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单词 Local authority
1 The government says that local authority spending is excessive.
2 The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.
3 The local authority may assist you to obtain alternative accommodation.
4 The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
5 Local authority nursery provision covers only a tiny minority of working mothers.
6 He's in the care of the local authority.
7 He accused the local authority of maladministration.
8 The local authority has refused to finance the scheme.
9 The local authority has not granted planning permission.
10 The local authority is introducing new planning regulations.
11 The local authority has 50 000 pupils on roll.
12 Fifteen-year-old Danny is on the run from a local authority home.
13 The local authority must try to recover arrears of rent.
14 The local authority may then try to shuffle these responsibilities off onto another authority.
15 The Local Authority runs an advice centre in the town.
16 The local authority considered that the school did not meet requirements.
17 It outraged the public that the local authority decided to close the road.
18 I have a suspicion that the local authority may be planning to close the school.
19 The local authority can apply for a supervision order for the child.
20 Villagers petitioned the local authority to provide better bus services.
21 The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused.
22 The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.
23 The local authority is falling down on the job of keeping the streets clean.
24 The school's controversial methods have come under examination by the local authority.
25 I have seen the correspondence between the company and the local authority.
26 The historic mansion was presented by the owner to the city,[] and is now kept up by the local authority.
27 The court found him to be negligent over the loss of £18 million by the local authority.
28 There is only one course of action open to the local authority.
29 You are not allowed to build anything without first obtaining the approval of the local authority.
30 You may be able to get a grant from the local authority.
1 The government says that local authority spending is excessive.
2 The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.
3 The local authority may assist you to obtain alternative accommodation.
4 The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
5 Local authority nursery provision covers only a tiny minority of working mothers.
6 The historic mansion was presented by the owner to the city, and is now kept up by the local authority.
7 The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused.
8 The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.
31 If we can get that grant from the local authority, we'll be well away.
32 The school opted out of local authority control and is funded directly by the government.
33 The local authority exercises parental rights over the children until foster homes are found.
34 Evidently, the local authority are planning to close the school.
35 How will a local authority allocate rebates?
36 Local authority housing expenditure suffered most.
37 Local authority nurseries charge, nursery classes do not.
38 Local authority stocks provide long-term funding.
39 You work for your employer, the local authority.
40 It's opting out of local authority control.
41 Report on local authority guidelines on elder abuse.
42 So will local authority bus companies./local authority.html
43 An additional 3% was local authority capital expenditure.
44 The museum is funded by the local authority.
45 I do not find it necessary to reach any conclusion on the question whether a local authority can be guilty of corruption.
46 The Government is proposing to bring the majority of these buildings within the ambit of local authority control.
47 Hence the amount of Business Rate each local authority receives will bear no relation to the amount actually collected in each area.
48 A local authority that has no previous experience of serving Repairs Notices can be encouraged in two ways.
49 The Attorney-General may proceed in the High Court for an Order to prevent the local authority carrying out its intended unlawful act.
50 The principal officers of the local authority are those which the authority decides to appoint.
51 The Housing Act 1957 vested the management of local authority houses in the Corporation and gave it power to charge reasonable rents.
52 I am concerned about clause 3 and its effect on local authority housing.
53 Housing management Fundamentally, the system of local authority housing management has its roots in the early work of Octavia Hill.
54 A code of practice was issued in 1981 called Local Authority Annual Reports.
55 Once the constraints on local authority capital expenditure began to bite it cooperated with private housing development on inner-area sites.
56 For example, the social services department within a local authority is a functional department.
57 This could inadvertently promote a simplistic zoning pattern in local authority policies.
58 The local authority may also be able to provide literature on the subject if your Home is run by one.
59 In identifying such conduct, reliance is made on information forthcoming from local authority consumer protection departments.
60 The local authority contend the correct date is when the demand for payment was served or when it became operative.
61 We have also been in negotiation to privately finance a port facility in joint venture with Central Government and the Local Authority.
62 Searches prior to completion and replies Obtain from the seller the preliminary search and enquiries of the local authority.
63 When they came to power in 1970 the Conservatives decided that public expenditure on local authority housing needed to be curbed.
64 These are composed largely of local councillors indirectly appointed by their local authority but not directly elected to these bodies.
65 This monitoring was needed in order to guarantee to the electors in a local authority that an appropriate service was being provided.
66 If a local authority was unable to sue in libel it would not, however, be without recourse to the courts.
67 Two factors are mainly responsible for movement from the owner-occupied to local authority sectors - unemployment and marital breakdown.
68 Carmarthenshire is a rural area with small industrial estates to which the local authority is keen to attract modern high-technology industrial companies.
69 She had taken a polytechnic catch-all sociology course before briefly working in a local authority social services department.
70 The statutory location of decision-making power in a local authority rests in the full council.
71 The optimal size of the local authority depends on the kind of public good under consideration.
72 The introduction of grant-maintained schools and city technology colleges is without question divisive,[http:///local authority.html] leaving local authority schools as poor relations.
73 But it was opposed by the Senate's Environment Committee, industry, local authority refuse collection agencies and environmentalists.
74 An Inside Job A local authority was called out to a feral cat problem at the local prison.
75 This will bring the benefits of home ownership within the reach of more people and introduce more diversity in local authority estates.
76 Firefighters suspend ballot Britain's firefighters have suspended a ballot on strike action after pay talks with local authority employers.
77 The official statistics only include those accepted as homeless by local authority, and they are mainly households with children.
78 Traditionally, government-appointed district auditors have been responsible for examining most local authority accounts.
79 The report included structure diagrams for each type of local authority based on the outlines shown in Figs 5.1 and 5.2.
80 A local authority can discuss whether particular items of expenditure be cut so that the local rate may be reduced.
81 At least the existence of a range of alternative modes of provision as between one local authority and another widens the choice available.
82 The man had gone to the local authority to get a letter stating he was fit to have custody of children.
83 Local authority direct labour organisations are the cornerstones of training in construction.
84 Liberty also suggests that video users should apply to their local authority for a licence, allowing objectors to register their opposition.
85 A third of local authority dwellings lack any central heating,() as does 64% of unfurnished privately rented accommodation.
86 Finally, on 30 May 1990 the local authority issued a summons in the county court seeking payment of both amounts.
87 Managers need to know about the annual financial cycle, the bureau budget and its management and local authority finance.
88 Furthermore, health authorities could no longer discharge patients without an individual care plan being approved and agreed with the local authority.
89 Using government subsidies to increase local authority rents is not a new ploy.
90 In some of these, initial confrontation is now leading to constructive dialogue with local authority officials.
91 Mrs Thatcher wanted to explore every other possible alternative to local authority leadership of the community care programme.
92 The extended scheme will give the police power to apply for a curfew order as well as the local authority.
93 Doormen plan: Middlesbrough has become the first local authority in Cleveland to approve a proposed licensing scheme for doormen.
94 In the process, it discovered such homes often provided better care for seriously mentally frail elderly people than local authority accommodation.
95 Bills of exchange: Treasury, local authority and certain commercial bills. Government bonds with less than a year to maturity.
96 Information about local authority policy and arrangements is clearly intended to provoke public awareness and discussion of local education policy generally.
97 This problem centres upon effective communication between hospital, community and local authority services.
98 On the other hand, subsidies to local authority tenants are progressive in absolute as well as relative terms.
99 Local Authority No. 1 method always uses historic cost accounting.
100 But local authority associations, professional bodies and voluntary groups must not become scapegoats for government complacency and inaction.
101 Another ballot will now be held to determine whether the 1,000-pupil comprehensive will obtain grant-maintained status or stay within Wirral local authority.
102 Local authority associations say the transfer money is likely to be more than £100 million short of what is needed.
102 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
103 Councillors have suggested using Tees-side using a hyphen to emphasise the name of the river rather than the name of a local authority.
104 It was originally intended that couples would register their partnerships in local authority registry offices.
105 He was invalided out and qualified with the local authority as a youth worker.
106 However, benefit rates do not usually include an amount to cover the cost of local authority charges for services.
107 You can get more information about the housing benefit scheme from your local authority.
108 Nuisances: A streamlining of local authority procedures to make the tackling of noise nuisances simpler is proposed.
109 Lax local authority policies and the undermining of policies of restraint on appeal, severely undermine processes of urban regeneration.
110 This was a Baptist church in an inner city area with a modern dual purpose building surrounded by high-rise local authority dwellings.
111 For instance in Coventry, the local authority social services department provided the day centre.
112 Yet the circular as published is a considerably milder version of one which was circulated among local authority associations in July 1980.
113 Let us now examine the published accounts of a simplified local authority to see the effects of adopting fund accounting.
114 Ten percent of the entries were local authority schemes with the remainder divided equally between housing associations and private developers.
115 The size of local authority capital expenditure for selected years is shown in Table 6.1.
116 It evidently included an assertion that the local authority had wrongly decided that he was intentionally homeless.
117 The family proceedings court made care orders in favour of the local authority in respect of both children.
118 From April 1993, all colleges of further education, tertiary and sixth form colleges will be removed from local authority control.
119 The local authority have agreed to implement a series of new measures to fight the pollution.
120 Both sides would be well advised to check what help is actually available from the plaintiff's local authority.
121 Could parents force a local authority to keep schools open during a strike of ancillary workers?
122 For example, one aim of a business plan may be to acquire the local authority housing department as a new client.
123 Eventually the local authority associations agreed a self-denying ordinance and in many authorities councillors do not seek access to records on individuals.
124 It is important that the close link with the local authority remains.
125 Local authority housing is the responsibility of the lower-tier local authorities.
126 This squeezed individual planned targets even more and came to be used to finance items like pay or local authority overspend.
127 For obvious reasons, the tenants absolve the local authority of responsibility.
128 They applied to the local authority for accommodation as homeless persons, but were rejected on the ground that they had accommodation.
129 Assume, for example, that the local authority receives a lump-sum specific grant.
130 After unsettled early histories all six children came into the care of the local authority in June 1989.
131 Non-national collections, including hundreds of local authority museums and galleries, have still to begin work on their collections.
132 How is a local authority to react to thousands of claims for rebate?http://
133 We do not wish to exclude local authority employees from chairing such a board.
134 As the foreword says, the Code is most importantly addressed to each local authority.
135 The importance of the local authority in taking the lead in the development of a health education policy is paramount.
136 If a person was injured by broken glass left there, the relevant occupier would be the local authority.
137 That also means a commitment to private residential care as much as to local authority residential care.
138 Such comment may, and no doubt does, from time to time overstep boundaries acceptable to the individual or local authority so criticised.
139 However, should any local authority disagree with this position, would you please advise me immediately.
140 There are divisions too on schools opting out of local authority control and on the National Curriculum.
141 If you plan to have cavity wall insulation installed, start by approaching your local authority Building control Officer for approval.
142 The adult education service in Croydon is well supported by the local authority.
143 There is no local authority provision for young people who are homeless - that should be written into a charter.
144 In December 1991 the local authority was granted emergency protection orders in respect of both boys and placed them with foster parents.
145 Other than wanting local authority control of further education, Labour has no policy on that matter either.
146 The local authority asserted that the threshold conditions, under which a care order could be made, had been met.
147 The churches should seek to discover the community trends and local authority plans for the coming years.
148 Two members lived in local authority homes and 15 in households characterised by unemployment and chronically sick and/or lone parents.
149 The recommended salary scale for bureaux managers is pegged to local authority rates for professional staff.
150 The commissioners are enjoined not to cross local authority boundaries in creating parliamentary constituencies.
151 He often acts as secretary of the local authority responsible for convening all the meetings of the local authority and its committees.
152 In greater detail, local authority social services departments would be responsible for: 1.
153 We will maintain our programme of compulsory competitive tendering of local authority services.
154 From income from services provided, and from property owned, by the local authority. 2.
155 This should ideally consist of a period in each of the different sections of a local authority legal department.
156 Basically only four local authority services are subject to oversight by inspectors: education, child care, police and fire.
157 Rather, it seems voters were strongly influenced by their perception of the competence of their own local authority.
158 The other boy was remanded in the care of the local authority and is due to appear before Sutton Youth Court today.
159 There is also substantial affidavit evidence filed by the local authority setting out their concerns and the reasons for them.
160 On the one hand this might lessen the load of dementia on local authority care.
161 Elsewhere, local authority treatment could descend to little more than fashionable mediocrity.
162 In spite of the increased emphasis on planning and focused decision-making, admission to local authority care was often hasty and ill-planned.
162 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
163 The 1988 Housing Act, as we have seen, offered tenants the opportunity to opt out of local authority control.
164 They may require assistance to make representations to the local authority.
165 The local authority decided that the present housing conditions constituted a risk for the mother and baby.
166 The local authority increase in manpower, particularly ancillary and health workers, could largely be explained by such statutory obligations.
167 Several government and local authority funded regeneration programmes have attracted retail and other industries to the area.
168 The local authority has arranged for the twins to attend some kind of daycare centre.
169 The first role clearly requires their presence in court throughout the hearing to instruct the local authority solicitor as necessary.
170 Mr. Portillo A local authority will record those people who step forward as being entitled to single-person discounts.
171 In contrast, there has been a gradual decline in local authority provision.
172 The Training Commission's involvement in vocational training in local authority colleges of further education provides a further example.
173 Private provision, including playgroups and child minders(), has to be registered with local authority Social Services Departments.
174 It is far from clear that the necessary Listed Building Consent for demolition would have been forthcoming from the local authority.
175 To obtain this private statute it is necessary for the local authority to promote a Bill in Parliament laid down by Parliament.
176 A differently composes Court of Appeal rejected an appeal by the local authority on the substantive questions.
177 Difficulties created by local authority boundaries, especially where policies differ sharply and where these divide built up areas are well described.
178 Even more important, they are allowed to opt out of local authority control.
179 The local authority associations were subsequently asked to provide an alternative set of proposals.
180 You may not, however, top your wall with broken glass or barbed wire without the consent of your local authority.
181 Alison Petch has undertaken research in a range of social policy areas, in both local authority and university settings.
182 She withdrew because her case has been taken over by the local authority, her solicitor Alistair Babbington said.
183 Both were remanded into local authority care until 3 March, when they are to appear again.
184 She was also attracted by the opportunity to do advocacy whilst serving articles, which is only possible in a local authority.
185 The department agreed to consider this in consultation with the local authority associations.
186 The local authority must complete the investigation and report back to the court within eight weeks unless the court directs otherwise.
187 Parents denied local authority services may seek advice on their legal position.
188 As a result, it saw the need to continue strong support for local authority housing provision.
189 The local authority brought proceedings in the county court for possession of the temporary accommodation.
190 Local authority associations have identified the need for additional resources to provide both housing and education of the children of refugees.
191 The private sector must be given a fair chance to compete for local authority contracts.
192 The local authority will make enquiries to see if the funeral can be paid for by a relative.
193 The highest concentrations of divorced people living with parents are to be found among men whose parents live in local authority accommodation.
194 I propose to consult local authority associations on that very point.
195 Everyone should have equal protection by the law and the ability to appeal against local authority.
196 A deal between Government, developer and local authority raised £6 million to rebuild the estate; half private, half council.
197 Fourth, a chief executive officer should be appointed as the undisputed head of the paid officers of the local authority.
198 Under an informal family arrangement they paid the mortgage instalments falling due under the local authority mortgage.
199 Note that a s34 order can not be made in respect of a child accommodated by a local authority under a voluntary arrangement.
200 The Labour government laid its emphasis upon local authority housing rather than on private building for sale.
201 The homeless persons sought judicial review of that resolution by the local authority.
202 Then there are the moves to buy up empty properties and for temporary increases in local authority investment.
203 The commission should not be concerned with local authority policy decisions, but in how these decisions are implemented.
204 The charter says to monitor service provision properly, local authority inspection units should consult individuals and organisations within the black community.
205 Last year in Harlow, the national anthem was forbidden by the local authority at council entertainments.
206 The local authority obtained an emergency protection order and placed the girl with foster parents.
207 As the proportion of central support began to fall dramatically, local authority dependence on it became clearer.
208 However, Hatton still faces two charges of conspiring to defraud the local authority.
209 No wonder that independent experts and local authority treasurers are in despair about the timetable that is being forced upon them.
210 The clerk to the local authority was the principal legal adviser and, therefore, invariably a lawyer.
211 This is the first time it has specifically allocated finance for local authority investment in recycling projects.
212 Your local authority will be able to give you details.
213 A postal survey is being conducted to provide a comprehensive national profile of computer use in local authority planning departments.
214 Of the 3.5 million under fives in this country, only 1% can be placed in local authority nurseries.
215 This enormous decline in public housing was largely due to a government-induced squeeze on local authority expenditure.
216 All local authority auditors are expected to review aspects of value for money as part of their annual audit programme.
217 In this section attention turns to the question of which source of finance is preferable for a local authority.
218 The Housing Act 1988 gave further encouragement to the breakup of the large housing estates remaining under local authority control.
219 Broadly speaking, it's best to ask your local authority about whether any official approval is needed before going ahead.
220 That has improved in recent years and I congratulate the local authority and the local schools and colleges on that.
221 The local authority also undertakes supervision of children and this replaces the previous probation order.
222 The obligation to provide such a service should rest, it was said, with the local authority.
223 In the latter case it will be necessary to work closely with the local authority in carrying out a capital project.
224 Clearly, so long as ministerial assurances are honoured, rate-capping can deliver only very limited reductions in total local authority expenditure.
225 My local authority spends a lot of money simply issuing court summonses and trying to pursue people for non-payment.
226 The courts must now make care orders committing children to the care of the local authority.
227 My Department is working closely with local authority associations on the matter.
228 These assessments form a crucial input to the determination of the actual funding allocation to each Local Authority through Block Grant.
229 No departmental official of mine has told a local authority not to build new.
230 The establishment of these schools outside the local authority system is a matter of heated political debate.
231 High-quality community care, available through voluntary, private and local authority services to people unable to care for themselves.
232 How will a local authority find out who is entitled to a discount?
233 Now a report from a local authority inspection team has underlined the quality of the school.
234 Local authority expenditure during the 12 years since we took office has risen by 26 percent. in real terms.
235 For many in local authority or privately rented accommodation, the sense of frustration and powerlessness can be overwhelming.
236 Parliament has expressly given him power to intervene when the local authority is acting unreasonably.
237 On 19 December 1991 the local authority sought interim care orders.
238 At the end of the line, the local authority careers service is called in to rescue what remains of this shambles.
239 This policy halted the previously continuous growth of local authority tenancies and contributed to the overall increase in owner occupancy.
240 Will local authority employees on community mental health teams operate care management while their colleagues operate care programming?
241 However, if you're not sure whether you need planning permission or Buildings Regulations approval, talk to your local authority.
242 The site had been in the ownership of the local authority since 1901, but after clearance it was largely empty.
243 The reasons for the growth in local authority expenditure during the 1960s and early 1970s may be summarised as follows.
244 Central government, therefore, requires information that local authority expenditure has been legitimate and that minimum service provisions have been met.
245 The trio have clocked up more than 100 years of local authority service between them.
246 The local authority named must be the authority in whose area the child is ordinarily resident.
247 All local authority social services departments offer different kinds of help and support.
248 Read in studio A new code of conduct for street entertainers has been drawn up by a local authority.
249 We will extend compulsory competitive tendering to local authority housing management, and examine how to apply it to white-collar services.
250 Schools and housing associations can opt out of local authority control.
251 Yet the two local authority community workers know the sharper side of Muriel's tongue.
252 The new provisions for smoke detectors will be enforced by each local authority[ ], as part of its existing Building Control function.
253 The local authority borrowing requirement fell to £1.8 billion last year from £3.4 billion, suggesting higher poll tax receipts.
254 Some grants are paid directly to the developer; others are paid to the local authority or other public body.
255 Because the Government and Conservative Members supported the poll tax, local authority meat inspection is in difficulty.
256 Even a weekly visit by a local authority home help - when it was finally arranged - was not enough.
257 It also became clear that diametrically opposed opinions of and attitudes towards integration could quite easily be found within a local authority.
258 Recent reorganisations have been strongly influenced by discussions about the appropriate size that would enable a local authority to accept particular responsibilities.
259 It also demanded that the Government immediately underwrite the total costs facing islanders and the local authority.
260 He said that last year the local authority spent £1.35m. on concessionary fares and would spend the same this year.
261 At the other extreme is the introduction of market principles into local authority practice by means of paid care schemes.
262 HMIs fulfil both of these conditions, but this is not so for local authority inspectors.
263 Most children attend only part-time - morning or afternoon. Local authority nurseries charge, nursery classes do not.
264 The local authority chartered him to do business.
265 Local authority and new town tenants would have the right to buy their own homes.
266 He is the secretary of the local authority finance committee.
267 Lib Dem backbencher John Pugh presents a ten minute rule bill on local authority devolution and powers.
268 The local authority grant the company an interest-free loan to start up the new factory.
269 The effect of this has been to increasingly marginalize the local authority sector.
270 He gained entrance to the house by impersonate a local authority inspector.
271 China Local authority is equipped with the land reserve transaction center, carries on the land transaction.
272 Use and connection of auxiliary switch to be reviewed and accepted by local authority having jurisdicition.
273 Overall responsibility usually lies with the governing body of an institution or a local authority.




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