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单词 Public relations
1 It is just a public relations gimmick.
2 The move was good public relations.
3 They ran their own successful public relations business in London.
4 Limiting casualties is important for public relations.
5 She works in public relations.
6 Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations.
7 a public relations exercise .
8 The new public relations manager has the difficult task of shoring up the company's troubled image.
9 Hollywood's slick public relations machine has produced a new improved model of a young movie star.
10 We support local artistic events; it's good for public relations.
11 Nicky's job as a public relations director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people.
12 A Brazilian public relations firm has brought some fizz into his campaign.
13 The public relations machine covered up the firm's heavy losses.
14 It's a public relations office, a press office and a private office all in one.
15 George is a public relations officer for The John Bennett Trust.
16 In theory it was mainly a public relations job.
17 The public relations boys had to work overtime again.
18 Vera works in the public relations department.
19 Her job straddled marketing and public relations.
20 Both sides are waging public relations campaigns.
21 Even worse, some think public relations stands in the way of getting at the real facts.
22 Extensive travel, fine knowledge in marketing, public relations and community spirit will be helpful.
23 New business Public relations consultancies no more want to stand still than any other business enterprise.
24 Public relations is a continuing activity which is sensitive to a changing market-place, public attitudes and national and international events.
25 No doubt he'd been looking forward to the wedding ever since it was announced, as an invaluable chance to cut a figure and do some good public relations work.
26 The project has been disastrous for the bank in terms of public relations.
27 There can be no argument about how lousy he is at public relations.
28 Business Studies continued to show the largest demand with very significant increases recorded in Marketing and Public Relations.
29 This company, at first attached to an advertising agency, later became an independent public relations consultancy.
30 The other way in which he could compensate for unfavourable power relations was through effective public relations.
1 It is just a public relations gimmick.
2 The move was good public relations.
3 They ran their own successful public relations business in London.
4 No doubt he'd been looking forward to the wedding ever since it was announced, as an invaluable chance to cut a figure and do some good public relations work.
31 Personal disinterest in a programme content will help your objectivity in assessing its potential for your public relations purposes.
32 The tour was considered to have been a successful public relations exercise.
33 He had been a lieutenant colonel in public relations in Baltimore.
34 Companies justify the cost in employee time in terms of improved public relations and eventually recruiting a better trained work force.
35 Public relations and the building of corporate image are dealt with in a later chapter.
36 In fact, you could say the average public relations executive's world is littered with messages to send the client.
37 She joined Hearst in 1985 as vice president, director of public relations for the Magazines Division.
38 It seems to be another public relations blunder by the government.
39 Over recent years new specialist services have developed to help public relations to serve local radio.
40 "Impact" is a lively young company which specializes in public relations.
41 Public relations consultants A good firm of financial public relations consultants should be engaged to assist with the takeover.
42 The arrangements should involve and be prepared in consultation with senior management, engineers, public relations professionals and others as appropriate.
43 It has been a public relations exercise for this week's by-elections.
44 Following widespread unfavourable publicity, Grand Lodge decided to redefine its rules on public relations in 1984.
45 She is part of the small but growing number of public relations experts who represent big names in religion.
46 Their public image is all important. Public relations and advertising gurus have taken over the dialogue.
47 A public relations campaign also started up to draw in the waverers.
48 Jones is mounting a vigorous legal and public relations challenge to the scientific evidence collected against his client.
49 Part of the public relations function is to feed this information back to the company.
50 Sara, a woman in her late forties, had achieved a very high position in public relations.
51 Public Relations is a key part of an infill project.
52 In the future, job opportunities for public relations professionals will increase.
53 Not drawn from a public relations kit, his picture of the future tapped into the oldest dreams of the human race.
54 Public relations is much maligned about its influence on the media.
55 Much of the talk about integrating international issues into the curriculum is public relations gibberish.
56 Those planning to enter public relations in the future will not be able to offer superficial solutions or thinking to any client.
57 The public relations business is no different from any other business in this respect.
58 Today there is a very mixed bag of public relations workers and organisations.
59 During my lengthy spell abroad, I was seconded to a public relations unit, run by a delightful and eccentric colonel.
60 Local radio Here is your golden media opportunity for local radio is an expanding market place for public relations.
61 The function of public relations Public relations is the most flexible communication method available to management.
62 By choosing a career in advertising or public relations you will be in this complex and exciting business of communication.
63 Public relations for any of these operations is normally a year-round effort.
64 Many consultancies welcome work experience in a field unrelated to public relations.
65 He said the difficult decision had been made in the interest of his public relations business.
66 A public exhibition of your finds at a library or other public building is a very useful public relations exercise.
67 It might be considered an expensive reward for achieving a high standard and a costly method of public relations.
68 The project has been disastrous for the bank in terms of public relations,(sentence dictionary) and has divided Bank's own officials.
69 So that, as your specially commissioned public relations consultant, I could use their impact to full effect?
70 Many have their public relations function handled by an outside consultancy as well as by an internal public relations officer.
71 Brown has said that such a move could boost worker morale and improve public relations.
72 These skills and her vivacious and outgoing personality enabled her to work effectively and happily in public relations.
73 Miss Owada is thought to have held out for one concession: relatively open public relations.
74 The two December marches by right-wing women were important public relations exercises in support of hardliners in the government.
75 Public relations, a real growth service industry, is not far behind.
76 However, it was still fairly disconcerting to receive some information yesterday from a Newcastle public relations company.
77 Pro-active public relations is when you are helping to make a situation or event happen and are keeping ahead of things.
78 Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations. George Orwell 
79 She also enjoyed taking on occasional press and public relations assignments, and brings that experience to her present work.
80 There weren't all that many twenty-four-year-old graduates with the good fortune to run their own successful public relations business in London.
81 Of late, the preponderance of public relations firms have leveraged that influence against activists and proposed legislation that threaten big business.
82 The committee will concern itself with matters relating to administration, marketing, finance, playing, development, and public relations.
83 Attractively presented product information is also a good public relations vehicle, enhancing the image of the store in a general sense.
84 Marshall's skills and her outgoing personality made her very effective in her public relations jobs.
85 He has emphasised public relations to some effect: a single article in a national newspaper brought 1000 enquiries about Micromodeller.
86 Regionals use a lot of material originated by public relations, sometimes in the form in which it was sent.
87 When you learn how to search out and retrieve information you are in possession of a golden key to doing successful public relations.
88 In a major public relations push, Pillsbury boosted the prize this year to $ 1 million.
89 In some sense this is no more than a public relations exercise, albeit a difficult one.
90 The District Council undertook a public relations exercise to monitor developers' proposals which came in a series of stages.
91 The union leaders appear to be building public support for their cause, with clever use of symbolic gestures and public relations.
92 For Public Relations there must be two elements in the package, creativity and originality.
93 But with the help of a hired public relations man, he argues that he kept Justice sufficiently informed -- through Holder.
94 Therefore, to some degree any public relations proposal for any potential client is out of date as soon as it is written.
95 The Support Force was launched in September 1992 by the DoH in a disastrous public relations exercise.
96 Examiner contributor Nancy Fox is a public relations consultant, educator and composer.
97 It was not mere public relations, but a paper with near-mystical historical antecedents.
98 Mr Lang was accused of merely carrying out a public relations exercise, however.
99 Cutting visible waste would help public relations, but the key thing would be the publication of milestones for measured withdrawal.
100 Messer admits that clear-cutting forests is bad for public relations.
101 Thus the Sizewell inquiry is little more than an expensive public relations exercise.
102 Instead of a warm and fuzzy public relations tour during campaign season, she now faces endless questions about supposed hanky-panky.
103 Senior positions considered suitable tend to be in the hotel industry in public relations, personnel, training and front of house.
104 The public relations practitioner has to conduct activities which concern every public with which the organisation has contact.
105 Good public relations operators are not all mouth; they are also very good ears.
106 Instead, we can expect companies to increase the size of the public relations screen used to hide what is going on.
107 Likewise, public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages.
108 The effort to bring poor kids to Harvard on scholarship, however welcome, is a public relations campaign.
109 The range of environmental services on offer is seemingly endless - from environmental auditing to public relations.
110 Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan looked upon the tournament as a public relations exercise rather than a moneymaking venture.
111 By virtue of its high profile, Magellan created a public relations nightmare for Fidelity.
112 Specialists such as those in public and corporate affairs or financial public relations can expect even higher salaries.
113 Hopefully in the future it will become standard public relations practice to use research to measure the results or achievements of campaigns.
114 In doing this, public relations creates confidence in a company's management and its products, which builds credibility.
115 The recent announcement that the National Gallery intend to establish a public relations department may improve the situation.
116 But I am less sure whether the bigger houses, with their established markets, benefit other than in terms of public relations.
117 It provides a high profile and public relations for the city.
118 It was an inspired piece of public relations, though more motivated by sheer pride and genuine gratification than any other motive.
119 Priorities concern improved membership services, relationships with other bodies, public relations, Hospitality magazine and staff training.
120 It is true that public relations contrives news and events and gets photographs in newspapers which are really just promotional efforts.
121 In Yorkshire, and elsewhere, the public relations and promotional aspects are now in the ascendant.
122 The chancery was a public relations office, a press office and a private office all in one.
123 Armstrong thought the society's problems were too intractable even for his prodigious public relations skills, and turned down the offer.
124 She hated the flummery of public relations.
125 Why are public relations important for your Rotary club?
126 She works in public relations for a telephone company.
127 Public relations is your ability to get free publicity.
128 A local public relations man suggested a celebration of the area's once plentiful strawberry fields.
129 I understand. Public relations plays a role in building image, both product image and company image.
130 In December, Aldrich hired the inevitable Charles A. Conant for research, public relations, and agitprop for the NMC.
131 There is a piece of scrip on glass, explain company one does not accept all interviewing, if have, interview need to contact company of its precatory public relations.
132 Says Chicago Public Relations Man Walter Robinson, 39, father of three boys: "The Beatles are explorers, trusty advance scouts. I like them to report to my kids."
133 It's all about the tech, says Cherie Kerr, a public relations expert. "Whomever is the most hip in terms of social media will become the trendsetter among the royals, " she predicts.
134 This kind of industry may be beside us, for instance industrial design, education grooms , recreational recreation, move free net to swim etc, include public relations company even.
135 These are programs like computer programming , public relations and acdemic of ( administrate ) work.
136 The essay will analyze this case through Public Relations, and give counsel for the annexation by domestic corporation in future.
137 Transcripts from that space mission, however, reveal that Shepard never said "A-Okay. " It was NASA's public relations officer for Project Mercury, Col.
138 Omeka is a public relations firm retained by Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research.
139 EXMP: the politician is known a virtuoso at public relations.
140 "Shamrock" Shelly Cleaver is the public relations director for the Edsel Owners Club in the United States.
141 Peter Hain publicly praised a public relations firm run by the spin doctor at the centre of his funding scandal, it emerged yesterday.
142 At least one major hotel player has had to do conventional (aka public relations) spin/damage control after some ill-advise comments posted by an authorized employee.
143 This service starts from the next month to clear, the black raspberry handset user may send the information, the upload picture mutually through the public relations website.
144 Communications can include advertising, public relations, personal selling, viral advertising, and any form of communication between the firm and the consumer.
145 None of those excuses hold for Bowyer, who has not been worth all the public relations contortions Robson had to endure to bring him to Tyneside.
146 Today, as media penetrate into the public daily life in unprecedented breadth and depth, no non-profit institution can afford to neglect the importance of good public relations.
147 Meryl Pearlstein, a New York City public relations executive and writer, experienced that last summer when her son, Evan, returned home after freshman year at the University of Vermont.
148 As a competitive edge tool , public relations communication of the travel destination all comes under recognition.
149 We have won a high acclaim in terms of executive ability from the public relations, advertising, marketing planning and training and exhibition companies as well as various well-known enterprises.
150 "It's the best ball we've ever made," said Anne Putz, corporate public relations manager for Adidas, which has made the balls for every World Cup since 1970.
151 He only pursues writing-only careers like novelist, journalist or copyrighter, when instead, he could have looked into being a minister, public relations assistant, editor or government lobbyist.
152 Then, the first pace of network public relations is stridden in the process that making event.
153 Li: Could you define the two terms - public relations and lobbyist respectively to our large number of readers?sentence dictionary
154 It's an indication of the Obama Administration which prides itself on a surefooted public relations operation can be ruthless when mistakes are made.
155 I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette , psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography , and file-keeping.
156 Struck by the crowd's hostility, Ray, a public relations guy with a do-gooder streak decides to rescue Hancock in turn by giving him a superhero makeover.
157 He explained that he was the public relations person for the Humane Society.
158 Be responsible for the public relations for the State Grid companies, explore the potential sales chance.
159 He revealed a serious flaw in an otherwise masterful public relations performance.
160 Only a few months before the hijacking attempt, the Kremlin had called for a public relations counteroffensive that would paint Zionism as “a vanguard of imperialism.”
161 Promotion has four distinct elements - advertising, public relations(), word of mouth and point of sale.
162 and the central villain was the new figure of the public relations man.
163 To promote and maintain good public relations with hotel clientele.
164 Thinking of the provisions of the law, the negative impact to CS court of the case, our social relations and capacity of public relations, HN province high court finally affirm the original judgment.
165 The ruling Communist Party envisions the Games as a public relations showcase and is leaving no detail untended .
166 Promotion itself is also considered as comprised of four elements, advertising , personal selling, sales promotion and public relations.
167 She is as an account executive in Beijing for Hill & Knowlton, the public relations company.
168 Nowadays public relations should be taught as a required course, along with English, physics and mathematics.
169 Public Relations Department should be consulted if an adversarial situation develops.
170 I is a set of public relations, advertising and marketing planning integrated communication management company.
171 "I did not plan to undertake in-house public relations, in that way word, the relation of I and employee can become only more flooey " .
172 She is a hype artist for a public relations firm.
173 Noyes characterized the Vatican's approach to public relations as a "hit-or-miss proposition," and said "decision making" is divorced from "public spin."
174 It's an indication of the Obama administration which prides itself on a surefooted public relations operation can be ruthless when mistakes are made.
175 We believe , colleague of public relations bound can be condemned jointly and boycott this kind to borrowed filthily behavior .
176 In the four kinds of forms, the irrelative cost is too high, but the credibility of the public relations is too low, the background of the close relation the friendship becomes the most importent one.
177 His garrulousness caused major public relations problems as 1995 drew towards a close.
178 With the reporter, a few person of the same trades that come round to interview were not allowed inside, can pass pass on of company of AOL precatory public relations only a few interview content.
179 I've got to eat, ' says Dickie Arbiter, 70, who became a royal pundit after retiring as a public relations man for Buckingham Palace.
180 The candidates employ top public relations and advertising men , who invent clever catch phrase.
181 Consulting and marketing planning agency engaged in strategic marketing, advertising, design, public relations, direct marketing and sales promotion.
182 I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette Study, psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography, file-keeping.
183 The directors use the public relations manager a front man to answer any questions from customers.
184 The public figure of public relations department of head office of cruel dispatch Beijing expresses, "This thing is bad now to say,(http:///public relations.html) superstratum did not grant limits of authority " .
185 The basic characteristic of the public relations activities is the order de polygenic circular developing movement.
186 Next, you must step up the trade disputes initiated the investigation stage of public relations.
187 If because of a public relations corner, we must take our lumps and see it through.
188 Depth of focus of customer service, information in the media, dropping strategy, data analysis and evaluation, public relations and other services to provide more value-added services.
189 It's'like amending the constitution,'says Leslie Lefkowitz, director of public relations for the hotel.
190 The purpose of this article was to explore academic origin of communication ascription of Public Relations.
191 I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette study, psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography, and file-keeping.
192 With excellent interpersonal communication skills and better public relations outreach capacity.
193 Public relation of police is a ramification of modern public relations.
194 Business extention together with advertisement, personal selling and public relations constitute promotion mix.
195 User's increase meant sales personnel's busy, the market competition meant intensely the public relations work the unimportance, the medical drugs increase meant the sales management wants the nature.
196 Sam: Yes, I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company for the past two years. I plan the advertising campaigns and cooperate with artists and a typographer.
197 Or is this just part of Khomeini's public relations problem?
198 We are a small public relations and communications consulting firm.
199 The battle turned into a public relations nightmare for the carrier, as the video of Carroll's song, "United Breaks Guitars, " was viewed more than 6.6 million times.




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