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单词 Proverbial
1, The store had everything including the proverbial kitchen sink.
2, He is the proverbial square peg in a round hole.
3, He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat.
4, He had the proverbial solidity of the English.
5, He's got to pull the proverbial finger out.
6, Let's not count our proverbial chickens.
7, He drinks like the proverbial fish.
8, His generosity is proverbial in the neighbourhood.
9, Sure enough, Steve turned up like the proverbial bad penny .
10, His modesty is proverbial.
11, There was a vein of proverbial wisdom in what he said.
12, My audience certainly isn't the proverbial man in the street.
13, But I swept such considerations under the proverbial carpet.
14, Ah,(http:///proverbial.html) yes: The proverbial three-hour tour.
15, His punctuality has become proverbial.
16, The Celtics, meanwhile, felt like the proverbial jilted lover.
17, Santorini is about as stable as the proverbial blancmange.
18, Sadly that corner, like the proverbial corner the economy keeps bumping against, was not turned.
19, Naturally, there is the proverbial robin - well, robins to be precise.
20, Yet for all his proverbial fire and brimstone, my father was not a violent man.
21, His stupidity is proverbial.
22, Page has hit proverbial rock bottom and has become a walking skeleton living on the streets.
23, I decided not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness.
24, An astute businessman and virtual workaholic, he has his finger in more proverbial puddings than Little Jack Horner.
25, Can the large firm in agriculture compete with the proverbial flexibility, in work and income, of the family farmer?
26, Today, South Park offers a self-fulfilling buzz, a spot with that proverbial Left Bank feel about it.
27, As a result, they act in the manner of the proverbial sledge-hammer to crack a nut.
28, The result was a level of corruption which became proverbial.
29, They speak an extraordinarily complex language rich in vocabulary, idiom, and proverbial expression.
30, Small towns and highways sit in the distance like the proverbial well-behaved child -- seen, vaguely, but not heard.
1, The store had everything including the proverbial kitchen sink.
2, He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat.
31, Eventually, they got to the part of the story where they found Sandoz, and the shit hit the proverbial fan.
32, Some of my guests were born sucking on the proverbial silver spoon, others knew hard times.
33, All these things enter into such considerations, and the proverbial black mark may be recorded.
34, And needless to say, in the tiny teahouse I was myself the proverbial bull in the china shop.
35, For most on that team, the proverbial Olympic dream turned into a painful lesson about lousy timing.
36, I took long breaks away from training and would then reappear like the proverbial bad penny, as if I had never been away.
37, I always suspect that the proverbial gratitude which patients express to hospital staff is really gratitude for having got out alive!
38, The sergeant, the proverbial piggy-in-the-middle, was the ready scapegoat for both juniors and superiors.
39, The sun was beating down on our backs and our throats were becoming as dry as a proverbial nuns.
40, Interesting times have been the proverbial blessing and a curse for Sassoon.
41, People must turn up at the proverbial factory gates fresh, fit and ready to toil.
42, Not to brag or anything, but when the proverbial smoke cleared, I had left the competition in the typewritten dust.
43, From an easygoing girl she had metamorphosed into some one who wanted the proverbial all-or-nothing relationship.
44, He played the proverbial blinder as Galway stormed to a famous victory.
45, It was as if the strength of the sea had turned to the proverbial water.
46, The jealousy of wives is proverbial.
47, The idea has acquired a proverbial currency.
48, He kicked the proverbial bucket.
49, His mastery of the French language was proverbial.
50, Or for that proverbial rainy day?
51, The general's devotion to his men is proverbial.
52, By far, array slices are a proverbial pain the proverbial you-know-what.
53, Don't you think that the Pope come down on them like the proverbial ton of bricks?
54, This paper describes an ancient Chinese language understanding system(ACLUS) in processing ten proverbial stories written in ancient Chinese.
55, Both my cats are left-pawed; Marco Polo (grey DSH, big amber eyes) and Casper (proverbial white, albeit with orange ears/tail, DSH, blue-blue eyes).
56, His generosity is proverbial.
57, Before you throw this letter into the proverbial round file, let's be clear: this is the first time I have ever asked for a bailout from the Federal Reserve.
58, The limousine sped off down the road in the proverbial cloud of dust.
59, Sited on a flood plain, the Flemish-speaking west of the country is as flat as a proverbial pancake and cycle lanes and cyclists are everywhere.
60, REM sleep , however, is the proverbial riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
61, "As different as chalk and cheese" is an old proverbial phrase to suggest that two things, superficially alike, are totally different in their qualities.
62, With the help of some advertising stunts, she successfully made her proverbial debut in the Hollywood.
63, Women love the raw, hunky, masculinity associated with the proverbial bad boy.
64, Here is where we come down to the proverbial brass tacks. Whose strongest team would triumph more times than the others in an eternal semi-final/final knock-out competition?
65, Tom was looking at Mrs Adams, as unabashed as the proverbial cat looking at a king.
66, It's folk wisdom that people fidget, touch their noses, stutter, and break eye contact when they lie - the proverbial "shifty-eyed" look. But research has shown that just isn't so.
67, I decide not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness.
68, Tom was looking at Mrs Adams, as unabashed as the proverbial cat at a king.
69, Their generosity is proverbial.
70, Take the proverbial impotent shy person who, while participating in a cyberspace interactive game, adopts the identity of an irresistible seducer or sadistic murderer.




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