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单词 vivacious
释义  vi·va·cious /vəˈveɪʃəs $ və-, vaɪ-/ adjective  ENERGETICsomeone, especially a woman, who is vivacious has a lot of energy and a happy attractive manner – used to show approval 〔尤指女性〕活泼的,快活的,生气勃勃的〔含褒义〕 SYN lively a vivacious personality 活泼外向的个性 —vivaciously adverb —vivaciousness noun [uncountable] —vivacity /vəˈvæsəti $ və-, vaɪ-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusvivacious• Laura was an all-American type -- cute, blonde, vivacious.• She was charming, intelligent, and vivacious.• a vivacious and outgoing personality• She was petite, going silver-haired, vivacious, bright, and willing to take Richard on trust.• She's tender-hearted, generous, vivacious but at the same time she likes to have her own way.• He married a vivacious girl called Sarah who he met at university.• Cooper soon gravitated toward the good-looking and vivacious Lula and asked her out.• She was under five feet five inches tall, but strikingly good-looking, with dark hair and eyes and vivacious manners.• Mary Ann was vivacious, pretty, outgoing, and a good organizer.• She is a vivacious young lady who combines instructing with commercial flying and club administration.Origin vivacious (1600-1700) Latin vivax “living a long time, vivacious”, from vivere; → VIVIDvi·va·cious adjectiveChineseSyllable  especially someone, woman, who a of lot a is vivacious has Corpus




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