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单词 borstal
释义  Related topics: Jail & punishment, Youthbor·stal /ˈbɔːstl $ ˈbɔːr-/ noun [countable, uncountable] British English old-fashioned  SCJSSYa special prison for criminals who are not old enough to be in an ordinary prison 少年犯教养院,少年犯感化院Examples from the Corpusborstal• As the years had progressed a series of petty crimes had seen him in remand homes, borstals and finally prison.• After a spell in borstal he was introduced to influential figures in the London underworld of the mid-60s.Origin borstal (1900-2000) Borstal, village in Kent, southeast England, where the first such prison wasbor·stal nounChineseSyllable  old a Corpus enough for special not who are criminals prison to




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