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单词 Generosity
1, Generosity is part of the American character.
2, We adore them for their generosity.
3, How can we match our generosity against theirs?
4, It was a specimen of his generosity.
5, Generosity is its own form of power.
6, Any sob story moved Jarvis to generosity.
7, People are always trading on his generosity.
8, Your generosity puts me to shame.
9, These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.
10, He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown.
11, His friends praised his generosity,(http:///generosity.html) wit and learning.
12, He was humbled by her generosity.
13, The generosity of the local people is bottomless.
14, How can I ever repay you for your generosity?
15, Their generosity made a lasting impression on me.
16, My aunt is generosity incarnate.
17, His generosity is an example to us all.
18, Her generosity knows no bounds.
19, His generosity is one of his good traits.
20, I was completely overwhelmed by his generosity.
21, We should match their generosity with our own.
22, His generosity shamed them all.
23, His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly.
24, He hasn't a spark of generosity in him.
25, We were completely knocked out by their generosity.
26, He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.
27, We were amazed by his generosity.
28, He was humbled by the child's generosity.
29, The Sioux Indians placed a high value on generosity.
30, People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.
1, Generosity is part of the American character.
2, We adore them for their generosity.
3, How can we match our generosity against theirs?
4, It was a specimen of his generosity.
5, Any sob story moved Jarvis to generosity.
6, People are always trading on his generosity.
7, Your generosity puts me to shame.
8, People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.
9, These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.
10, He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown.
31, His generosity is proverbial in the neighbourhood.
32, He took advantage of my generosity .
33, His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest.
34, I'm most appreciative of your generosity.
35, They may make extravagant shows of generosity.
36, Their generosity deserves our grateful thanks.
37, There are stories about his generosity, the massive amounts of money he gave to charities.
38, Her character was compounded in equal parts of meanness and generosity.
39, She showed an unusual generosity of spirit to those who had opposed her.
40, Three men have been charged with aiding his escape. It is also often used in the context of giving money:The project has been greatly aided by the generosity of local businesses.
41, Thanks to Bob's generosity,(http:///generosity.html) I still have a roof over my head.
42, The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.
43, She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.
44, In a burst of impulsive generosity, I offered to pay.
45, Really, David is not a bit like his brother as far as generosity is concerned.
46, I wonder why you can't credit him with the same generosity of spirit.
47, Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper.
48, The hospital has now bought a new body scanner, thanks to the generosity of local fund-raisers.
49, Their guests took advantage of their generosity, overstaying their welcome by several days.
50, The school owed its existence to the generosity of one man.
51, We've reached our goal of $50,000, thanks to the generosity of the public.
52, It would be presuming on his generosity to ask him for money.
53, She presumed on her father's generosity by borrowing money from him and not repaying it.
54, I shall never forget the generosity shown by the people of Bastaisk.
55, The task of producing the text was made easier by the unstinting help and generosity extended to me.
56, But this does not imply public generosity either.
57, Accounts of Ali's kindness and generosity are legion.
58, Government should not try to legislate goodness or generosity.
59, And thank him too(), for his generosity to you.
60, Nehru responded with characteristic generosity.
61, They exploited her generosity shamelessly.
62, The Prince was famous for his generosity.
63, Mr Mellon's generosity to the university has been staggering.
64, Edward's generosity extended beyond the creation of earls.
65, That generosity is a greater good than selfishness.
66, Their generosity was matched by the legislators' greed.
67, His generosity does not abide by our rules.
68, Thank you all for your continued support and generosity.
69, Nevertheless my problems with my master's open-handed generosity persisted.
70, The extent of her stepmother's generosity surprised her.
71, I should have confessed everything, as I do now, and appealed to your great generosity of spirit.
72, Poor Law administrators in practice operated with considerably varying degrees of harshness or generosity.
73, Cheque Thanks to the generosity of the Order the centre is ready to meet those needs in the present day and age.
74, For all their generosity the Goldsmiths deserved thanks, and gratitude; they received nothing but complaints, and petitions.
75, Unlike so many brilliant teachers I thought that Basil was completely altruistic - this was born out of his great generosity.
76, The intervention represented by the Newsboys' House, which your generosity made possible, can not suffice to meet this threat.
77, Hermite was a distinguished mathematician who was well-known for his generosity to younger men.
78, These women, often with family responsibilities of their own, do a heavy and demanding job with great generosity of spirit.
79, And the Balanchine repertory was given to other companies with notable generosity.
80, If his legal status is to be changed, he must rely on the generosity of the citizens.
81, Over the succeeding years he repaid their great kindness with massive generosity.
82, He got nothing for himself, in the hard world of our peers' respect, for his generosity.
83, Therefore, if the first two arguments were correct, it would be better to err on the side of generosity.
84, Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present. Albert Camus 
85, But they also reward or punish behavior: The deduction for charitable contributions underwrites generosity.
86, Goodman was always hard up and enjoyed the friendship and generosity of friends such as Francis Bacon who would help him out.
87, The Humane Research Trust raised £160.30 during a collection in Huyton recently, and wish to thank the people for their generosity.
88, Its survival depended on the generosity and good nature of the Secretary whose honorarium in 1933 was a year in arrears!
89, Tonight, they accept their lot, and sign autographs and chat with fans with uncharacteristic generosity.
90, The generosity of the offer had surprised them all and had prompted a whole spate of spontaneous offers.
91, I believe that generosity becomes less between nations, as the world economy heads for a more frightening decline.
92, Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear. Rumi 
93, Characteristics such as a strongly independent spirit, a generosity of personality, and an appreciative warmth are assets.
94, A major restraint upon such generosity was, however, the opposition of ratepayers.
95, For his part, Perry is pressing the Agriculture Department in Washington to show more generosity in federal crop-insurance programs.
96, The angels had told her to do things discreetly, not to make a big show of generosity or kindness.
97, We have steadily improved the coverage and generosity of the benefits system.
98, For a second, their generosity towards him made me feel ashamed.
99, On his side he received what her generosity bestowed with great contentment.
100, The bookmakers, showing unusual generosity, gave them a 44-point advantage on the handicap betting list.
101, Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.Sentencedict Kahlil Gibran 
102, He was a man of exceptional generosity, in fact I can truthfully say over-generous.
103, Linda McKechnie owes her path to fame to the generosity of close friends.
104, In their generosity, or relief of getting out of the kitchen, they ply me with bag loads of organic vegetables.
105, In a place full of precious antiques, this shows great generosity by the management.
106, After the Bombecks made Arizona their home, many local charities benefited from their generosity as well as their presence at fund-raisers.
107, The charity has to rely on public generosity and numerous fundraising ventures to fund the scheme locally.
108, And please accept my heartfelt thanks now for your concern and your generosity.
109, To start negotiations having to rely on the generosity of the other party is not to start in the strongest of positions!
110, What is called generosity is usually only the vanity of giving; we enjoy the vanity more than the thing given. Francois de La Rochefoucauld 
111, In Stockport, the School had already benefited from the generosity of many individual local donors.
112, The generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan made the museum project possible.
113, This may be one reason for the relative generosity of earlier community help.
114, Exemptions marked the generosity of the monarch, as with Theudebert's concessions to the churches of the Auvergne.
115, From an attitude of generosity, warm feeling and motherly goodness, she now had shifted into a mood of high hilarity.
116, I liked him because of that, and because of his generosity.
117, But pervasive as this behavior may be, we do have moments of generosity and altruism.
118, But the crucial challenge is to translate that spontaneous impulse of generosity into a long-term political commitment to prevent more global warming.
119, Governments could have offset declining profitability by cutting taxes on profits or by increasing the generosity of tax allowances given for investment.
120, It will stand as a permanent memorial to the man whose generosity has so benefited the Theatre Collection.
121, Even with the wind of generosity at their back, why did they travel at a man's walking pace?
122, Staff at Cornell College were astounded by the generosity of the unexpected bequest.
123, Generosity is produced by the heart, selfishness is approved by the mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
124, In her acknowledgments Brownmiller reports the generosity of the women warriors who made the history and shared with her their private archives.
125, When starting my pond, I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours with all sorts of pond plants.
126, Without ability, intelligence or cordiality; they know nothing of generosity or manly feeling.
127, Thanks to the generosity of the parishioners this target was achieved.
128, His generosity to his friends was matched by vindictiveness to those who fell out of his favour.
129, There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self- esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity. Nathaniel Branden 
130, But to those in distress, and towards unrecognized or emerging talent, he was unfailing in his generosity and support.
131, Their right to cross the border would rest on the whim and generosity of authorities on both sides.
132, This evening, carried along by her parents' high spirits and generosity(), will help integrate Courtney into the team.
133, He had smiled then and said that despite my generosity he would give no cause for jealousy.
134, But the reserve through which that attractive generosity and warmth powerfully shone was, for him, an impenetrable and necessary protection.
135, Too polite to refuse their generosity, he went through the ceremony.
136, And so he negotiated with himself, and sometimes tortured himself, and he erred on the side of generosity.
137, He was capable of such thoughtfulness and generosity towards others.
138, There is a wide variety of possible schemes, ordered below by their varying degrees of generosity to the less well off.
139, Unfortunately, through a combination of drought, generosity and extravagance, he lost this property as well.
140, The newsletter testifies to acts of generosity and community prompted by the system.
141, Larry, with characteristic generosity, invited everyone back to his house.
142, He is willing to extend his generosity to people who mean something to him or are of the same religion.
143, Generosity is also characteristic of the girlie economy.
144, " Wondrous strength arid generosity of a woman's heart!
145, He has a patent of generosity.
146, His donations to charity speak volumes for his generosity.
147, I don't choose to trespass on your father's generosity.
148, With open-handed Generosity, I purify my body.
149, His modesty and generosity predispose people to like him.
150, He had the most entrancing generosity and sweetness.
151, His patriarchal generosity is counter-balanced by his ruthlessness.
152, He did not want to be behindhand in generosity.
153, Among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness.
154, Your generosity and support for our Flag Day will be sign of love and care.
155, You'll take everything you're offered yet your own generosity is virtually non-existent.
156, The economic basis of cooperation is the tradeoff between selfishness and generosity.
157, However, sometimes , the most obnoxious volunteer to sacrifice themselves out of unanticipated generosity.
158, Only spontaneous love flowing with sincere generosity and self - abnegation can fertilize the soul of others.
159, Whenever he flatters your generosity, he will certainly have an axe to grind.
160, "Be able to boast that if gallantry, generosity, and fidelity were lost in the world men would be able to find them again in your own breast" (clxv).
161, Through a wise education, people can acquire various virtues such as courage, temperance, generosity, amiability, truthfulness, wittiness , friendliness(Sentence dictionary), etc.
162, Simplicity and generosity of BRT bus parking and maintenance field maintenance shop.
163, The Master had visited his house a number of times and unstintingly praised the devotion and generosity of this beloved disciple.
164, Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. - Kahlil Gibran.
165, Our first hosts were in Sault Sainte Marie, and I was blown away9) by their generosity.
166, Usually, generosity rewards an ethical awareness that defies the common obsessions with stinginess and corrupt gifts.
167, Students from low-income families benefited from the generosity of the public, who donated new school bags, uniforms and stationary supplies to ensure they can make the most of the new semester.
168, Now, my uncle seemed so miserly that I was struck dumb by this sudden generosity.
169, Take time to give something back to others by personal generosity, mercy, forgiveness and charity, and we will all be the better for it.
170, I'm afraid you mistake unscrupulousness for generosity. ' Connie paused.
171, We certainly need the money , but , on the other hand [], I do not want to presume upon your generosity.
172, The concept of the American Santa Claus originated with St. Nicholas, who was born in Asia Minor in 280 A.D. He was known as a kind, benevolent man; indeed made a saint because of his generosity.
173, But for the Laotian government, such generosity would not come cheaply.
174, But his miserliness was offset by a generosity toward the victims of the systems he despised.
175, Could this Lost Boy even understand the difference between hugging and fondling, affection and assault, generosity and lechery ?
176, Wade, encouraged by his stepfather's generosity, came shyly toward him.
177, Metrical products because of elegance, another hand - made, fine wood, beautiful appearance of generosity.
178, Medieval nobles regarded the martial arts competition as their career and duty because it revealed the values they pursued, i. e. honor, courageousness, and generosity.
179, He also argued that Italy's huge public debt ( more than its GDP ) makes generosity reckless.
180, Too many underdeveloped nations self-righteously insist that receiving American aid is their God-given right rather than a manifestation of American generosity.
181, To disassociate identity from professional status, therapists recommend taking pride in characteristics that can't be stripped away -- virtue, integrity, honesty, generosity.
182, Whatever either of them may have taken, they have given back enormously, not only in the wired and now unwired world they helped to create, but also in their generosity with their billions.
183, But from a monstrous humanitarian crisis has come a new self-awareness, a recognition of the Chinese people's sympathy and generosity of spirit.
184, This generosity brought a spatter of applause from the boys.
185, Is this owing to the generosity of him in whose possession it is found, or to the remissness of the officers of justice?
186, Even after the retirement of President Washington, Martha still continued her unbounded generosity.
187, For all this rich attire Miss Thorne was not indebted to the generosity of her brother.
188, Sound public health policy needs more than fitful, reactive generosity.
189, Perhaps it has become suspect because of the tales of over-the-top generosity sometimes told in gossip about the very rich.
190, On large occassions like the present, Mrs Wilson's innate generosity came out.
191, Funded entirely by donations , the Charitable Trust needs your support and generosity!
192, Did that really mean that there was no faithfulness, no generosity, no sacred quality?
193, Generosity leads to a rich life. Stinginess leads to a poor life.
194, Now, it is very hard to measure such a one as loving-kindness, so you might want to choose one that is more easily seen in its physical form, one such as patience or generosity.
195, Our first hosts were in Sault Sainte Marie, and I was blown away by their generosity.
196, Its true stories, thoughtful quotations, and suggestions for generosity inspire readers to live more compassionately in this beautiful new edition.
197, We certainly need the money, but, on the other hand, I don't want to presume upon your generosity.
198, Jaina As always, the generosity of the elves is greatly appreciated.
199, Dongxiang is an old authentic halal restaurants, interior decoration simple generosity, gives the feeling of pleasure.
200, Gerald in mind, and he suspected as much, but he felt that her generosity must be tinged greatly with self-sacrifice and secret unhappiness.
201, A great story would be the stoicism, sympathy and generosity that local populations continue to offer western society in spite of our snot-nosed economic thuggery.
202, Mr. Darnay as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance for that circumstance.
203, The spirit of knight was the moral standard of the knight nobles during the Middle Ages including bravery, generosity, devoutness, the supreme sense of honor.
204, They endure setbacks, inconveniences, and wrongs with patience, generosity and grace.
205, With that generosity which Aristotle had taught him, Alexander determined to call upon Diogenes.
206, His Judgment, like other mens Valour, has commonly the generosity to favour the weaker side.
207, That generosity was helping, yes, but not necessarily activating spiritual law.
208, Louis , found the generosity of tipper may be limited by their bill.
209, Besides, generosity to Buganda would aggravate the other kingdoms, particularly neighboring Bunyoro, whose land includes Uganda's new-found oilfields.
210, I have experienced Maria's generosity from her garden, her kitchen and from her helpful donations to keep the Cloverleaf messages coming to her by postal mail.
211, Lethal generosity is more than a bill board or promotional campaign To achieve tangible business results, it requires interacting and building relationships with an engaged community.
212, Two months is an awfully long time for your son and his wife to lounge around doing nothing and taking advantage of your generosity.
213, We certainly need the money, but, on the other hand, I do't want to presume upon your generosity.




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