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单词 upcoming
释义  up·com·ing /ˈʌpˌkʌmɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective [only before noun]  SOONhappening soon 即将来临的,即将发生的 SYN forthcoming the upcoming elections 即将举行的选举Examples from the Corpusupcoming• Growers characterize the upcoming battle as a fight for their right to earn a living.• The space program will be reviewed during the upcoming congressional session.• Call 882-4488 for a calendar of upcoming events.• He said the city had no effective way to notify staff of upcoming events.• my upcoming exams• He was preparing the federal budget for the upcoming fiscal year.• The wrinkles around his mouth pulled down sternly as he talked about the upcoming missions.• It claims the feature is important to users of its upcoming Quality Advantage product which integrates engineering and technical organisations with support.• The First Lady had an upcoming swing through four cities that required my urgent attention.up·com·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  happening Corpus soon




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