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单词 vibrant
释义  Related topics: Visual, Coloursvi·brant /ˈvaɪbrənt/ ●○○ adjective  1  ENERGETICfull of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractive 令人兴奋的;充满活力的,精力充沛的,活跃的 SYN lively Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city. 香港是座富有活力的迷人城市。 She was sixteen, young and vibrant. 她16岁,年轻又充满活力。2  AVCCa vibrant colour is bright and strong 〔颜色〕明亮的,鲜艳的 a painting full of vibrant reds and blues 满是鲜亮的红色和蓝色的画作 —vibrancy noun [uncountable] —vibrantly adverbExamples from the Corpusvibrant• It is especially lively and vibrant.• Neutral colors in their cubicles would soothe them, while sharp, vibrant colors would energize them in the public areas.• In the forefront of this scene flutters the dress, incongruously vibrant despite its suggestion of loss.• Disputes are inevitable in a dynamic society with changing mores and a vibrant economy.• vibrant fall colors• However, Coleridge's poems are not all so vibrant or meditative.• the vibrant reds and oranges of the leaves in autumn• Even so, its vibrant rhythms and gorgeous costumes make it Mr Chen's most accessible film so far.• The streets of the capital are vibrant with color.Origin vibrant (1500-1600) Latin present participle of vibrare; → VIBRATEvi·brant adjectiveChineseSyllable  is exciting or energy activity a Corpus that of in full way




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