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单词 unrepresentative
释义 Word family  noun representation representative adjective representative ≠ unrepresentative representational verb represent  un·rep·re·sen·ta·tive /ˌʌnreprɪˈzentətɪv/ adjective  TYPICAL#not typical of a particular group of things or people 不典型的,不具代表性的unrepresentative of opinions that are unrepresentative of the population 不代表全部人的观点Examples from the Corpusunrepresentative• The problem is that they are a small sample of all criminals, and almost certainly unrepresentative.• However, there is no reason to believe that the sample is unrepresentative in any way.• Naturally this judgement has to be tempered by the unrepresentative nature of the sample of reports that it draws upon.• Second, the telephone lists actually used for the sample were unrepresentative of the electorate.• These workers are unrepresentative of the general population.• The result is only representative on those variables selected for the quota, and may be quite unrepresentative on other factors.• One only has to look at the statistics to see how unrepresentative Xuxa's world is.un·rep·re·sen·ta·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  group a of Corpus of not or things particular typical




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