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单词 interestingly
释义 Word family  noun interest ≠ disinterest adjective interested ≠ disinterested ≠ uninterested interesting ≠ uninteresting verb interest adverb interestingly disinterestedly  in·terest·ing·ly /ˈɪntrəstɪŋli/ adverb  1  [sentence adverb]INTERESTING used to introduce a fact that you think is interesting 有趣的是 Interestingly, none of their three children ever married. 有趣的是,他们的三个孩子都一直没有结婚。 Interestingly enough, Pearson made no attempt to deny the rumour. 很有趣的是,皮尔逊没有试图否认谣传。2  INTERESTINGin an interesting way 有趣地 His essay was clearly and interestingly written. 他的散文思路清晰,趣味盎然。Examples from the Corpusinterestingly• She was interestingly pretty.Interestingly enough• Interestingly enough , many of the writers were Vietnamese·terest·ing·ly adverbChineseSyllable  used a Corpus you is introduce to fact think that




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