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单词 catty
释义  cat·ty /ˈkæti/ adjective  UNPLEASANTsomeone who is catty says unkind things about people 搬弄是非的,尖酸刻薄的 —cattily adverb —cattiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuscatty• The office of the chairman was noted for its catty animosities.• When a rival female lawyer makes a catty comment about her shade of lipstick, she totally flips out.• Joyce made a catty comment about Sonia's clothes.• Deana Davenport, of course, and her catty comment had been somewhat inaccurate.• Summoning the presence not to say something catty, I said something silly.• There would be whispers at the church socials, catty remarks behind her back in the supermarket aisles.• The catty rumor was that the only reason Oseary got his job was that he was her boyfriend.• So jealous, so catty, so, well, murderous, when scorned?cat·ty adjectiveChineseSyllable  is about says who someone Corpus unkind catty things




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