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单词 Stake out
1. We went to the show early to stake out a good spot.
2. Stake out salon training nights.
3. Some critics say Bush can't stake out his positions on issues because he doesn't have any.
4. A few intrepid explorers stake out some new, unexplored territory.
5. It's wise stake out each freed prisoner for a few months after out of prison.
6. It's the males that stake out their territories and scratch out a nest.
7. Each player tries to stake out territory and surround his opponent.
8. But I want to stake out a claim to those old dishes from France: I've always loved them and they fit in fine with the dishes I have now.
9. The time has come for Hindus to stake out their claim to their own homeland.
10. Those who want to take child abuse seriously today must stake out a humane child protection practice.
11. In Iowa, where the antiabortion movement dominates Republican politics, Buchanan moved to stake out the strongest position on the subject.
12. Alligators are not particularly sociable animals,[sentencedict .com] and big bull gators often will stake out their own ponds.
13. This visit is only to get a look inside, to stake out the room for future reference.
14. It may seem like a textbook example of Lamarckism, but giraffes who can evolve the most stretch in their necks can stake out an adaptation with their bodies long enough for their genes to catch up.
15. And I'm still hungry -- I think there's a piece left in the kitchen. I'll stake out a claim for it, if you guys don't mind.
1. Those who want to take child abuse seriously today must stake out a humane child protection practice.




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