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单词 visible
释义 Word family  noun visibility ≠ invisibility adjective visible ≠ invisible adverb visibly ≠ invisibly  vis·i·ble /ˈvɪzəbəl/ ●●○ W3 AWL adjective  1  SEEsomething that is visible can be seen 看得见的,可见的 OPP invisibleclearly/highly/barely etc visible The outline of the mountains was clearly visible. 群山的轮廓清晰可见。visible to The sign was clearly visible to passing motorists. 这一标志过路司机可清楚地看见。 The comet is visible to the naked eye (=can be seen without using special equipment). 这颗彗星肉眼看得见。 Check the plant for any visible signs of disease. 检查一下植物是否有患病的迹象。2  NOTICEan effect that is visible is great enough to be noticed 〔影响〕明显的,显然的,可察觉的 SYN noticeable There has been a visible change in his attitude. 他的态度有明显的转变。3  FAMOUSsomeone who is visible is in a situation in which a lot of people notice them 引人注目的 highly visible politicians 十分引人注目的政治家n COLLOCATIONSadverbsclearly/plainly visibleThe fracture was clearly visible on the X-ray.highly visibleCyclists should wear highly visible colours.easily visibleBy July 26, Mercury should be easily visible in the evening sky.barely/hardly visibleThe parked car was barely visible in the darkness.phrasesvisible to the naked eye (=able to be seen without using special equipment)The comet is now visible to the naked eye.a visible signHe considered the expensive car a visible sign of his achievement.Examples from the Corpusvisible• He lit the cigarette, keeping both his hands high and visible.• I could feel the blood gone from my face and I knew that my panic was visible.• The stages overlap with each other and the process is both continuous and deliberately visible.• The marks are in faint gold, and hardly visible.• The results of the housing policy are clearly visible.• Only the top of his head was visible above the water.• The impact on wealth distribution was already visible by the end of 1992, as Table 8-7 shows.• The other important but less visible change is that those who operate the robots and computers are part-time women workers.• A single headlight was suddenly visible far below them.• Trim any visible fat before frying the meat.• The church tower is visible from the next village.• No stitching is visible from the right side.• No solar eclipses will be visible from the United States in 1996, and only two will be visible from Earth.• The bullet holes are still clearly visible in the walls.• Black performers have become much more visible on Broadway.• Detectives found no visible signs of a struggle.• The stars were barely visible that night.• These stars are barely visible to the naked eye.visible signs• The visible signs are of two main sorts.• The most visible signs of a growing revivalist spirit appeared in the ministry of James McGready in Kentucky.• Terry had the desire to see how they had been affected, or for any visible signs of compulsion.• When a church is in her infancy there will be the most visible signs of growth, as with a child.• Funeral furnishing was a trade in which the outward and visible signs of his merchandise helped to advertise his craft.• Yet daytime is also believed to be responsible for about 75% of the visible signs of skin ageing.• The neighborhood people sent money, but they had to be careful of more visible signs of support.• The visible signs of this malaise included the loss of inner-city population and jobs and the deterioration of inner-city housing.visible change• The other important but less visible change is that those who operate the robots and computers are part-time women workers.• Then, with a visible change of heart, she carefully smoothed it out again.• Then, without a visible change of mood, he became inscrutable.• The visible changes which this programme creates have some positive effects on women's place in the discipline.• The biggest visible changes will probably be seen in television programming.highly visible• The 1950s was a period when state intervention in childhood was highly visible.• The effect was to be startling and highly visible.• The moving human body is large, obtrusive and highly visible.• He knew that highly visible and fast results would achieve this objective.• The results were highly visible and, in short order, Tom was promoted.• It is highly visible, but there is an enormous mass of activity underneath.• Those highly visible operations, which featured heavily armed government forces using aggressive pressure tactics, ended in deadly violence.• A few people carefully chosen, highly visible, whose deaths might be noticed.Origin visible (1300-1400) Latin visibilis, from visus; → VISIONvis·i·ble adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus visible can be something that is seen




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