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单词 wagtail
释义  Related topics: Birdswag·tail /ˈwæɡteɪl/ noun [countable]  HBBa small European bird that moves its tail quickly up and down when it walks 鹡鸰〔一种欧洲小鸟,行走时尾巴上下快速摆动〕Examples from the Corpuswagtail• As wagtails flittered over the swimming pool, Jack Mitchell heard me admire Butch and lectured me sternly.• Mallard duck, grey wagtail and occasionally kingfishers frequent the waterside. 6.• In Britain the main hosts are the reed warbler, meadow pipit, dunnock and pied wagtail.• How come blackbirds and thrushes and pied wagtails are unaffected?• Five pied wagtails landed silently on the white-hot sand on the far side of the square.• After admiring the wagtail for a while, I went on until at last I reached the Round Tower.• It was a yellow wagtail, seen from below, where its colours are finest.wag·tail nounChineseSyllable  small tail Corpus its bird that European a moves




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