals disagreed.• No opinion of any federal Court of Appeals is secret.From Longman Business DictionaryCourt of AppealsˌCourt of Apˈpeals (also Appeals Court) noun [singular]LAW in the US, one of the federal or state law courts that makes decisions about criminal and CIVIL cases that have been decided by lower courts but where people are not happy about the decision madeThe 11th US Court of Appeals in Atlanta overturned a federal judge’s dismissal of a water pollution suit against the company.ˌCourt of Apˈpeals nounChineseSyllable of Corpus the that courts Business in US law deals 12 one |
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- feel honour bound to do
- feel honour bound to do something
- feel honour bound to do sth
- feel honoured
- feel honoured to do
- feel honoured to do something
- feel honoured to do sth
- feel in
- feel inclined
- feel inclined to do
- feel inclined to do something
- feel inclined to do sth
- feel in for
- feeling
- feeling
- feelingly
- feelings
- feel in something
- feel in something for something
- feel in sth
- feel in sth for sth
- feel in the mood
- feel in the mood for
- feel in the mood for something
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