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单词 washed-out
释义  ˌwashed-ˈout adjective  1  COLOUR/COLORnot brightly coloured anymore, usually as a result of being washed many times 〔多次洗涤后〕褪了色的 a washed-out shade of blue 褪淡的蓝色2  TIRED[not before noun] feeling weak and looking unhealthy because you are very tired 筋疲力尽的;〔因疲劳而〕面色苍白的 Debbie’s looking a bit washed-out. 黛比看上去有点疲倦。3. American English a washed-out road has been damaged by rain or floods and cannot be driven on 〔道路被雨或洪水〕冲坏的Examples from the Corpuswashed-out• Mr. Field always looked washed-out.• The photograph looks kind of washed-out.• The coach driver weaves his way through washed-out bits of road.• His eyes are a washed-out blue.• He'd swopped the black tracksuit for close-fitting washed-out denims and a loose crew-neck navy sweatshirt.• The last time I saw Helena she was looking pretty washed-out. Is she alright?• I wore one of his shirts, a shirt several sizes too big, a washed-out pool-bottom blue.• Two men died and two boys were seriously injured as vehicles ran afoul of washed-out roads.• The trail was gated due to several washed-out sections; government cutbacks have kept engineers from repairing the damage.ˌwashed-ˈout adjectiveChineseSyllable  coloured result Corpus a not anymore, as usually brightly




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