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单词 embarrassment
释义 Word family  noun embarrassment adjective embarrassed embarrassing verb embarrass adverb embarrassingly  em·bar·rass·ment /ɪmˈbærəsmənt/ ●●○ noun  1  [uncountable]EMBARRASSED the feeling you have when you are embarrassed 窘迫,尴尬,难为情embarrassment at She suffered extreme embarrassment at not knowing how to read. 她不识字,这让她难堪极了。 He could not hide his embarrassment at his children’s rudeness. 他无法掩饰自己孩子的无礼给他带来的难堪。to somebody’s embarrassment To her embarrassment, she couldn’t remember his name. 她想不起他的名字,感到很尴尬。2  [countable]EMBARRASSED an event that causes a government, political organization etc problems, and makes it look bad 使〔政府、政治机构等〕为难的事embarrassment to/for The allegations have been an acute embarrassment (=serious and severe embarrassment) to the prime minister. 这些指控令首相极其头痛。 The scandal was a further source of embarrassment to the government. 丑闻让政府进一步陷入困境。3  [countable]EMBARRASSED someone who behaves in a way that makes you feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable 使人难堪[尴尬]的人embarrassment to Tim’s drinking has made him an embarrassment to the whole family. 蒂姆的酗酒让全家人都为他难堪。4. financial embarrassment MONEYdebts or a lack of money that causes problems for you 欠账;拮据5. an embarrassment of riches LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTso many good things that it is difficult to decide which one you want 〔好东西〕多得不知道选哪个好n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the feeling you have when you are embarrassedadjectivesgreat embarrassmentTo my great embarrassment, my dad started dancing.severe/extreme embarrassmentThis scandal could cause severe embarrassment to the government.considerable embarrassment (=quite strong)His behaviour was a source of considerable embarrassment to his family.acute embarrassment (=very strong and not lasting very long)There was a moment of acute embarrassment when we realized people were watching.further embarrassment (=extra or additional)His resignation should save the government any further embarrassment.potential embarrassment (=possible)By dropping out of the competition, he was spared the potential embarrassment of losing.obvious embarrassment (=clear for other people to see)He shuffled his feet around in obvious embarrassment.verbscause embarrassmentSome of his jokes caused embarrassment to the older members of the audience.avoid embarrassmentThis solution could help both countries avoid embarrassment.hide your embarrassmentShe started laughing in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.phrasesa source of embarrassment (=a cause of embarrassment)His views on immigration were a constant source of embarrassment to the party.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: an event that causes a government, political organization etc problems, and makes it look badverbsbe/become an embarrassmentYour behaviour is becoming an embarrassment to the considered an embarrassment (=be thought of as embarrassing)He may be popular abroad, but he's considered an embarrassment at home.prove an embarrassment (=be an embarrassment)The publication of the documents proved a severe embarrassment to the company.adjectivesa big/severe embarrassmentThis failure was a severe embarrassment to the government. a huge embarrassment (=very big or severe)If the story is true, it could prove a huge embarrassment to the star.a serious/major embarrassment (=severe and important)This episode has been a serious embarrassment for the acute embarrassment (=extremely severe and important)Her memoirs were an acute embarrassment to the president.a considerable embarrassment (=quite severe)The photograph was a considerable embarrassment to the royal family.Examples from the Corpusembarrassment• In Britain the only consensus has appeared to be to regard him as an embarrassment.• With the cold war over, I became an embarrassment to my parents and a joke to my kids.• She soon became an embarrassment to her sons.• We have an embarrassment of riches here!• Stich's arrest was an embarrassment to the agency because they had often criticized foreign governments of corruption.• Looking in her direction was an embarrassment.• He looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.• Will looked down and tried to hide his embarrassment.• She read my poem out to the whole class - I almost died of embarrassment.• In their 74-point embarrassment on Sunday, the team appeared disorganized.embarrassment at• She suffered extreme embarrassment at not knowing how to read.embarrassment to/for• He was becoming an embarrassment to the Government.• The study is an embarrassment for the lord chancellor, who insists that appointments are made purely on merit.• Our failure was an embarrassment to everyone from President Tom Strauss to the lowest geek in London.• The content may be too trivial or too deep for the group, causing embarrassment to the teacher.• This was a source of perpetual embarrassment to the college and fuel for attack on the part of critics in the press.• But the meteorites were a potential embarrassment to the purest forms of uniformitarianism.• This party had the nerve to announce his shameful embarrassments to all the world!em·bar·rass·ment noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  embarrassed Corpus have you are you when feeling the




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