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单词 interesting
释义 Word family  noun interest ≠ disinterest adjective interested ≠ disinterested ≠ uninterested interesting ≠ uninteresting verb interest adverb interestingly disinterestedly  in·terest·ing /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective  INTERESTINGif something is interesting, you give it your attention because it seems unusual or exciting or provides information that you did not know about 有趣的,吸引人的 OPP uninteresting, boring That’s an interesting question. 那是一个有趣的问题。 a really interesting TV programme 十分有趣的电视节目find something interesting I found his talk very interesting. 我觉得他的讲话很引人入胜。 Did you meet any interesting people? 你见过什么有意思的人吗?it is interesting to see/know etc It will be interesting to see what happens when he gets a bit older. 看看他年纪大些时是什么样子会很有趣。 It’s interesting that no one remembers seeing the car. 竟然没人记得见过这辆车,真是有趣。 ► Do not confuse interested, which describes a feeling, and interesting, which describes something that interests you: Are you interested in ballet? | an interesting talk on photography不要混淆 interested(指一种感受)和 interesting(指某事使你感兴趣):Are you interested in ballet? 你对芭蕾舞感兴趣吗? | an interesting talk on photography 关于摄影的有趣演讲 THESAURUSinteresting keeping your attention and making you want to know more 有趣的,吸引人的There’s an interesting article in the newspaper today. 今天的报上有一篇有趣的文章。The lecture was really interesting. 这讲座非常吸引人。fascinating very interesting 迷人的,引人入胜的a fascinating subject 引人入胜的话题Everything about ancient Egypt is absolutely fascinating. 和古埃及有关的一切都非常吸引人。stimulating giving you new ideas or experiences in a way that is interesting and enjoyable 饶有趣味的,激发思考的a stimulating conversation 饶有趣味的对话I found him very stimulating to be with and full of ideas. 我发觉和他在一起很有意思,而且他点子很多。intriguing interesting because of being unusual, mysterious, or unexpected, so that you want to find out more 〔由于不寻常、神秘或出人意料而〕非常有趣的,引人入胜的Their research has produced some intriguing results. 他们的研究得出了一些很有趣的结果。nThese discoveries raise intriguing questions about the relationship between viral genes and the normal genes of the cell.absorbing/engrossing interesting in a way that keeps your attention completely or for a long time 很吸引人的,引人入胜的Growing your own vegetables can be an absorbing hobby. 自己种蔬菜是一种很有意思的爱好。her engrossing first novel 她那引人入胜的第一部小说gripping/riveting/compelling used about a very interesting story, film etc that you feel you must keep reading or watching 〔故事、电影等〕扣人心弦的,引人入胜的a gripping story of love and death 一本有关爱与死的扣人心弦的小说He gives a riveting performance as a tough street cop. 他饰演一个硬汉巡警,演得非常精彩。nThere is something compelling about his work. enthralling /ɪnˈθrɔːlɪŋ $ -ˈθrɒːl-/ very interesting and exciting – used especially about a performance you are watching or listening to 〔尤指表演〕精彩的,迷人的,非常有趣的Pakistan won an enthralling match by two wickets. 巴基斯坦以两名击球手未被判出局赢了一场精彩的比赛。spellbinding very interesting because of being so strange, unusual, or wonderful 极有趣的,使人入迷的The book is a spellbinding tale of her life in China. 这本书讲述她在中国生活的趣事。I couldn’t put it down spoken used when saying that a book was so interesting that you could not stop reading it 我(对这本书)爱不释手It’s a great book – I found that I couldn’t put it down. 这是本了不起的书,我发现自己读得爱不释手。Examples from the Corpusinteresting• There's a course in English business law at King's College that looks interesting.• Michael's new job sounds really interesting.• Lawyers get to represent lots of clients in their careers, but few as interesting as a president.• She found him interesting, attractive even.• I found the book quite interesting even though it's not the sort of thing I'd normally read.• We saw an interesting film about African wildlife.• Today's been really interesting, I enjoyed it very much.• What makes San Francisco so interesting is its architecture, which is completely different from that of other American cities.• I got an interesting letter in the mail today.• At the age of 80 she still leads a very busy and interesting life.• an interesting man• The exhibition includes some interesting old musical instruments.• The party was full of artists, actors, and other interesting people.• I find it interesting that no one has yet mentioned the President's appalling record on the economy.• It is interesting that the present recession is much deeper in the south than in the north.• The most interesting thing about dinosaurs is the fact that they all died out so suddenly.• The Renaissance must have been a very interesting time to have been alive.• It would be interesting to know how much he earns.It’s interesting that• She has a directness that rubs off on others. It's interesting that we both have roots in St·terest·ing adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus if you something interesting, it give is




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